* Add LinkLabel::onClick()
* Use Widget instead of ListItem in ListBox API
* Add TextRule::padding() and use it to calculate the preferred size
for a skin::Style's rules
* Add widgets/home_view.xml
* Add possibility to specify style="..." and border="..." in XML widgets
* Add SkinStyleProperty
* Remove Label::get/setTextColor() (replaced with styles)
* Add <image> widget in WidgetLoader
* Paint labels, link labels, and views with styles
* Add doc::Sprite::bounds()
* Use gfx::Point to store the doc::Cel position
* Replace "int x, int y" with a "const gfx::Point&" param
* Fix Mask::intersect(const gfx::Rect&) and Mask::crop(const Image*)
* Now default action modifiers can be removed (fix#521)
* Now action modifiers have a KeyContext (the key context depend on the
action itself, cannot be configured by the user)
* Fix Accelerator::check() and Accelerator::operator=() when the unicode
char and scancode are nil (i.e. we are comparing only modifiers)
* Convert Accelerators to a class to simplify code
* Remove unused variables in Accelerator::check() when REPORT_KEYS is
* In this branch the Alt+mnemonic issues are solved in "she" layer when the
she::Event is generated (see src/she/alleg4/key_poller.cpp)
* Mouse cursor issues on OS X are solved in src/she/alleg4/mouse_poller.cpp
Now we generate she::Event::MouseEnter/Leave events correctly when the
mouse leaves or enters into the window to show the native cursor again
when necessary.
* Add KeyboardShortcutsCommand and window
* Add SelectAccelerator window
* Replace modules/gui.cpp functions with app::KeyboardShortcuts and
app::Key with the logic to load/save/handle keyboard shortcuts
* Change ui::Accelerator concept: now it represent just one keyboard
shortcut, not a set of shortcuts
* Remove ui::Accelerator from ui::MenuItem, now the key is associated
in app::AppMenuItem and it's a app::Key
* Add Command::onGetFriendlyName() to get a user friendly name of the
command depending on its parameters