Fix handling of interrupt endpoints. i.e. no ZLPs.
Fix the assignation of endpoint types.
Add button support for MM900evx boards.
On board support do not block for UART input.
Correct USB FIFO use for setup data phases (OUT transfers). We cannot stop traffic on the control endpoint so we set a flag and pull data from host when tinyUSB requests it from the USB FIFO. Extend this for all endpoints although currently not required.
Rename all instances of ft90x which can apply to ft93x as ft9xx.
Add support for the cdc_dual_ports example for ft9xx.
Add LED pin definition for board LED in a simple to access place on the Bridgetek MM900EVx boards.
The SetLineCoding would fail as host would send the SETUP OUT phase before tinyUSB had setup a transaction for it. ft9xx port would ignore the transfer since there was no valid transaction setup for it. One SETUP data phase packet is cached now.
This affects struct rspMsg in usbtmc_app.c (unconditionally) and uint8_t
termChar in usbtmc_device.c (when NDEBUG is defined). IAR generates warning
Pe550 'variable was set but never used'.
IAR generates warning Pe111 'statement is unreachable'. In a couple of
cases, replace return statements with TU_ATTR_FALLTHROUGH; because some
compilers apparently can't figure out that the return statements are
unreachable but do whinge about an imagined fall-through without them!
strings.h is not an ISO header file, so IAR generates fatal error Pe1696
'cannot open source file "strings.h"'. Even though strncasecmp isn't an
ISO C library function, IAR's runtime library defines it, though it
declares it in string.h instead.