mirror of https://github.com/twitter/twemoji.git synced 2025-02-06 03:40:20 +00:00
Bryan Haggerty 57423ac791 Twemoji 2.7 update
Visual changes to the following emojis:
* Monkey Face
* See-No-Evil Monkey
* Speak-No-Evil Monkey
* Hear-No-Evil Monkey
* Umbrella
* Closed Umbrella
* Umbrella With Rain Drops
* Beach With Umbrella
* Video Game
* Tent
* Camping
* House
* Houses
* House With Garden
* Derelict House
* Desert
* Desert Island
* Palm Tree
* Door
* Shrimp
* Butterfly
* Cucumber
* Man’s Shoe
* Running Shoe
* Chart Increasing
* Chart Decreasing
* Bar Chart
* Smiling Face With Halo
* Face Savoring Food
* Face Blowing a Kiss
* Sleeping Face
* Face With Thermometer
2018-05-17 16:15:56 -07:00

1 line
826 B

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