Quantum Space Buddies (QSB) is a multiplayer mod for Outer Wilds. The mod uses the OWML mod loader and customized UNET code (internally referred to as QNet or QuantumUNET) for networking.
- Latest version of Outer Wilds. (Epic version preferred, as Steam version is untestable. **We cannot guarantee QSB, or OWML, will work on cracked/pirated versions of Outer Wilds. Do not come asking us for help when using pirated versions.**)
TL;DR - Don't use any mods with QSB that aren't marked as QSB compatible.
QSB relies on exact orders of objects found using Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll to sync objects, so any mod that changes the hierarchy at all risks breaking QSB. Also, QSB relies on certain game events being called when things happen in-game. Any mod that makes these things happen without calling the correct events will break QSB. Some mods will work fine and have been tested, like CrouchMod. Others may only work partly, like EnableDebugMode and TAICheat.
**NomaiVR compatibility is currently not planned and likely will never happen, due to extensive changes needed to both mods for it to work.**
- Open port 7777 TCP and UDP on your router. If access the internet through multiple layers of routers, the port will need to be opened on every router.
- Open port 7777 TCP and UDP in and out on your firewall. Some AVs might block you editing firewall settings, so check with your specific software.
- Make sure you are giving your public IPv4 address to your clients.
#### For the client :
- Open port 7777 TCP and UDP in and out on your firewall. Some AVs might block you editing firewall settings, so check with your specific software.
- Sometimes, it has helped to change your network profile to "private".
- Make sure you are putting the right address into the address box.
If nothing here works, many people have got QSB working through programs such as Hamachi. Also make sure you are not running through a VPN while trying to connect.
Note - _nebula has no idea how Hamachi works and has never used it, so don't ask them for help setting it up! As said before, we are tech support for the mod. If you cannot connect to someone, or someone cannot connect to you, **that is not QSB's fault.**
After doing this, the project references should be working.
When you build the solution, the QuantumUNET dll and all the mod files/assets are copied to `[Mod Manager directory]/OWML/QSB` from the dev folder.
QSB.dll is first built to the dev folder as usual, then QNetWeaver is ran on it to weave in QNet/UNet serialisation code. This program outputs to the `WeavedFiles` folder, and then the weaved dll is also copied to `[Mod Manager directory]/OWML/QSB`.
- To fix the references, right click "References" in the Solution Explorer > "Add Reference", and add all the missing DLLs (references with yellow warning icon). You can find these DLLs in the game's directory (`OuterWilds\OuterWilds_Data\Managed`);
- Special thanks (and apologies) to all the people in the #modding channel, which I (_nebula) have been using as a virtual [rubber duck.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging)