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synced 2024-11-02 02:29:54 +00:00
Includes additions to address gender equality, expanded professions, increased skin tone support, family representations, and minor modifications to some existing emojis. Many of the additions included are based on the [Emoji 4.0 draft spec](http://unicode.org/reports/tr51/proposed.html) and are subject to change prior to ratification. This change also moves the Twemoji version number to 2.2. ### New * Woman with turban * Blonde woman * Man getting face massage * Man getting haircut * Man frowning * Man pouting * Man gesturing not ok * Man gesturing ok * Man tipping hand * Man raising hand * Woman bowing deeply * Man facepalming * Man shrugging * Man doing cartwheel * Woman juggling * Man juggling * Woman walking * Woman running * Women wrestling * Woman playing water polo * Man playing handball * Men with bunny ears * Woman rowing boat * Woman golfing * Woman surfing * Woman swimming * Man with ball * Woman weight lifting * Woman biking * Woman mountain biking * Male health worker * Female health worker * Male judge * Female judge * Male pilot * Female pilot * Male farmer * Female farmer * Male cook * Female cook * Male student * Female student * Male singer * Female singer * Male artist * Female artist * Male teacher * Female teacher * Male factory worker * Female factory worker * Male technologist * Female technologist * Male office worker * Female office worker * Male mechanic * Female mechanic * Male scientist * Female scientist * Male astronaut * Female astronaut * Male firefighter * Female firefighter * Female police officer * Female construction worker * Female guard * Female sleuth * Family (man, boy) * Family (man, boy, boy) * Family (man, girl) * Family (man, girl, boy) * Family (man, girl, girl) * Family (woman, boy) * Family (woman, boy, boy) * Family (woman, girl) * Family (woman, girl, boy) * Family (woman, girl, girl) * UN Flag * Female sign * Male sign * Staff of aesculapius ### Modified * Man with turban * Person with ball * Family * Man and woman holding hands * Two men holding hands * Two women holding hands * Women with bunny ears * Man in business suit levitating * Sleeping accommodation * Skier * Snowboarder * Flag of Réunion * Grinning face with smiling eyes * Roasted sweet potato * Bird * Man with gua pi mao * Railway car * Face with rolling eyes * Astonished face
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