* try to run arm-iar with circleci with new token
* limit iar ci parallel build to 4 for medium+ and 6 for large
* add hil-hfp to compile and test with IAR
* update build.py script to work with circleci
* build make with circle ci
* build vm for esp only
* nrf imxrt with large resource
* nrf imxrt with large resource
* remove 2 of nrf boards
* Build arm-clang using circle ci (only on PR): cache most of mandatory deps, clang toolchain
* update get_deps.py to include CMSIS_5 with --print + no arguments, prevent duplicated deps
- enable --one-per-family to build 1 board per family, also skip family if board specified in -b also present
- minimize ci run for push event
- only build one board per family
- skip hil test on both pi4 and hfp
- full build will be runn for PR event
- IAR always build 1 board per family regardless of event
- update build.py to optimize make
- remove all setup python since we don't really need it
* Circi use small docker
* caching espressif docker image
* only run make job on pull request or push to master
* hw test run on pull request only, rename build_cmake to build.yml
* enable all ci build, cmake(clang) and make(*) only run with pull_request or push to master
* add NO_LTO option to make
* add linkermap submodule and linkermap target
* add linkermap to ci build
* linkermap doesn't work with esp32sx map file yet
* add note for linkermap target
add support of new esp32s3 target and the board
update the roles.mk wrapper to allow dfu flashing of espressif chip
update examples to allow compilation for esp32s3_addax_1 board
once the code is tested the PR to original tinyusb repo will be submitted