Mark Gillard f3bd22bff4 fixed some incorrect handling of vertical whitespace when printing TOML to streams
- added `date_time` converting constructors from `date` and `time`
- added `is_key<>` and is_key_or_convertible<>` metafunctions
- exposed `TOML_NAMESPACE_START` and `TOML_NAMESPACE_END` macros to help with ADL specialization scenarios
- added encoder and decoder for `toml-test` (closes #125)
2022-01-03 21:01:32 +02:00

3.7 KiB

Contributing to toml++

Contributions are very welcome! Either by reporting issues or submitting pull requests. If you wish to submit a PR, please be aware that:

  • The single-header file toml.hpp is generated by a script; make your changes in the files in include, not in toml.hpp.
  • Your changes should compile warning-free on at least one of:
    • GCC 8 or higher
    • Clang 8 or higher
    • MSVC 19.2X (Visual Studio 2019) or higher
  • You should regenerate the single-header file as part of your PR (a CI check will fail if you don't).

Regenerating toml.hpp

  1. Make your changes as necessary
    • If you've added a new header file that isn't going to be transitively included by one of the others, add an include directive to include/toml++/toml.h
  2. Install the prerequisite python packages: pip3 install -r tools/requirements.txt
  3. Run tools/

Building and running the tests

Testing is done using Catch2, included in the respository as a submodule under extern/Catch2. The first time you want to begin testing you'll need to ensure submodules have been fetched:

git submodule update --init --depth 1 external/Catch2 external/tloptional

Testing on Windows with Visual Studio

Install Visual Studio and Test Adapter for Catch2, then open toml++.sln and build the projects in the tests solution folder. Visual Studio's Test Explorer should pick these up and allow you to run the tests directly.

If test discovery fails you can usually fix it by enabling Auto Detect runsettings Files (settings gear icon > Configure Run Settings).

Testing on Linux (and WSL)

# install ninja, meson, locales (first time only)
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y locales python3 python3-pip ninja-build
sudo pip3 install meson
sudo locale-gen 'en_US.utf8' \
                'ja_JP.utf8' \
                'de_DE.utf8' \
                'it_IT.utf8' \
                'tr_TR.utf8' \
                'fi_FI.utf8' \
                'fr_FR.utf8' \

# create the build configs (first time only)
CXX=g++     meson build-gcc-debug     --buildtype=debug   -Dpedantic=true -Dbuild_tests=true -Dgenerate_cmake_config=false
CXX=clang++ meson build-clang-debug   --buildtype=debug   -Dpedantic=true -Dbuild_tests=true -Dgenerate_cmake_config=false
CXX=g++     meson build-gcc-release   --buildtype=release -Dpedantic=true -Dbuild_tests=true -Dgenerate_cmake_config=false
CXX=clang++ meson build-clang-release --buildtype=release -Dpedantic=true -Dbuild_tests=true -Dgenerate_cmake_config=false

# run the tests
cd build-gcc-debug && ninja && ninja test               \
    && cd ../build-clang-debug && ninja && ninja test   \
    && cd ../build-gcc-release && ninja && ninja test   \
    && cd ../build-clang-release && ninja && ninja test \
    && cd ..

Testing with the toml-test suite

As an optional extra you may wish to test against the 'official' test TOML test suite, BurntSushi/toml-test. See the instructions at toml-test/README. Note that the toml++ tests already consume tests from the offical suite via a C++ code-generation script so you are not expected to take this extra step as part of contributing to the library.