@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ static int netlink_socket(void)
struct sockaddr_nl l_addr;
int l_socket = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE);
if(l_socket < 0)
if (l_socket < 0)
return -1;
memset(&l_addr, 0, sizeof(l_addr));
l_addr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK;
if(bind(l_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&l_addr, sizeof(l_addr)) < 0)
if (bind(l_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&l_addr, sizeof(l_addr)) < 0)
return -1;
@ -91,67 +92,77 @@ static int netlink_recv(int p_socket, void *p_buffer, size_t p_len)
struct iovec l_iov = { p_buffer, p_len };
struct sockaddr_nl l_addr;
for (;;)
l_msg.msg_name = (void *)&l_addr;
l_msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(l_addr);
l_msg.msg_iov = &l_iov;
l_msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
l_msg.msg_control = NULL;
l_msg.msg_controllen = 0;
l_msg.msg_flags = 0;
int l_result = recvmsg(p_socket, &l_msg, 0);
int l_result;
if(l_result < 0)
l_msg.msg_name = (void *)&l_addr;
l_msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(l_addr);
l_msg.msg_iov = &l_iov;
l_msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
l_msg.msg_control = NULL;
l_msg.msg_controllen = 0;
l_msg.msg_flags = 0;
l_result = recvmsg(p_socket, &l_msg, 0);
if (l_result < 0)
if(errno == EINTR)
if (errno == EINTR)
return -2;
if(l_msg.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) /* buffer too small */
if (l_msg.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) /* buffer too small */
return -1;
return l_result;
static struct nlmsghdr *getNetlinkResponse(int p_socket, int *p_size, int *p_done)
static struct nlmsghdr *getNetlinkResponse(int p_socket,
int *p_size, int *p_done)
size_t l_size = 4096;
size_t l_size = 4096;
void *l_buffer = NULL;
for (;;)
int l_read;
l_buffer = malloc(l_size);
if (l_buffer == NULL)
if (!l_buffer)
return NULL;
int l_read = netlink_recv(p_socket, l_buffer, l_size);
l_read = netlink_recv(p_socket, l_buffer, l_size);
*p_size = l_read;
if(l_read == -2)
if (l_read == -2)
return NULL;
if(l_read >= 0)
if (l_read >= 0)
pid_t l_pid = getpid();
struct nlmsghdr *l_hdr;
for(l_hdr = (struct nlmsghdr *)l_buffer; NLMSG_OK(l_hdr, (unsigned int)l_read); l_hdr = (struct nlmsghdr *)NLMSG_NEXT(l_hdr, l_read))
for (l_hdr = (struct nlmsghdr *)l_buffer;
NLMSG_OK(l_hdr, (unsigned int)l_read);
l_hdr = (struct nlmsghdr *)NLMSG_NEXT(l_hdr, l_read))
if((pid_t)l_hdr->nlmsg_pid != l_pid || (int)l_hdr->nlmsg_seq != p_socket)
if ( (pid_t)l_hdr->nlmsg_pid != l_pid ||
(int)l_hdr->nlmsg_seq != p_socket)
if(l_hdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
if (l_hdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
*p_done = 1;
if(l_hdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR)
if (l_hdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR)
return NULL;
@ -166,8 +177,8 @@ static struct nlmsghdr *getNetlinkResponse(int p_socket, int *p_size, int *p_don
static NetlinkList *newListItem(struct nlmsghdr *p_data, unsigned int p_size)
NetlinkList *l_item = malloc(sizeof(NetlinkList));
if (l_item == NULL)
NetlinkList *l_item = (NetlinkList*)malloc(sizeof(NetlinkList));
if (!l_item)
return NULL;
l_item->m_next = NULL;
@ -179,7 +190,8 @@ static NetlinkList *newListItem(struct nlmsghdr *p_data, unsigned int p_size)
static void freeResultList(NetlinkList *p_list)
NetlinkList *l_cur;
while (p_list)
l_cur = p_list;
p_list = p_list->m_next;
@ -190,29 +202,30 @@ static void freeResultList(NetlinkList *p_list)
static NetlinkList *getResultList(int p_socket, int p_request)
if(netlink_send(p_socket, p_request) < 0)
int l_size;
NetlinkList *l_list = NULL;
NetlinkList *l_end = NULL;
int l_done = 0;
if (netlink_send(p_socket, p_request) < 0)
return NULL;
NetlinkList *l_list = NULL;
NetlinkList *l_end = NULL;
int l_size;
int l_done = 0;
while (!l_done)
NetlinkList *l_item = NULL;
struct nlmsghdr *l_hdr = getNetlinkResponse(p_socket, &l_size, &l_done);
if (!l_hdr)
goto error;
l_item = newListItem(l_hdr, l_size);
if (!l_item)
goto error;
l_list = l_item;
if (!l_list)
l_list = l_item;
l_end->m_next = l_item;
l_end = l_item;
l_end = l_item;
return l_list;
@ -267,12 +280,12 @@ static void makeSockaddr(sa_family_t p_family, struct sockaddr *p_dest, void *p_
static void addToEnd(struct ifaddrs **p_resultList, struct ifaddrs *p_entry)
if (!*p_resultList)
*p_resultList = p_entry;
struct ifaddrs *l_cur = *p_resultList;
while (l_cur->ifa_next)
l_cur = l_cur->ifa_next;
l_cur->ifa_next = p_entry;
@ -288,7 +301,8 @@ static int interpretLink(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList)
size_t l_dataSize = 0;
size_t l_rtaSize = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(p_hdr, sizeof(struct ifinfomsg));
for(l_rta = IFLA_RTA(l_info); RTA_OK(l_rta, l_rtaSize); l_rta = RTA_NEXT(l_rta, l_rtaSize))
for (l_rta = IFLA_RTA(l_info); RTA_OK(l_rta, l_rtaSize);
l_rta = RTA_NEXT(l_rta, l_rtaSize))
size_t l_rtaDataSize = RTA_PAYLOAD(l_rta);
@ -308,8 +322,8 @@ static int interpretLink(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList)
l_entry = malloc(sizeof(struct ifaddrs) + sizeof(int) + l_nameSize + l_addrSize + l_dataSize);
if (l_entry == NULL)
l_entry = (sruct ifaddrs*)malloc(sizeof(struct ifaddrs) + sizeof(int) + l_nameSize + l_addrSize + l_dataSize);
if (!l_entry)
return -1;
memset(l_entry, 0, sizeof(struct ifaddrs));
@ -320,16 +334,20 @@ static int interpretLink(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList)
char *l_addr = l_name + l_nameSize;
char *l_data = l_addr + l_addrSize;
// save the interface index so we can look it up when handling the addresses.
/* save the interface index so we can look
* it up when handling the addresses. */
memcpy(l_index, &l_info->ifi_index, sizeof(int));
l_entry->ifa_flags = l_info->ifi_flags;
l_rtaSize = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(p_hdr, sizeof(struct ifinfomsg));
for(l_rta = IFLA_RTA(l_info); RTA_OK(l_rta, l_rtaSize); l_rta = RTA_NEXT(l_rta, l_rtaSize))
l_rtaSize = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(p_hdr, sizeof(struct ifinfomsg));
for (l_rta = IFLA_RTA(l_info); RTA_OK(l_rta, l_rtaSize);
l_rta = RTA_NEXT(l_rta, l_rtaSize))
void *l_rtaData = RTA_DATA(l_rta);
void *l_rtaData = RTA_DATA(l_rta);
size_t l_rtaDataSize = RTA_PAYLOAD(l_rta);
@ -339,8 +357,8 @@ static int interpretLink(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList)
makeSockaddr(AF_PACKET, (struct sockaddr *)l_addr, l_rtaData, l_rtaDataSize);
((struct sockaddr_ll *)l_addr)->sll_ifindex = l_info->ifi_index;
((struct sockaddr_ll *)l_addr)->sll_hatype = l_info->ifi_type;
if(l_rta->rta_type == IFLA_ADDRESS)
l_entry->ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)l_addr;
if (l_rta->rta_type == IFLA_ADDRESS)
l_entry->ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)l_addr;
l_entry->ifa_broadaddr = (struct sockaddr *)l_addr;
l_addr += NLMSG_ALIGN(l_addrLen);
@ -364,17 +382,19 @@ static int interpretLink(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList)
return 0;
static struct ifaddrs *findInterface(int p_index, struct ifaddrs **p_links, int p_numLinks)
static struct ifaddrs *findInterface(int p_index,
struct ifaddrs **p_links, int p_numLinks)
int l_num = 0;
int l_num = 0;
struct ifaddrs *l_cur = *p_links;
while(l_cur && l_num < p_numLinks)
while (l_cur && l_num < p_numLinks)
int l_index;
char *l_indexPtr = ((char *)l_cur) + sizeof(struct ifaddrs);
memcpy(&l_index, l_indexPtr, sizeof(int));
if(l_index == p_index)
if (l_index == p_index)
return l_cur;
l_cur = l_cur->ifa_next;
@ -383,21 +403,24 @@ static struct ifaddrs *findInterface(int p_index, struct ifaddrs **p_links, int
return NULL;
static int interpretAddr(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList, int p_numLinks)
static int interpretAddr(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr,
struct ifaddrs **p_resultList, int p_numLinks)
size_t l_nameSize = 0;
size_t l_addrSize = 0;
int l_addedNetmask = 0;
struct ifaddrmsg *l_info = (struct ifaddrmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(p_hdr);
struct rtattr *l_rta;
size_t l_rtaSize;
size_t l_nameSize = 0;
size_t l_addrSize = 0;
int l_addedNetmask = 0;
struct ifaddrmsg *l_info = (struct ifaddrmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(p_hdr);
struct ifaddrs *l_interface = findInterface(l_info->ifa_index, p_resultList, p_numLinks);
if(l_info->ifa_family == AF_PACKET)
if (l_info->ifa_family == AF_PACKET)
return 0;
size_t l_rtaSize = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(p_hdr, sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg));
struct rtattr *l_rta;
l_rtaSize = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(p_hdr, sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg));
for(l_rta = IFA_RTA(l_info); RTA_OK(l_rta, l_rtaSize); l_rta = RTA_NEXT(l_rta, l_rtaSize))
for (l_rta = IFA_RTA(l_info); RTA_OK(l_rta, l_rtaSize);
l_rta = RTA_NEXT(l_rta, l_rtaSize))
size_t l_rtaDataSize = RTA_PAYLOAD(l_rta);
@ -405,7 +428,7 @@ static int interpretAddr(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList,
if((l_info->ifa_family == AF_INET || l_info->ifa_family == AF_INET6) && !l_addedNetmask)
if ((l_info->ifa_family == AF_INET || l_info->ifa_family == AF_INET6) && !l_addedNetmask)
/* make room for netmask */
l_addrSize += NLMSG_ALIGN(calcAddrLen(l_info->ifa_family, l_rtaDataSize));
@ -422,8 +445,8 @@ static int interpretAddr(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList,
struct ifaddrs *l_entry = malloc(sizeof(struct ifaddrs) + l_nameSize + l_addrSize);
if (l_entry == NULL)
struct ifaddrs *l_entry = (struct ifaddrs*)malloc(sizeof(struct ifaddrs) + l_nameSize + l_addrSize);
if (!l_entry)
return -1;
memset(l_entry, 0, sizeof(struct ifaddrs));
@ -433,11 +456,12 @@ static int interpretAddr(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList,
char *l_addr = l_name + l_nameSize;
l_entry->ifa_flags = l_info->ifa_flags;
if (l_interface)
l_entry->ifa_flags |= l_interface->ifa_flags;
l_rtaSize = NLMSG_PAYLOAD(p_hdr, sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg));
for(l_rta = IFA_RTA(l_info); RTA_OK(l_rta, l_rtaSize); l_rta = RTA_NEXT(l_rta, l_rtaSize))
for (l_rta = IFA_RTA(l_info); RTA_OK(l_rta, l_rtaSize);
l_rta = RTA_NEXT(l_rta, l_rtaSize))
void *l_rtaData = RTA_DATA(l_rta);
size_t l_rtaDataSize = RTA_PAYLOAD(l_rta);
@ -449,24 +473,24 @@ static int interpretAddr(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList,
size_t l_addrLen = calcAddrLen(l_info->ifa_family, l_rtaDataSize);
makeSockaddr(l_info->ifa_family, (struct sockaddr *)l_addr, l_rtaData, l_rtaDataSize);
if(l_info->ifa_family == AF_INET6)
if (l_info->ifa_family == AF_INET6)
if(IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL((struct in6_addr *)l_rtaData) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL((struct in6_addr *)l_rtaData))
if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL((struct in6_addr *)l_rtaData) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL((struct in6_addr *)l_rtaData))
((struct sockaddr_in6 *)l_addr)->sin6_scope_id = l_info->ifa_index;
if(l_rta->rta_type == IFA_ADDRESS)
if (l_rta->rta_type == IFA_ADDRESS)
/* apparently in a point-to-point network IFA_ADDRESS
* contains the dest address and IFA_LOCAL contains the local address */
if (l_entry->ifa_addr)
l_entry->ifa_dstaddr = (struct sockaddr *)l_addr;
l_entry->ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)l_addr;
else if(l_rta->rta_type == IFA_LOCAL)
else if (l_rta->rta_type == IFA_LOCAL)
if (l_entry->ifa_addr)
l_entry->ifa_dstaddr = l_entry->ifa_addr;
l_entry->ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)l_addr;
@ -485,7 +509,7 @@ static int interpretAddr(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList,
if(l_entry->ifa_addr &&
if (l_entry->ifa_addr &&
( l_entry->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET
|| l_entry->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6))
@ -498,9 +522,9 @@ static int interpretAddr(struct nlmsghdr *p_hdr, struct ifaddrs **p_resultList,
l_mask[0] = '\0';
for(i=0; i<(l_prefix/8); ++i)
for (i=0; i<(l_prefix/8); ++i)
l_mask[i] = 0xff;
if(l_prefix % 8)
if (l_prefix % 8)
l_mask[i] = 0xff << (8 - (l_prefix % 8));
@ -516,23 +540,26 @@ static int interpretLinks(int p_socket, NetlinkList *p_netlinkList,
struct ifaddrs **p_resultList)
int l_numLinks = 0;
pid_t l_pid = getpid();
for(; p_netlinkList; p_netlinkList = p_netlinkList->m_next)
pid_t l_pid = getpid();
for (; p_netlinkList; p_netlinkList = p_netlinkList->m_next)
struct nlmsghdr *l_hdr = NULL;
unsigned int l_nlsize = p_netlinkList->m_size;
for(l_hdr = p_netlinkList->m_data; NLMSG_OK(l_hdr, l_nlsize); l_hdr = NLMSG_NEXT(l_hdr, l_nlsize))
for (l_hdr = p_netlinkList->m_data; NLMSG_OK(l_hdr, l_nlsize);
l_hdr = NLMSG_NEXT(l_hdr, l_nlsize))
if((pid_t)l_hdr->nlmsg_pid != l_pid || (int)l_hdr->nlmsg_seq != p_socket)
if ( (pid_t)l_hdr->nlmsg_pid != l_pid ||
(int)l_hdr->nlmsg_seq != p_socket)
if(l_hdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
if (l_hdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
if(l_hdr->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWLINK)
if (l_hdr->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWLINK)
if(interpretLink(l_hdr, p_resultList) == -1)
if (interpretLink(l_hdr, p_resultList) == -1)
return -1;
@ -545,20 +572,22 @@ static int interpretAddrs(int p_socket, NetlinkList *p_netlinkList,
struct ifaddrs **p_resultList, int p_numLinks)
pid_t l_pid = getpid();
for(; p_netlinkList; p_netlinkList = p_netlinkList->m_next)
for (; p_netlinkList; p_netlinkList = p_netlinkList->m_next)
struct nlmsghdr *l_hdr = NULL;
unsigned int l_nlsize = p_netlinkList->m_size;
for(l_hdr = p_netlinkList->m_data; NLMSG_OK(l_hdr, l_nlsize); l_hdr = NLMSG_NEXT(l_hdr, l_nlsize))
for (l_hdr = p_netlinkList->m_data; NLMSG_OK(l_hdr, l_nlsize);
l_hdr = NLMSG_NEXT(l_hdr, l_nlsize))
if((pid_t)l_hdr->nlmsg_pid != l_pid || (int)l_hdr->nlmsg_seq != p_socket)
if ( (pid_t)l_hdr->nlmsg_pid != l_pid
|| (int)l_hdr->nlmsg_seq != p_socket)
if(l_hdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
if (l_hdr->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE)
if(l_hdr->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWADDR)
if (l_hdr->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWADDR)
if (interpretAddr(l_hdr, p_resultList, p_numLinks) == -1)
return -1;
@ -570,34 +599,40 @@ static int interpretAddrs(int p_socket, NetlinkList *p_netlinkList,
int getifaddrs(struct ifaddrs **ifap)
int l_socket = 0;
int l_result = 0;
NetlinkList *l_linkResults;
NetlinkList *l_addrResults;
int l_numLinks;
int l_socket = 0;
int l_result = 0;
if (!ifap)
return -1;
*ifap = NULL;
*ifap = NULL;
l_socket = netlink_socket();
if(l_socket < 0)
if (l_socket < 0)
return -1;
NetlinkList *l_linkResults = getResultList(l_socket, RTM_GETLINK);
l_linkResults = getResultList(l_socket, RTM_GETLINK);
if (!l_linkResults)
return -1;
NetlinkList *l_addrResults = getResultList(l_socket, RTM_GETADDR);
l_addrResults = getResultList(l_socket, RTM_GETADDR);
if (!l_addrResults)
return -1;
int l_numLinks = interpretLinks(l_socket, l_linkResults, ifap);
l_numLinks = interpretLinks(l_socket, l_linkResults, ifap);
if(l_numLinks == -1 || interpretAddrs(l_socket, l_addrResults, ifap, l_numLinks) == -1)
if ( l_numLinks == -1 ||
interpretAddrs(l_socket, l_addrResults, ifap, l_numLinks) == -1)
l_result = -1;
@ -610,10 +645,10 @@ void freeifaddrs(struct ifaddrs *ifa)
struct ifaddrs *l_cur = NULL;
while (ifa)
l_cur = ifa;
ifa = ifa->ifa_next;
ifa = ifa->ifa_next;