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# Getting Started #
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**Table of Contents**
- [Download](#download)
- [Add tinyusb to your project](#add-tinyusb-to-your-project)
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## Download
tinyusb uses github as online repository https://github.com/hathach/tinyusb since it is the best place for open source project.
If you are using Linux, you already know how to what to do. But If Windows is your OS, I would suggest to install [git](http://git-scm.com/) and front-end gui such as [tortoisegit](http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit) to begin with.
After downloading/cloning, the code base is composed of
Folder | Description
----- | -------------
boards | Source files of supported boards
demos | Source & project files for demonstration application
mcu | Low level mcu core & peripheral drivers (e.g CMSIS )
tests | Unit tests for the stack
tinyusb | All sources files for tinyusb stack itself.
vendor | Source files from 3rd party such as freeRTOS, fatfs etc ...
*demos* is the folder where all the application & project files are located. There are demos for both device and hosts. For each, there are different projects for each of supported RTOS.
## Add tinyusb to your project
It is relatively simple to incorporate tinyusb to your (existing) project
1. Copy core folder **tinyusb** to your project. Let's say it is *your_project/tinyusb*
2. Add all the .c in the core folder to your project settings (uvproj, ewp, makefile)
3. Add *your_project/tinysb* to your include path. Also make sure your current include path also contains the configuration file tusb_config.h. Or you could simply put the tusb_config.h into the tinyusb folder as well.
4. Make sure all required macros are all defined properly in tusb_config.h (configure file in demo application is sufficient, but you need to add a few more such as TUSB_CFG_MCU, TUSB_CFG_OS, TUSB_CFG_OS_TASK_PRIO since they are passed by IDE/compiler to maintain a unique configure for all demo projects).
5. If you use the device stack, make sure you have created/modified usb descriptors for your own need. Ultimately you need to fill out required pointers in tusbd_descriptor_pointers for that stack to work.
6. Add tusb_init() call to your reset initialization code.
7. Implement all enabled classes's callbacks.
8. If you dont use any RTOSes at all, you need to continuously and/or periodically call tusb_task_runner() function. Most of the callbacks and functionality are handled and invoke within the call of that task runner.
int main(void)
tusb_init(); // initialize tinyusb stack
while(1) // the mainloop
tusb_task_runner(); // handle tinyusb event, task etc ...
\subpage md_boards_readme
\subpage md_doxygen_started_demo
\subpage md_tools_readme |