Regression added in 056073b3f1a7d54cdf9a113110f50947b9b4d525 in the
custom file selector. Every time you saved a new sprite the dialog
started at the root path (e.g. Desktop) instead of the last used
Fixes a bug copying 8bpp images (e.g. from YY-CHR program).
Regression introduced in 282b040b52844e9210959ebaeda55ea47fd10591
Related thread:
This can happen using Pribambase extension when we close Aseprite in
some strange way (e.g. killing the process), and the connection is not
closed correctly. It looks like the Blender addon is in an invalid
state and the data cannot be sent any more, but without this patch
Aseprite just hangs/crashes if we retry sending data, but with this
fix we can receive/show that an error happened sending data.
Related to:
Now each tool has independent 'dynamic options'. A global configuration
for all tools is also possible via the 'Same in all tools' option.
ALso this fix, solves a regression inserted in:
(bug inserted: stabilizer is always active)
This fix disables the fine control when the transformation doesn't
include rotation, skew and/or fine scaling (so just translating doesn't
allow fine control until we rotate/skew/scaling, this might change in
the future if we add a new anti-aliasing rotation algorithm).
Also this fix improves the regular movement of the selected image.
This patch solves several problems introducing the possibility to
specify a row stride bigger than the width (visible pixels) on each
image row. Useful in case that we want to align the initial pixel
address of each row (if DOC_USE_ALIGNED_PIXELS is defined).
This allows us to use some SIMD intrinsics (e.g. SSE2) for some image
functions in the future (right now implemented only in the new
is_same_image_simd_templ() for is_same_image()).
Anyway to avoid breaking some existing code, by default we'll still
keep the old behavior: row stride bytes = width bytes (so
A reference to a doc object (Sprite, Layer, Cel, etc.) is done through
its ID in the scripting engine, when we try to access it from a script
that element might be already deleted. Previously we displayed the a
message like "Using a nil 'Cel' object". With this change we show the
traceback and a "Tried to access a deleted 'Cel'" message.
The old impl was using get/put_pixel(), the new slow one is using the
get/put_pixel_fast(), and the new default flip_image() is using just
raw pointers.
Added some utilites like random_image() for testing purposes, and
DOC_DISPATCH_BY_COLOR_MODE() macros to avoid switch/case for each
color mode. In a future these might use generic lambdas.
As Shift+Alt enables the subtract mode, if we touch an editor edges
and receive a MouseEnter message, we cannot update the selection
modifiers with the pressed Alt key because that will start rotating the
rectangular marquee automatically. We've to start rotating only if we
release the Alt key and then press it again (not by just moving the
Recent regression introduced in bd91a6430fdc04c3bc4d35b5d0c11de80c763198
when the ordering of MouseEnter/Move/Leave message order was fixed.
It looks like the mouse got captured by the Aseprite window if we
start the Zenity command using the mouse in certain way (e.g. when we
click the Open File link from the Home tab). The same doesn't happen
if we press Ctrl+O or click the File > Open menu.