Fix issue with the CDC SetLineCoding request

The SetLineCoding would fail as host would send the SETUP OUT phase before tinyUSB had setup a transaction for it. ft9xx port would ignore the transfer since there was no valid transaction setup for it. One SETUP data phase packet is cached now.
This commit is contained in:
Gordon McNab 2022-11-28 17:41:00 +00:00
parent 9ccfb384e8
commit 1fce76ad47
5 changed files with 87 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ enum
#define EPNUM_CDC_1_OUT 0x05
#define EPNUM_CDC_1_IN 0x85
// SAMG & SAME70 don't support a same endpoint number with different direction IN and OUT
// e.g EP1 OUT & EP1 IN cannot exist together
#define EPNUM_CDC_0_NOTIF 0x81

View File

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
#include "bsp/board.h"
#include "board.h"
#include <registers/ft900_registers.h>
#include <ft900.h>
#include <registers/ft900_registers.h>
int8_t board_ft90x_vbus(void); // Board specific implementation of VBUS detection for USB device.
@ -213,3 +213,18 @@ uint32_t board_millis(void)
return safe_ms;
// Restart the program
// Called in the event of a watchdog timeout
void chip_reboot(void)
// SOFT reset
__asm__("call 0");
#if 0
// HARD reset
// Initiates data transfer from Flash Memory to Data Memory (DBG_CMDF2D3)
// followed by a system reboot
dbg_memory_copy(0xfe, 0, 0, 255);

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ endif
# Add include files which are within the TinyUSB directory structure.
INC += \
# Add required C Compiler flags for FT90X.
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ CFLAGS += \
-fvar-tracking-assignments \
-fmessage-length=0 \
-ffunction-sections \
# Maximum USB device speed supported by the board
# lwip/src/core/raw.c:334:43: error: declaration of 'recv' shadows a global declaration
CFLAGS += -Wno-error=shadow
# Add include files outside the TinyUSB structure that are added manually.
CFLAGS += -I"$(FT9XX_SDK)/include"
# Set Linker flags.
LD_FILE = hw/mcu/bridgetek/ft9xx/scripts/ldscript.ld
LDFLAGS += $(addprefix -L,$(LDINC)) \

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c810d1312ded923c3c2ed9035c97bd0db4f35b5f
Subproject commit 0ea80ceafdf32e4e496cacc94178417e2ef4bf9c

View File

@ -38,9 +38,6 @@
#include <ft900.h>
#include <registers/ft900_registers.h>
#include "board.h"
#include "bsp/board.h"
#include "device/dcd.h"
@ -53,14 +50,20 @@
extern int8_t board_ft90x_vbus(void);
// Static array to store an incoming SETUP request for processing by tinyusb.
static uint8_t _ft90x_setup_packet[8];
// Static array to store one SETUP DATA packet until required by dcd_edpt_xfer.
static uint8_t _ft90x_ctrl_buf[CFG_TUD_ENDPOINT0_SIZE];
static uint8_t _ft90x_ctrl_buf_complete;
struct ft90x_xfer_state
volatile uint8_t valid; // Transfer is pending and total_size, remain_size, and buff_ptr are valid.
volatile int16_t total_size; // Total transfer size in bytes for this transfer.
volatile int16_t remain_size; // Total remaining in transfer.
volatile uint8_t *buff_ptr; // Pointer to buffer to transmit from or receive to.
int16_t total_size; // Total transfer size in bytes for this transfer.
int16_t remain_size; // Total remaining in transfer.
uint8_t *buff_ptr; // Pointer to buffer to transmit from or receive to.
uint8_t type; // Endpoint type. Of type USBD_ENDPOINT_TYPE from endpoint descriptor.
uint8_t dir; // Endpoint direction. TUSB_DIR_OUT or TUSB_DIR_IN. For control endpoint this is the current direction.
@ -766,13 +769,13 @@ bool dcd_edpt_open(uint8_t rhport, tusb_desc_endpoint_t const *ep_desc)
USBD_EP_CR_REG(USBD_EP_0) = (ep_reg_size << BIT_USBD_EP0_MAX_SIZE);
// Store the endpoint characteristics for later reference.
ep_xfer[ep_number].dir = ep_dir;
ep_xfer[ep_number].type = ep_type;
ep_xfer[ep_number].size = ep_size;
ep_xfer[ep_number].buff_size = ep_buff_size;
// Clear register transaction continuation and signalling state.
ep_xfer[ep_number].valid = 0;
ep_xfer[ep_number].buff_ptr = NULL;
@ -809,12 +812,9 @@ bool dcd_edpt_xfer(uint8_t rhport, uint8_t ep_addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t to
// Transfer currently in progress.
if (ep_xfer[ep_number].valid == 0)
status = true;
ep_xfer[ep_number].total_size = total_bytes;
ep_xfer[ep_number].remain_size = total_bytes;
ep_xfer[ep_number].buff_ptr = buffer;
ep_xfer[ep_number].valid = 1;
if (ep_number == USBD_EP_0)
@ -835,10 +835,33 @@ bool dcd_edpt_xfer(uint8_t rhport, uint8_t ep_addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t to
ep_xfer[ep_number].buff_ptr += xfer_bytes;
ep_xfer[ep_number].remain_size -= xfer_bytes;
// Tell the interrupt handler to signal dcd_event_xfer_complete on completion.
ep_xfer[ep_number].valid = 1;
// For OUT transfers on the control endpoint.
// The host may already have performed the first data transfer after the SETUP packet
// before the transfer is setup for it.
if ((ep_number == USBD_EP_0) && (_ft90x_ctrl_buf_complete))
// Pull the received data packet from the packet cache and complete the transfer
// immediately.
memcpy(buffer, _ft90x_ctrl_buf, _ft90x_ctrl_buf_complete);
dcd_event_xfer_complete(BOARD_TUD_RHPORT, TUSB_DIR_OUT, _ft90x_ctrl_buf_complete, XFER_RESULT_SUCCESS, false);
// Tell the interrupt handler to wait for the packet to be received.
ep_xfer[ep_number].valid = 1;
status = true;
return status;
@ -899,7 +922,7 @@ void dcd_edpt_clear_stall(uint8_t rhport, uint8_t ep_addr)
void _ft90x_usbd_ISR(void)
tud_int_handler(BOARD_TUD_RHPORT); // Resolves to dcd_int_handler().
void dcd_int_handler(uint8_t rhport)
@ -962,7 +985,6 @@ void dcd_int_handler(uint8_t rhport)
// Clear interrupt register.
// Test for an incoming SETUP request on the control endpoint.
@ -976,7 +998,7 @@ void dcd_int_handler(uint8_t rhport)
// Host has sent a SETUP packet. Recieve this into the setup packet store.
// Host has sent a SETUP packet. Recieve this into the SETUP packet store.
_ft90x_dusb_out(USBD_EP_0, (uint8_t *)_ft90x_setup_packet, sizeof(USB_device_request));
// Send the packet to tinyusb.
@ -985,6 +1007,9 @@ void dcd_int_handler(uint8_t rhport)
// Clear the interrupt that signals a SETUP packet is received.
// Invalidate cache packet.
_ft90x_ctrl_buf_complete = 0;
// Allow new transfers on the control endpoint.
ep_xfer[USBD_EP_0].valid = 0;
@ -998,15 +1023,36 @@ void dcd_int_handler(uint8_t rhport)
// Transfer incoming data from an OUT packet to the buffer supplied.
if (ep_xfer[USBD_EP_0].dir == TUSB_DIR_OUT)
xfer_bytes = _ft90x_edpt_xfer_out(USBD_EP_0, (uint8_t *)ep_xfer[USBD_EP_0].buff_ptr, xfer_bytes);
xfer_bytes = _ft90x_edpt_xfer_out(USBD_EP_0, ep_xfer[USBD_EP_0].buff_ptr, xfer_bytes);
// Now signal completion of data packet.
dcd_event_xfer_complete(BOARD_TUD_RHPORT, (ep_xfer[USBD_EP_0].dir ? TUSB_DIR_IN_MASK : 0), xfer_bytes, XFER_RESULT_SUCCESS, true);
// Invalidate cache packet.
_ft90x_ctrl_buf_complete = 0;
// Allow new transfers on the control endpoint.
ep_xfer[USBD_EP_0].valid = 0;
// We have received a data packet on the control endpoint without a transfer
// being initialised. This can be because the host has sent this packet before
// a new transfer has been initiated on the control endpoint.
// We will cache upto the maximum packet size for the control endpoint and
// use it later in dcd_edpt_xfer.
xfer_bytes = CFG_TUD_ENDPOINT0_SIZE;
// Transfer incoming data from an OUT packet to the cache packet.
xfer_bytes = _ft90x_edpt_xfer_out(USBD_EP_0, _ft90x_ctrl_buf, xfer_bytes);
// Set the size of the cache packet.
_ft90x_ctrl_buf_complete = xfer_bytes;
// Clear the interrupt that signals a SETUP DATA packet is received.
else // !(epif & MASK_USBD_EPIF_EP0IRQ)
@ -1035,7 +1081,7 @@ void dcd_int_handler(uint8_t rhport)
if (ep_xfer[ep_number].dir == TUSB_DIR_OUT)
xfer_bytes = _ft90x_edpt_xfer_out(ep_number,
(uint8_t *)ep_xfer[ep_number].buff_ptr,
ep_xfer[ep_number].buff_ptr += xfer_bytes;
@ -1047,7 +1093,7 @@ void dcd_int_handler(uint8_t rhport)
if (ep_xfer[ep_number].remain_size > 0)
xfer_bytes = _ft90x_edpt_xfer_in(ep_number,
(uint8_t *)ep_xfer[ep_number].buff_ptr,
ep_xfer[ep_number].buff_ptr += xfer_bytes;