Especially for a sequence of similar lines of test code, or where the result of
an expression is being compared to a short integer (especially 0 or 1).
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
The unit tests were created by capturing runs of the existing function during
execution of existing unit tests.
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
The test cases use the following MPI values:
0 1 fffe ffffffff 100000000 20000000000000 ffffffffffffffff
10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0 fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe
100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0
and the following scalars. The .data files include two sets of results (final
accumulator and carry) for the cases sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4 or 8.
0 3 fe ff ffff 10000 ffffffff 100000000 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f 8000000000000000
The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# - generate/run MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_mla()
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::BigInt;
use sort 'stable';
my @mla_mpis = qw(
0 1 fffe ffffffff 100000000 20000000000000 ffffffffffffffff
10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0 fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe
100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0
my @mla_scalars = qw(
0 3 fe ff ffff 10000 ffffffff 100000000 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f 8000000000000000
my @mla_full_mpis = qw(
0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0
my @mla_full_scalars = qw(
0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
fffffffe ffffffff 100000000
8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
sub generate_tests {
sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_mla {
my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3]; # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_sub_mpi
my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);
my @cases = ();
for my $ah (@mla_mpis) {
for my $bh (@mla_mpis) {
for my $ch (@mla_scalars) {
# a += b * c (c is scalar)
# a_len >= b_len. need carry out.
my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
my $c = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ch);
my $max = ($a > $b) ? $a : $b;
my $bound4 = bound_mpi4($max);
my $bound8 = bound_mpi8($max);
my $r = $a + $b * $c;
my ($r4, $cy4) = ($r->copy(), 0);
my ($r8, $cy8) = ($r->copy(), 0);
($cy4, $r4) = $r4->bdiv($bound4);
($cy8, $r8) = $r8->bdiv($bound8);
my $rh4 = $r4->to_hex();
my $rh8 = $r8->to_hex();
my $cyh4 = $cy4->to_hex();
my $cyh8 = $cy8->to_hex();
# If the scalar c is too big for 1 x 4-byte MPI, we can only run this test on a system with 8-byte MPIs
my $depends = mpi4s($c) > 1 ? "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64" : "";
my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER: 0x$ah + 0x$bh * 0x$ch = (0x$rh4, carry 0x$cyh4)/(0x$rh8, carry 0x$cyh8)EXPLAIN";
my $case = output($test_name, str($ah), str($bh), str($ch), str($rh4), str($cyh4), str($rh8), str($cyh8));
push(@cases, [$case, $desc, $depends]);
output_cases(" (for when sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4/8)", @cases);
sub output_cases {
my ($explain, @cases) = @_;
my $count = 1;
for my $c (@cases) {
my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
$desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
$desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
$explain = "";
my $depends = "";
$depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);
print <<EOF;
# The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
# needed for the given number
sub bound_mpi4 {
my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1); # blsft modifies caller
return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));
sub bound_mpi8 {
my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1); # blsft modifies caller
return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));
# How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
# when using 4-byte MPIs
sub bits_mpi4 {
return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);
# How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
# when using 8-byte MPIs
sub bits_mpi8 {
return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);
# How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
sub mpi4s {
my ($n) = @_;
my $h = $n->to_hex();
return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);
# How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
sub mpi8s {
my ($n) = @_;
my $h = $n->to_hex();
return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);
sub output {
return join(":", @_);
sub str {
return '"' . $_[0] . '"';
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
The test cases use the following MPI values.
The .data file includes two results, for the cases when
sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4 or 8.
0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe
ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 100000000000000000000000000000000
The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# - generate/run MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_sub()
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::BigInt;
use sort 'stable';
my @sub_mpis = qw(
0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0
sub generate_tests {
sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_sub {
my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3]; # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_sub_mpi
my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);
my @cases = ();
for my $ah (@sub_mpis) {
for my $bh (@sub_mpis) {
my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
my ($rh4, $rh8, $carry);
if ($a >= $b) {
my $r = $a - $b;
$rh4 = $rh8 = $r->to_hex();
$carry = 0;
} else {
my $r4 = bound_mpi4($b) + $a - $b;
my $r8 = bound_mpi8($b) + $a - $b;
$rh4 = $r4->to_hex();
$rh8 = $r8->to_hex();
$carry = 1;
my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER: 0x$ah - 0x$bh = 0x$rh4/${rh8}EXPLAIN, carry ${carry}";
my $case = output($test_name, str($ah), str($bh), str($rh4), str($rh8), $carry);
push(@cases, [$case, $desc]);
output_cases(" (for when sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4/8)", @cases);
sub output_cases {
my ($explain, @cases) = @_;
my $count = 1;
for my $c (@cases) {
my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
$desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
$desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
$explain = "";
my $depends = "";
$depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);
print <<EOF;
# The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
# needed for the given number
sub bound_mpi4 {
my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1); # blsft modifies caller
return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));
sub bound_mpi8 {
my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1); # blsft modifies caller
return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));
# How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
# when using 4-byte MPIs
sub bits_mpi4 {
return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);
# How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
# when using 8-byte MPIs
sub bits_mpi8 {
return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);
# How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
sub mpi4s {
my ($n) = @_;
my $h = $n->to_hex();
return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);
# How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
sub mpi8s {
my ($n) = @_;
my $h = $n->to_hex();
return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);
sub output {
return join(":", @_);
sub str {
return '"' . $_[0] . '"';
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
The test cases use the following MPI values.
The .data file only includes those (a, b) values where a <= b, and gives the
sum unconditionally; the test code exercises a >= b and cond == 0 using these
values. The .data file gives two values for the carry out, which are for when
sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4 or 8.
0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe
ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 100000000000000000000000000000000
The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# - generate MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_add_if()
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::BigInt;
use sort 'stable';
my @add_mpis = qw(
0 1 3 f fe ff 100 ff00 fffe ffff 10000
fffffffe ffffffff 100000000 1f7f7f7f7f7f7f
8000000000000000 fefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffff
10000000000000000 1234567890abcdef0
fffffffffffffffffefefefefefefefe fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
100000000000000000000000000000000 1234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef0
sub generate_tests {
sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_add_if {
my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3]; # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_add_mpi
my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);
my @cases = ();
for my $ah (@add_mpis) {
for my $bh (@add_mpis) {
my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
next if $a > $b; # don't need to repeat test cases
# $b is the larger (or equal) of the two numbers. That's the number of limbs
# we'll be using.
my $bound4 = bound_mpi4($b);
my $bound8 = bound_mpi8($b);
my $r = $a + $b;
my ($r4, $carry4) = ($r->copy(), 0);
my ($r8, $carry8) = ($r->copy(), 0);
($carry4, $r4) = $r4->bdiv($bound4);
($carry8, $r8) = $r8->bdiv($bound8);
my $rh4 = $r4->to_hex();
my $rh8 = $r8->to_hex();
my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER: 0x$ah + 0x$bh = (0x$rh4, carry $carry4)/(0x$rh8, carry $carry8)EXPLAIN";
my $case = output($test_name, str($ah), str($bh), str($rh4), $carry4, str($rh8), $carry8);
push(@cases, [$case, $desc]);
output_cases(" (for when sizeof(mbedtls_mpi_uint) == 4/8)", @cases);
sub output_cases {
my ($explain, @cases) = @_;
my $count = 1;
for my $c (@cases) {
my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
$desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
$desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
$explain = "";
my $depends = "";
$depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);
print <<EOF;
# The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
# needed for the given number
sub bound_mpi4 {
my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1); # blsft modifies caller
return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));
sub bound_mpi8 {
my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1); # blsft modifies caller
return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));
# How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
# when using 4-byte MPIs
sub bits_mpi4 {
return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);
# How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
# when using 8-byte MPIs
sub bits_mpi8 {
return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);
# How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
sub mpi4s {
my ($n) = @_;
my $h = $n->to_hex();
return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);
# How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
sub mpi8s {
my ($n) = @_;
my $h = $n->to_hex();
return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);
sub output {
return join(":", @_);
sub str {
return '"' . $_[0] . '"';
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
"bignum_new.c(61,52): warning C4244: 'function': conversion from 'mbedtls_mpi_uint' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data"
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
Since a is not a pointer, it is passed by value and declaring it const
doesn’t make any sense and on the first read can make me miss the fact
that a is not a pointer.
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>
TEST_EQUAL(), has the benefit of outputting the values that don't match,
which can make debugging simpler.
- Recently added new test functions
- Checks making sure the test case/data is consistent is out of scope
- Only checks where printing the values is likely to be helpful
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>
Co-authored-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
Co-authored-by: Werner Lewis <>
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>