mirror of https://github.com/twitter/twemoji.git synced 2025-02-11 09:40:45 +00:00
Bryan Haggerty 8b6c9d853e Twemoji 2.5 update
Visual changes to the following emojis:
* Beer Mug
* Clinking Beer Mugs
* Jack-O-Lantern
* Eyes
* Clapping Hands
* Crown
* Glasses
* Heart With Arrow
* Man Gesturing OK
* Raising Hands
* Police Car Light
* Clinking Glasses
* Ballot Box With Check
* White Heavy Check Mark
* Heavy Check Mark
* Radio Button
* Index Pointing Up
* Eagle
* Microscope
* Crystal Ball
* Speaking Head
* Waving Hand
* Leaf Fluttering in Wind

Major optimizations to all assets to reduce file size and simplify SVG
2018-02-22 22:54:19 -08:00

1 line
1.4 KiB

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