- Fixed an instance where the term "peer" wasn't using the extended term (cliente).
- Fixed the ordering of Dynamic Audio Rate Control.
- Added a translation for the term "frame time".
- Added the missing revision/proofread of the help messages.
- Translated the missing help messages.
- Did a quick cleanup of unneeded line jumps.
Hello there, this is a large update and proofread for RetroArch's Spanish translation.
I have done the following changes:
- Translated the new strings.
- Unified the tenses being used for menu entry labels and sublabels (There was a mix of tenses all over the place, so I've decided for now to use infinitive for labels and present's second person in singular for starting sublabels).
- Unified many terms that were translated in more than one way (frames, for example, had frames and fotogramas all around).
- Added many missing trailing periods at sublabels and what I think are OSD notifications.
- Fixed a metric ton of missing accents.
- Added rewrites on some translations.
- Updated translations wherever the English texts had substantial changes.
There's one thing that I might have mixed, and that's the Spanish region that the line's being directed. Back when I started this translation, I followed the European Spanish expressions and verbal tenses, but it seems there's been a deviation since then into Latin American Spanish's expressions and verbal usage (video/indice instead of vídeo/índice, encontró instead of ha encontrado... Not sure if it's actually an attempt to do Neutral Spanish).
A decision has to be made about this (Either try to go with Neutral or split the translation into European Spanish and Latin American. I'd personally go with the latter).