Replace WMIC-based check for ViGEmBus with a Powershell check

This version is simpler and much faster on machines with many installed apps.
This commit is contained in:
Cameron Gutman 2024-03-08 23:13:27 -06:00
parent 33e99e1feb
commit 9d5b01727e

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@ -2,28 +2,17 @@
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem Check if a compatible version of ViGEmBus is already installed (1.17 or later)
set Version=
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`wmic product where "name='ViGEm Bus Driver' or name='Nefarius Virtual Gamepad Emulation Bus Driver'" get Version /format:Textvaluelist`) do (
for /f "delims=" %%# in ("%%a") do set "%%#"
rem Extract Major and Minor versions
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=." %%a in ("%Version%") do (
set "MajorVersion=%%a"
set "MinorVersion=%%b"
rem Compare the version to 1.17
if /i !MajorVersion! gtr 1 goto skip
if /i !MajorVersion! equ 1 (
if /i !MinorVersion! geq 17 (
goto skip
rem Note: We use exit code 2 to indicate success because either 0 or 1 may be returned
rem based on the PowerShell version if an exception occurs.
powershell -c Exit $(if ((Get-Item "$env:SystemRoot\System32\drivers\ViGEmBus.sys").VersionInfo.FileVersion -ge [System.Version]"1.17") { 2 } Else { 1 })
goto skip
goto continue
echo "The installed version is %Version%, no update needed. Exiting."
echo "The installed version is 1.17 or later, no update needed. Exiting."
exit /b 0