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# Table of contents
* [Platforms](#platforms)
* [Get the source code](#get-the-source-code)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
* [Linux dependencies](#linux-dependencies)
* [Compiling](#compiling)
* [Mac OS X details](#mac-os-x-details)
* [Issues with Retina displays](#issues-with-retina-displays)
* [Using shared third party libraries](#using-shared-third-party-libraries)
* [Linux issues](#linux-issues)
# Platforms
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
You should be able to compile Aseprite successfully on the following
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
* Windows 10 + VS2015 Community Edition + Windows 10 SDK
* Mac OS X 10.11.4 El Capitan + Xcode 7.3 + OS X 10.11 SDK + Skia (without GPU)
* Linux + gcc 4.8 with some C++11 support
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
# Get the source code
You can get the source code downloading a ``
file from the latest Aseprite release:
Or you can clone the repository and all its submodules using the
following command:
git clone --recursive
To update an existing clone you can use the following commands:
cd aseprite
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
On Windows you can use programs like
[msysgit]( to clone the repository.
# Dependencies
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
2014-08-14 00:41:30 -03:00
Aseprite uses the latest version of [CMake](
(3.4 or greater) as its build system. Also we use
[Ninja]( build files regularly instead of
Visual Studio or Xcode projects. Finally, you will need `awk` utility
to compile the embedded (non-shared version of) libpng library (on
Windows you can get this utility from MSYS2 distributions,
e.g. [MozillaBuild](
Aseprite can be compiled with two different back-ends:
1. Allegro back-end (Windows, Linux): You will not need any extra
library because the repository already contains a modified version
of the Allegro library. This back-end is only available for Windows
and Linux and it'll be removed in following versions.
2. Skia back-end (Windows, OS X): You will need a compiled version of
[Skia](, `chrome/m50` branch, without GPU support,
i.e. compiled with `GYP_DEFINES='skia_gpu=0'`. When you compile
Aseprite, you'll need to give some variables to CMake:
`-DSKIA_DIR=...` pointing to the Skia checkout directory. (Note:
2016-04-15 10:18:05 -03:00
The GPU support is a work-in-progress, so it will be available in a
## Linux dependencies
You will need the following dependencies:
sudo apt-get update -qq
sudo apt-get install -y g++ libx11-dev libxcursor-dev cmake ninja-build
The `libxcursor-dev` package is needed to
[hide the hardware cursor](
# Compiling
2013-11-23 16:32:13 -03:00
The following are the steps to compile Aseprite (in this case we have
the repository clone in a directory called `aseprite`):
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
1. Make a build directory to leave all the files that are result of
the compilation process (`.exe`, `.lib`, `.obj`, `.a`, `.o`, etc).
C:\>cd aseprite
C:\aseprite>mkdir build
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
In this way, if you want to start with a fresh copy of Aseprite
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
source code, you can remove the `build` directory and start again.
2. Enter in the new directory and execute cmake giving to it
your compiler as generator:
C:\aseprite>cd build
If you have ninja:
C:\aseprite\build>cmake -G Ninja ..
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
If you have nmake (MSVC compilers):
C:\aseprite\build>cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
If you have Visual Studio you can generate a solution:
C:\aseprite\build>cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" ..
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
If you are on Linux:
~/aseprite/build$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
For more information in [CMake wiki](
2016-02-29 12:34:55 -03:00
Additionally you can change build settings by passing them on the
command line, like so:
~/aseprite/build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/software ..
2016-02-29 12:34:55 -03:00
or later on with a tool like
3. After you have executed one of the `cmake -G <generator> ..`
2012-07-08 01:41:14 -03:00
commands, you have to compile the project executing make, nmake,
opening the solution, etc.
4. When the project is compiled, you can find the executable file
2016-02-29 12:34:55 -03:00
inside `build/bin/aseprite.exe`. If you invoked `make install` it
will be copied to an appropriate location
(e.g. `/usr/local/bin/aseprite` on Linux).
# Mac OS X details
2014-08-14 00:41:30 -03:00
From v1.1.4 we compile with Mac OS X 10.11 SDK universal. You should
run cmake with the following parameters:
2014-08-14 00:41:30 -03:00
-D "CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT:PATH=/Applications/"
2014-08-14 00:41:30 -03:00
## Issues with Retina displays
If you have a Retina display, check this issue:
# Using shared third party libraries
2013-11-23 16:32:13 -03:00
If you don't want to use the embedded code of third party libraries
(i.e. to use your installed versions), you can disable static linking
configuring each `USE_SHARED_` option.
2016-02-29 12:34:55 -03:00
After running `cmake -G`, you can edit `build/CMakeCache.txt` file,
and enable the `USE_SHARED_` flag (set its value to `ON`) of the
library that you want to be linked dynamically.
2013-11-23 16:32:13 -03:00
## Linux issues
If you use the official version of Allegro 4.4 library (i.e. you
compile with `USE_SHARED_ALLEGRO4=ON`) you will experience a couple of
known issues solved in
[our patched version of Allegro 4.4 library](
* You will
[not be able to resize the window](
* You will have problems
[adding HSV colors in non-English systems](
using the warning icon.