cause of crash: trying to deference init when it's null
the reason it was going into deregister: the HID/VID lookup was
failing because it wasn't getting initialized first
cause of 2nd crash: the "end of pad list" method looked for an entry
with a magic value, so we add an end marker
I'm going to need to re-implement the abstraction between HID device
and gamepad; the changes here lay down some foundation for that work.
- reduce logging priority of some statements I modified while debugging
- factor out the pad driver lookup into its own method
- fix so the pad driver list isn't re-initialized every invocation
- add the button() method for the GCA driver
When I first implemented the Wii U HID architecture, I ended up
having to design my own implementation because, at the time, I did
not have a way to read the HID device string to allow the existing
code to successfully detect the gamepad.
After spending some time experimenting, I've figured out how to
do this. And that means I can better align the HID driver with other
change summary:
- create a single state structure for all three sub-types of wiiu pads
(kpad, wpad, and hid)
- eliminate confusing duplicate pad lists
- eliminate confusing duplicate HID pad drivers (ds3, gamecube
adapter, etc)
- ensure the ds3 driver still works
After a bisect, the culprit was changing the gamepad interface from
returing a single button (bool) to multiple (int16).
The issue is that the Wii U gamepad (and presumably the Pro controller too)
have more than 16 buttons, which means some buttons get lost. Notably, L3 (18)
and R3 (17).
The solution: use int32 instead of int16.
I did a test build and confirmed that this change restores L3/R3 functionality
with the gamepad. Don't have a pro controller to test, but it should work too.
Hooray for conditional compile directives.
Moving things around broke things in unexpected ways on non-WiiU builds.
Well, not *completely* unexpected. But still.
- Move some typedefs around to avoid circular include dependencies
- Include the file where the HID driver definition got moved to
- verified build for Wii U still runs successfully
- did a local build without any errors (some weird warnings, but since they
happen in code I didn't change, I'm assuming they're pre-existing?)
- Added a new method to the joypad_connection_t interface for
getting a single button
- wired everything into the hidpad driver
- for testing purposes, hacking the top-level joypad driver
so that kpad isn't used
- add a new RARCH_LOG_BUFFER method to verbosity for logging the
contents of a binary buffer (useful for writing/debugging pad drivers)
- fix a few bugs in the wiiu GC pad driver
The button mapping isn't quite right, and I'm not sure what's
going wrong.
I've created the concept of a hid_driver_instance_t which is basically
a central place to store the hid pad driver, hid subsystem driver,
the pad list, and the instance data for the above in a central location.
The HID pad device drivers can use it to perform HID operations in a
generic manner.
This is more-or-less a pause point so I can catch up with upstream.
Haven't tested this yet. Compiles without warnings though!
I fixed a similar bug in a past commit, with the same root cause: making
assumptions about the length of the array.
- Add validation to joypad_connection_init() so that if >MAX_USERS is
requested, a warning is logged and only MAX_USERS is allocated.
- Rewrote the iteration routines so they strictly use the
joypad_is_end_of_list() method to detect the end.
- the free() method of the hid_driver_t interface needs its
parameter defined as const in order for the compiler to stop
complaining about losing const-ness.
- if a joypad list is created with <MAX_USERS slots in it, the
destroy() function will crash because it assumes there are MAX_USERS
To do this, the allocate function creates n+1 slots, and gives the
last slot a canary value that the destroy() method can then watch for
when iterating through the list.
Well, after a lot of code analysis, this seems like the
best way to handle things on the Wii U without also completely
re-architecting the I/O handling in RetroArch.
How it works:
- the top-level wiiu_joypad driver is now nothing more than a
- the wiiu-specific drivers live in `wiiu/input/`
- wpad_driver.c handles the WiiU gamepad
- kpad_driver.c handles the wiimotes
- hidpad_driver.c will handle HID devices like the GC adapter, DS3/DS4, etc.
(I say "will" because this isn't implemented yet)
Haven't actually tried the build to see if it works, but it does
USB Vendor and Product IDs are in little-endian byte order, and they
need to be byteswapped on big-endian systems.
This approach allows us to use the standard hex notation for the VID/HID
values, and give them meaningful names, and only swap on the platforms
that need it. Also prevents having to abuse SWAP16() in the platform-
specific code.
I haven't figured out how I'm going to get the data read via HIDRead()
funneled back to the adapter--the handle_packet() method doesn't actually
get called anywhere.
I'm probably going to need to do more tweaking to the function pointer
This commit also adds logging for the data read via HIDRead.
I used my "stress test" (which I used to reproduce the crash caused
by the old HID implementation), and it did not crash.
Starting to implement the I/O handling on the HID driver.
The old implementation basically had a never-ending HIDRead() callback
set up, so that callback N would start the read process for invocation
We will take the same approach here; but now that the I/O thread is
happenning on its own core, we should be able to let it run full-
throttle without impacting emulator performance.
Of course, this hinges on the callback actually running on the same
core as the syscall was initiated on.
Can confirm that the read_loop_callback gets invoked on the same core
that the HIDRead() was invoked on.
The handshake stuff is derived from the old HID2VPAD, just in knowing
what data goes in what report.
- Added the HID_REPORT_ flags to syshid.h
- Renamed the generic "REPORT_TYPE" flags to be meaningful
- also fixed incorrect parameter list for set_protocol
The functions aren't implemented in wiiu_hid.c just yet,
so this is gonna crash if you try to run it.
The current HID implementation assumes a very low-level USB library
is being used. This causes a problem on Wii U, because the Cafe OS
only exposes a high-level interface.
To get these functions exposed to the HID pad drivers, I had to make
three changes:
1. I added the legacy "send_control" function to the HID driver
2. I modified the signature of pad_connection_pad_init() to send the
driver pointer instead of the function pointer
3. I updated the HID pad drivers to keep the pointer to the driver
instead of the function pointer, and updated the calls into the
send_control function as appropriate
4. I updated the HID drivers to use the new pad init signature
Untested, in theory it should work without a hitch because at this
point all I've done is abstract things a little. I still need to
update the HID pad drivers to use the Wii U-specific calls as
- Added entrypoints into `input/connect/joypad_connection.c` to allow
a max value to be passed in, instead of using single macro value
- Created a hand-off between the HID attach handler and the worker thread
- Created a pad initializer in `wiiu_hid.c` leveraging the new functionality
added to `joypad_connection.c`
Compiles cleanly. At best, doesn't do anything. Might crash--not ready
to test quite yet.