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Host Demos

Table of Contents

host application code is store at demos/host/src containing

File Description
main.c Initialization (board, stack) and a RTOS task scheduler call or just simple a indefinite loop for non OS to invoke class-specific tasks.
tusb_config.h tinyusb stack configuration.
app_os_prio.h RTOS task priority definitions
Class-specific Application files for supported classes.

Firstly connect your ansi-escaped supported terminal (see below) to the UART of the evaluation board since all the user interaction happens there. The default UART configure is

  • Baudrate = 115200
  • Data = 8 bits
  • Parity = none
  • Stop = 1 bit
  • Flow control = none

The demo will start with the greeting of enabled classes and chosen RTOS then start to blink an LED at 1 Hz. When any of supported devices is plugged or un-plugged either directly or via a hub, demo application will print out a short message. Notes: if usb device is composed of supported and unsupported classes such as a keyboard and a camera, the keyboard interface is still mounted as usual without any issues.

NOTE Host demo is quite power hunger, especially when you plug a hub with several devices on it. Make sure you have enough power before filing any bugs.


In order to run application demo, you would need


Hub is internally handled by tinyusb stack, application code does not have to worry on how to get hub operated. However, application must be written to handle multiple devices simultaneously.

Human Interface Device (HID)


When a keyboard device is enumerated, any keys pressed on the device will be echoed to the UART terminal.

Host Keyboard Demo


When a mouse device is enumerated, any movements or clicks on the device will be reflected on the terminal. Only make sure the terminal's windows is active on your host OS and it supports ANSI escape code.

Host Mouse Demo

Mass Storage Class Device (MSC)

Mass storage demo application only supports device with FAT file system by the help of fatfs (source in vendor/fatfs). In addition, it also includes a minimal command line interface msc_cli.c to allow user to navigate and execute several basic file operations. When mass storage device is plugged, CLI will be activated, type "help" for the usage. Some are

Command Description
cls clear screen
ls List information of the FILEs, only supported current directory.
cd change the current directory.
cat display contents of a file.
cp copy files to another location.
mkdir create a directory, if it does not already exist.
mv rename or move a directory or a file.
rm remove (delete) an empty directory or file

Furthermore, the demo's CLI also supports multiple mass storage devices. You could cd between disk drives, and copy a file from one to another.

Host MSC Demo

Communication Class Device (CDC)

CDC has several subclass, currently tinyusb only supports the popular Abstract Control Model (ACM)


A virtual serial of CDC-ACM is supported, the host demo will echo back any thing it received from the device. So if you use the tinyusb device stack with CDC enabled to test with, you should modify it a bit to constantly send somethings (otherwise 2 demos will wait for each other).

Notes: FTDI is a vendor-specific class, which is not currently supported.

Host Serial Demo