- Added doc::BlendMode enum and doc::BlendFunc type
- Renamed LayerImage::getBlendMode() -> blendMode()
- BLEND_MODE_COPY is BlendMode::SRC now
- Added app::cmd::SetLayerBlendMode
* Move FreehandAlgorithm/InkType/RotationAlgorithm/SelectionMode to
app::tools namespace
* Removed ISettings, IToolSettings, IBrushSettings, ISelectionSettings,
and IColorSwatchesStore (and implementations from UISettingsImpl)
* Added app::tools::PreferenceGlue to do some adjustments that
UIToolSettingsImpl was doing
* Remove signals from App related to brush size/angle changes, and current
tool change (there events can be observed directly from Preferences)
* Remove ColorBar::FgColor/BgColor, these options can be observed from
There was an ugly combination of events:
1. When ContextBar::BrushTypeField receives an onItemChange is because the
mouse button is pressed on it (a kMouseDownMessage)
2. It shows the BrushPopup window (which is a PopupWindow
with kCloseOnClickInOtherWindow click behavior)
3. When other click is made in BrushTypeField, the BrushPopup is closed
because it is filtering messages (since it's
kCloseOnClickInOtherWindow). This generates a kCloseMessage in the
4. BrushTypeField::onItemChange() is executed again (for the same
click in point 3), and it checks that the popup is closed (recently
closed, by this click), so it shows the BrushPopup again.
5. The enqueued kCloseMessage is receved by PopupWindow, and it calls
So in this case we have a visible PopupWindow that is not filtering
messages. To fix this bug we have included a startFilteringMessages()
in kOpenMessage. So when the popup is shown again, it filters messages
and the popup cannot stay visible.
There are some widgets (e.g. fg/bg color buttons in the ColorBar, and
ContextBar's check-boxes) that use a "mini font". We could setup the mini
font in onInitTheme(), but the whole program is not ready to do something
like that (there are too much child_spacing/borders values that are set
outside onInitTheme).
A better way is to ask to the theme itself (Theme::getWidgetFont())
about what font to use for each specific widget. And the Widget::m_font
field can act as a cache of this requested font. So now the "mini font"
is specified in a SkinProperty's flag.
Now the file name field is an editable ComboBox, so we don't
autocomplete/modify the text inside the entry box.
With this commit we modified the editable ComboBox behavior too:
* When the ListBox is shown, the focus remain in the Entry field (now
the ListBox cannot have the focus when the ComboBox is editable).
* When Up/down keys are received by the Entry, they are given to the
ListBox to change the selected item. But the focus returns to the
Entry anyway.
When a combobox popup is open, it creates a new non-foreground top window
(which is sibling of the window where the combobox widget is). When the
popup receives a key press, and it doesn't use it, the key is passed to
its parent (a ui::Manager), and then the latter has to process it.
Before this commit, CustomizedGuiManager::onProcessMessage() was
filtering shortcuts for foreground window, but it was working only
when the key was pressed in the foreground window itself (not when a
combination of foreground and background windows were open). Now the
filter is done in Manager::onProcessMessage() (which returns true,
i.e. key was used, for every pressed key when a foreground window
is found in its children hierarchy).
Now the ContextBar contains a set of brushes. The ChangeBrushCommand
supports a new "slot" parameter and "change" = "custom" to select a
specific custom brush from the ContextBar. Alt+1, Alt+2, etc. are mapped
to this ChangeBrushCommand (see changes in gui.xml).
Also, as the ButtonSet that represent different brushes in the ContextBar
uses icons generated from the brush, we don't need the skin parts that
represent each brush type (we can generate those icons from some standard
brushes). Those skin parts were removed.
* UI scale is an experimental option (it needs app restart)
* We can change the Screen Scale without restarting the app now
* Hide reloading of skin data in SkinTheme::onRegenerate()
* Now setFontOfAllWidgets() is called from Theme::regenerate()
* Remove reload_default_font()
* Simplify gui_setup_screen()