Do not add agent bounds which are not supported by recastnavigation with given
settings and log such events.
To avoid reaching navmesh tile generation to find out it can't be generated for
such agent bounds.
Object AABB may be much larger than area currently covered by navmesh. In this
case all tiles beyond covered range should be ignored. Attempt to iterate over
them will not result in any new tile updates but can take quite a while. At
maximum this can be pow(INT_MAX - INT_MIN, 2) iterations.
Use arbitrary time limit to check for update call to finish in the test.
Recast functions have preconditions for arguments they don't validate. This may
produce garbage data which may lead to crash. Check arguments and log when they
are invalid.
Do not throw exceptions when these function calls fail, capture Recast reported
errors via RecastContext inherited from rcContext and log them.
Tile can be present in either mPushed (waiting in a queue), mProcessingTiles (
being processed or waiting in db queue), mPresentTiles (added to navmesh). It's
not enough to walk over mPushed tiles to find all not present. Need also to
check mProcessingTiles.
Otherwise if all tiles are in mProcessingTiles only
waitUntilJobsDoneForNotPresentTiles may return too early because there are none
in mPushed and therefore none tiles are considered to be absent on navmesh which
is not true.
Primarily for crossing cell border case. Each Navigator::update call has a cost.
Doing it multiple times per frame increased frame duration on cell loading.
Call Navigator::wait only when cell has changed but do not use
Scene::hasCellChanged because it doesn't always indicates it.
Cylinder collision shape should give the best consistency between physics
simulation and pathfinding. Rotating box is already used by some actors, so
add it to have the same collision shape type for all actors.
Actors may have different collision shapes. Currently there are axis-aligned
bounding boxes and rotating bounding boxes. With AABB it's required to use
bounding cylinder for navmesh agent to avoid providing paths where actor can't
pass. But for rotating bounding boxes cylinder with diameter equal to the front
face width should be used to not reduce of available paths. For example rats
have rotating bounding box as collision shape because of the difference between
front and side faces width.
* Add agent bounds to navmesh tile db cache key. This is required to distinguish
tiles for agents with different bounds.
* Increase navmesh version because navmesh tile db cache key and data has changed.
* Move navmesh version to the code to avoid misconfiguration by users.
* Fix all places where wrong half extents were used for pathfinding.