This menu was accessible right-clicking the Play button in the
Timeline (and in the Preview window, with specific options for the
This change includes some changes:
1. Now if a menu <item> in gui.xml doesn't specify a text field, the
text of the command is used (to avoid double translation, the bad
side is that we don't have a mnemonic specified).
2. Menu::showPopup() can be used with submenus from the root menu, to
do this we have to remove the menu item owner temporarily before we
show the menu as popup (see the change in Menu::showPopup())
3. We can specify a special active DocView for commands with
UIContext::SetTargetView, this is used to set the Preview editor as
active view for commands like TogglePlayOnce, etc.
We cannot use the fix from 6e2b44c72d811adf87fdfb4731f748266e6a2102 as
they contain different slice borders depending on the state (and that
generated moving labels/icons in RGBA/Grayscale/Indexed buttons when
we hover the mouse on them), so we had to revert it and use a new
"buttonset_item_active" theme part to set the background of Edit
Now these buttons look more like the previous version, where the
special background color is painted to the edges. To achieve this the
"buttonset_item_normal" part has less border to fill the background
with "edit_pal_face" color in "pal_edit_button_unlock" and
"edit_tiles_mode" styles.
The icon/stylus was inverted. We've also moved the icon for each state
to the theme xml (so we don't need to use setIcon() manually anymore
for this button).
As the "multiple windows" feature is still buggy (#3556) and we've
disabled it by default, it's nice to make this option more visible (in
the General section) so users reliant on this will find the switch
We've added an experimental option (enabled by default) to keep the
compressed tileset data when we load/save a .aseprite file to avoid
recompressing each time we save (and only compressing the tileset if
tiles are modified).
This is an attempt to make the save operation faster when we use
sprites with several tilemap layers + large tilesets (many tiles, with
big tiles).
Some extra changes introduced:
* DocUndo & CmdTransaction were simplified: removing the saved
counter, and storing a specific UndoState pointing to the state that
matches the version in the disk
* DocUndo::onDeleteUndoState() can generate a
impossibleToBackToSavedState() if the saved state is deleted. This
might fix some bugs where a "save changes" dialog weren't displayed
after undoing and making changes (probably related to #3542, but not
Some extra work is needed to avoid showing the "save changes" dialog
if we are close to the saved state and only non-modification undo
states separate us from there. E.g. if we open a file, select the
canvas, and close it, Aseprite now shows the "save changes" dialog,
this wasn't true in previous versions.