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start to add fatfs support
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FatFs Module Source Files R0.09b (C)ChaN, 2013
ffconf.h Configuration file for FatFs module.
ff.h Common include file for FatFs and application module.
ff.c FatFs module.
diskio.h Common include file for FatFs and disk I/O module.
diskio.c An example of glue function to attach existing disk I/O module to FatFs.
integer.h Integer type definitions for FatFs.
option Optional external functions.
Low level disk I/O module is not included in this archive because the FatFs
module is only a generic file system layer and not depend on any specific
storage device. You have to provide a low level disk I/O module that written
to control your storage device.
FatFs module is an open source software to implement FAT file system to
small embedded systems. This is a free software and is opened for education,
research and commercial developments under license policy of following trems.
Copyright (C) 2012, ChaN, all right reserved.
* The FatFs module is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
* No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
personal, non-profit or commercial product UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.
Feb 26, 2006 R0.00 Prototype
Apr 29, 2006 R0.01 First release.
Jun 01, 2006 R0.02 Added FAT12.
Removed unbuffered mode.
Fixed a problem on small (<32M) patition.
Jun 10, 2006 R0.02a Added a configuration option _FS_MINIMUM.
Sep 22, 2006 R0.03 Added f_rename.
Changed option _FS_MINIMUM to _FS_MINIMIZE.
Dec 11, 2006 R0.03a Improved cluster scan algolithm to write files fast.
Fixed f_mkdir creates incorrect directory on FAT32.
Feb 04, 2007 R0.04 Supported multiple drive system. (FatFs)
Changed some APIs for multiple drive system.
Added f_mkfs. (FatFs)
Added _USE_FAT32 option. (Tiny-FatFs)
Apr 01, 2007 R0.04a Supported multiple partitions on a plysical drive. (FatFs)
Fixed an endian sensitive code in f_mkfs. (FatFs)
Added a capability of extending the file size to f_lseek.
Added minimization level 3.
Fixed a problem that can collapse a sector when recreate an
existing file in any sub-directory at non FAT32 cfg. (Tiny-FatFs)
May 05, 2007 R0.04b Added _USE_NTFLAG option.
Added FSInfo support.
Fixed some problems corresponds to FAT32. (Tiny-FatFs)
Fixed DBCS name can result FR_INVALID_NAME.
Fixed short seek (0 < ofs <= csize) collapses the file object.
Aug 25, 2007 R0.05 Changed arguments of f_read, f_write.
Changed arguments of f_mkfs. (FatFs)
Fixed f_mkfs on FAT32 creates incorrect FSInfo. (FatFs)
Fixed f_mkdir on FAT32 creates incorrect directory. (FatFs)
Feb 03, 2008 R0.05a Added f_truncate().
Added f_utime().
Fixed off by one error at FAT sub-type determination.
Fixed btr in f_read() can be mistruncated.
Fixed cached sector is not flushed when create and close without write.
Apr 01, 2008 R0.06 Added f_forward(). (Tiny-FatFs)
Added string functions: fputc(), fputs(), fprintf() and fgets().
Improved performance of f_lseek() on move to the same or following cluster.
Apr 01, 2009, R0.07 Merged Tiny-FatFs as a buffer configuration option.
Added long file name support.
Added multiple code page support.
Added re-entrancy for multitask operation.
Added auto cluster size selection to f_mkfs().
Added rewind option to f_readdir().
Changed result code of critical errors.
Renamed string functions to avoid name collision.
Apr 14, 2009, R0.07a Separated out OS dependent code on reentrant cfg.
Added multiple sector size support.
Jun 21, 2009, R0.07c Fixed f_unlink() may return FR_OK on error.
Fixed wrong cache control in f_lseek().
Added relative path feature.
Added f_chdir().
Added f_chdrive().
Added proper case conversion for extended characters.
Nov 03, 2009 R0.07e Separated out configuration options from ff.h to ffconf.h.
Added a configuration option, _LFN_UNICODE.
Fixed f_unlink() fails to remove a sub-dir on _FS_RPATH.
Fixed name matching error on the 13 char boundary.
Changed f_readdir() to return the SFN with always upper case on non-LFN cfg.
May 15, 2010, R0.08 Added a memory configuration option. (_USE_LFN)
Added file lock feature. (_FS_SHARE)
Added fast seek feature. (_USE_FASTSEEK)
Changed some types on the API, XCHAR->TCHAR.
Changed fname member in the FILINFO structure on Unicode cfg.
String functions support UTF-8 encoding files on Unicode cfg.
Aug 16,'10 R0.08a Added f_getcwd(). (_FS_RPATH = 2)
Added sector erase feature. (_USE_ERASE)
Moved file lock semaphore table from fs object to the bss.
Fixed a wrong directory entry is created on non-LFN cfg when the given name contains ';'.
Fixed f_mkfs() creates wrong FAT32 volume.
Jan 15,'11 R0.08b Fast seek feature is also applied to f_read() and f_write().
f_lseek() reports required table size on creating CLMP.
Extended format syntax of f_printf function.
Ignores duplicated directory separators in given path names.
Sep 06,'11 R0.09 f_mkfs() supports multiple partition to finish the multiple partition feature.
Added f_fdisk(). (_MULTI_PARTITION = 2)
Aug 27,'12 R0.09a Fixed assertion failure due to OS/2 EA on FAT12/16.
Changed f_open() and f_opendir() reject null object pointer to avoid crash.
Changed option name _FS_SHARE to _FS_LOCK.
Jan 23,'13 R0.09b Added f_getlabel() and f_setlabel(). (_USE_LABEL == 1)
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/ Low level disk interface modlue include file (C)ChaN, 2013
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define _USE_WRITE 1 /* 1: Enable disk_write function */
#define _USE_IOCTL 1 /* 1: Enable disk_ioctl fucntion */
#include "integer.h"
/* Status of Disk Functions */
/* Results of Disk Functions */
typedef enum {
RES_OK = 0, /* 0: Successful */
RES_ERROR, /* 1: R/W Error */
RES_WRPRT, /* 2: Write Protected */
RES_NOTRDY, /* 3: Not Ready */
RES_PARERR /* 4: Invalid Parameter */
/* Prototypes for disk control functions */
DSTATUS disk_initialize (BYTE pdrv);
DSTATUS disk_status (BYTE pdrv);
DRESULT disk_read (BYTE pdrv, BYTE*buff, DWORD sector, BYTE count);
DRESULT disk_write (BYTE pdrv, const BYTE* buff, DWORD sector, BYTE count);
DRESULT disk_ioctl (BYTE pdrv, BYTE cmd, void* buff);
/* Disk Status Bits (DSTATUS) */
#define STA_NOINIT 0x01 /* Drive not initialized */
#define STA_NODISK 0x02 /* No medium in the drive */
#define STA_PROTECT 0x04 /* Write protected */
/* Command code for disk_ioctrl fucntion */
/* Generic command (used by FatFs) */
#define CTRL_SYNC 0 /* Flush disk cache (for write functions) */
#define GET_SECTOR_COUNT 1 /* Get media size (for only f_mkfs()) */
#define GET_SECTOR_SIZE 2 /* Get sector size (for multiple sector size (_MAX_SS >= 1024)) */
#define GET_BLOCK_SIZE 3 /* Get erase block size (for only f_mkfs()) */
#define CTRL_ERASE_SECTOR 4 /* Force erased a block of sectors (for only _USE_ERASE) */
/* Generic command (not used by FatFs) */
#define CTRL_POWER 5 /* Get/Set power status */
#define CTRL_LOCK 6 /* Lock/Unlock media removal */
#define CTRL_EJECT 7 /* Eject media */
#define CTRL_FORMAT 8 /* Create physical format on the media */
/* MMC/SDC specific ioctl command */
#define MMC_GET_TYPE 10 /* Get card type */
#define MMC_GET_CSD 11 /* Get CSD */
#define MMC_GET_CID 12 /* Get CID */
#define MMC_GET_OCR 13 /* Get OCR */
#define MMC_GET_SDSTAT 14 /* Get SD status */
/* ATA/CF specific ioctl command */
#define ATA_GET_REV 20 /* Get F/W revision */
#define ATA_GET_MODEL 21 /* Get model name */
#define ATA_GET_SN 22 /* Get serial number */
/* MMC card type flags (MMC_GET_TYPE) */
#define CT_MMC 0x01 /* MMC ver 3 */
#define CT_SD1 0x02 /* SD ver 1 */
#define CT_SD2 0x04 /* SD ver 2 */
#define CT_SDC (CT_SD1|CT_SD2) /* SD */
#define CT_BLOCK 0x08 /* Block addressing */
#ifdef __cplusplus
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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/ FatFs - FAT file system module include file R0.09b (C)ChaN, 2013
/ FatFs module is a generic FAT file system module for small embedded systems.
/ This is a free software that opened for education, research and commercial
/ developments under license policy of following terms.
/ Copyright (C) 2013, ChaN, all right reserved.
/ * The FatFs module is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
/ * No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
/ personal, non-profit or commercial product UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
/ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.
#ifndef _FATFS
#define _FATFS 82786 /* Revision ID */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "integer.h" /* Basic integer types */
#include "ffconf.h" /* FatFs configuration options */
#error Wrong configuration file (ffconf.h).
/* Definitions of volume management */
#if _MULTI_PARTITION /* Multiple partition configuration */
typedef struct {
BYTE pd; /* Physical drive number */
BYTE pt; /* Partition: 0:Auto detect, 1-4:Forced partition) */
extern PARTITION VolToPart[]; /* Volume - Partition resolution table */
#define LD2PD(vol) (VolToPart[vol].pd) /* Get physical drive number */
#define LD2PT(vol) (VolToPart[vol].pt) /* Get partition index */
#else /* Single partition configuration */
#define LD2PD(vol) (BYTE)(vol) /* Each logical drive is bound to the same physical drive number */
#define LD2PT(vol) 0 /* Always mounts the 1st partition or in SFD */
/* Type of path name strings on FatFs API */
#if _LFN_UNICODE /* Unicode string */
#if !_USE_LFN
#error _LFN_UNICODE must be 0 in non-LFN cfg.
#ifndef _INC_TCHAR
typedef WCHAR TCHAR;
#define _T(x) L ## x
#define _TEXT(x) L ## x
#else /* ANSI/OEM string */
#ifndef _INC_TCHAR
typedef char TCHAR;
#define _T(x) x
#define _TEXT(x) x
/* File system object structure (FATFS) */
typedef struct {
BYTE fs_type; /* FAT sub-type (0:Not mounted) */
BYTE drv; /* Physical drive number */
BYTE csize; /* Sectors per cluster (1,2,4...128) */
BYTE n_fats; /* Number of FAT copies (1,2) */
BYTE wflag; /* win[] dirty flag (1:must be written back) */
BYTE fsi_flag; /* fsinfo dirty flag (1:must be written back) */
WORD id; /* File system mount ID */
WORD n_rootdir; /* Number of root directory entries (FAT12/16) */
#if _MAX_SS != 512
WORD ssize; /* Bytes per sector (512, 1024, 2048 or 4096) */
_SYNC_t sobj; /* Identifier of sync object */
DWORD last_clust; /* Last allocated cluster */
DWORD free_clust; /* Number of free clusters */
DWORD fsi_sector; /* fsinfo sector (FAT32) */
DWORD cdir; /* Current directory start cluster (0:root) */
DWORD n_fatent; /* Number of FAT entries (= number of clusters + 2) */
DWORD fsize; /* Sectors per FAT */
DWORD volbase; /* Volume start sector */
DWORD fatbase; /* FAT start sector */
DWORD dirbase; /* Root directory start sector (FAT32:Cluster#) */
DWORD database; /* Data start sector */
DWORD winsect; /* Current sector appearing in the win[] */
BYTE win[_MAX_SS]; /* Disk access window for Directory, FAT (and Data on tiny cfg) */
/* File object structure (FIL) */
typedef struct {
FATFS* fs; /* Pointer to the related file system object (**do not change order**) */
WORD id; /* Owner file system mount ID (**do not change order**) */
BYTE flag; /* File status flags */
BYTE pad1;
DWORD fptr; /* File read/write pointer (0ed on file open) */
DWORD fsize; /* File size */
DWORD sclust; /* File data start cluster (0:no data cluster, always 0 when fsize is 0) */
DWORD clust; /* Current cluster of fpter */
DWORD dsect; /* Current data sector of fpter */
DWORD dir_sect; /* Sector containing the directory entry */
BYTE* dir_ptr; /* Pointer to the directory entry in the window */
DWORD* cltbl; /* Pointer to the cluster link map table (null on file open) */
#if _FS_LOCK
UINT lockid; /* File lock ID (index of file semaphore table Files[]) */
#if !_FS_TINY
BYTE buf[_MAX_SS]; /* File data read/write buffer */
} FIL;
/* Directory object structure (DIR) */
typedef struct {
FATFS* fs; /* Pointer to the owner file system object (**do not change order**) */
WORD id; /* Owner file system mount ID (**do not change order**) */
WORD index; /* Current read/write index number */
DWORD sclust; /* Table start cluster (0:Root dir) */
DWORD clust; /* Current cluster */
DWORD sect; /* Current sector */
BYTE* dir; /* Pointer to the current SFN entry in the win[] */
BYTE* fn; /* Pointer to the SFN (in/out) {file[8],ext[3],status[1]} */
#if _USE_LFN
WCHAR* lfn; /* Pointer to the LFN working buffer */
WORD lfn_idx; /* Last matched LFN index number (0xFFFF:No LFN) */
} DIR;
/* File status structure (FILINFO) */
typedef struct {
DWORD fsize; /* File size */
WORD fdate; /* Last modified date */
WORD ftime; /* Last modified time */
BYTE fattrib; /* Attribute */
TCHAR fname[13]; /* Short file name (8.3 format) */
#if _USE_LFN
TCHAR* lfname; /* Pointer to the LFN buffer */
UINT lfsize; /* Size of LFN buffer in TCHAR */
/* File function return code (FRESULT) */
typedef enum {
FR_OK = 0, /* (0) Succeeded */
FR_DISK_ERR, /* (1) A hard error occurred in the low level disk I/O layer */
FR_INT_ERR, /* (2) Assertion failed */
FR_NOT_READY, /* (3) The physical drive cannot work */
FR_NO_FILE, /* (4) Could not find the file */
FR_NO_PATH, /* (5) Could not find the path */
FR_INVALID_NAME, /* (6) The path name format is invalid */
FR_DENIED, /* (7) Access denied due to prohibited access or directory full */
FR_EXIST, /* (8) Access denied due to prohibited access */
FR_INVALID_OBJECT, /* (9) The file/directory object is invalid */
FR_WRITE_PROTECTED, /* (10) The physical drive is write protected */
FR_INVALID_DRIVE, /* (11) The logical drive number is invalid */
FR_NOT_ENABLED, /* (12) The volume has no work area */
FR_NO_FILESYSTEM, /* (13) There is no valid FAT volume */
FR_MKFS_ABORTED, /* (14) The f_mkfs() aborted due to any parameter error */
FR_TIMEOUT, /* (15) Could not get a grant to access the volume within defined period */
FR_LOCKED, /* (16) The operation is rejected according to the file sharing policy */
FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE, /* (17) LFN working buffer could not be allocated */
FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES, /* (18) Number of open files > _FS_SHARE */
FR_INVALID_PARAMETER /* (19) Given parameter is invalid */
/* FatFs module application interface */
FRESULT f_mount (BYTE vol, FATFS* fs); /* Mount/Unmount a logical drive */
FRESULT f_open (FIL* fp, const TCHAR* path, BYTE mode); /* Open or create a file */
FRESULT f_read (FIL* fp, void* buff, UINT btr, UINT* br); /* Read data from a file */
FRESULT f_lseek (FIL* fp, DWORD ofs); /* Move file pointer of a file object */
FRESULT f_close (FIL* fp); /* Close an open file object */
FRESULT f_opendir (DIR* dj, const TCHAR* path); /* Open an existing directory */
FRESULT f_readdir (DIR* dj, FILINFO* fno); /* Read a directory item */
FRESULT f_stat (const TCHAR* path, FILINFO* fno); /* Get file status */
FRESULT f_write (FIL* fp, const void* buff, UINT btw, UINT* bw); /* Write data to a file */
FRESULT f_getfree (const TCHAR* path, DWORD* nclst, FATFS** fatfs); /* Get number of free clusters on the drive */
FRESULT f_truncate (FIL* fp); /* Truncate file */
FRESULT f_sync (FIL* fp); /* Flush cached data of a writing file */
FRESULT f_unlink (const TCHAR* path); /* Delete an existing file or directory */
FRESULT f_mkdir (const TCHAR* path); /* Create a new directory */
FRESULT f_chmod (const TCHAR* path, BYTE value, BYTE mask); /* Change attribute of the file/dir */
FRESULT f_utime (const TCHAR* path, const FILINFO* fno); /* Change times-tamp of the file/dir */
FRESULT f_rename (const TCHAR* path_old, const TCHAR* path_new); /* Rename/Move a file or directory */
FRESULT f_chdrive (BYTE drv); /* Change current drive */
FRESULT f_chdir (const TCHAR* path); /* Change current directory */
FRESULT f_getcwd (TCHAR* buff, UINT len); /* Get current directory */
FRESULT f_getlabel (const TCHAR* path, TCHAR* label, DWORD* sn); /* Get volume label */
FRESULT f_setlabel (const TCHAR* label); /* Set volume label */
FRESULT f_forward (FIL* fp, UINT(*func)(const BYTE*,UINT), UINT btf, UINT* bf); /* Forward data to the stream */
FRESULT f_mkfs (BYTE vol, BYTE sfd, UINT au); /* Create a file system on the drive */
FRESULT f_fdisk (BYTE pdrv, const DWORD szt[], void* work); /* Divide a physical drive into some partitions */
int f_putc (TCHAR c, FIL* fp); /* Put a character to the file */
int f_puts (const TCHAR* str, FIL* cp); /* Put a string to the file */
int f_printf (FIL* fp, const TCHAR* str, ...); /* Put a formatted string to the file */
TCHAR* f_gets (TCHAR* buff, int len, FIL* fp); /* Get a string from the file */
#define f_eof(fp) (((fp)->fptr == (fp)->fsize) ? 1 : 0)
#define f_error(fp) (((fp)->flag & FA__ERROR) ? 1 : 0)
#define f_tell(fp) ((fp)->fptr)
#define f_size(fp) ((fp)->fsize)
#ifndef EOF
#define EOF (-1)
/* Additional user defined functions */
/* RTC function */
DWORD get_fattime (void);
/* Unicode support functions */
#if _USE_LFN /* Unicode - OEM code conversion */
WCHAR ff_convert (WCHAR chr, UINT dir); /* OEM-Unicode bidirectional conversion */
WCHAR ff_wtoupper (WCHAR chr); /* Unicode upper-case conversion */
#if _USE_LFN == 3 /* Memory functions */
void* ff_memalloc (UINT msize); /* Allocate memory block */
void ff_memfree (void* mblock); /* Free memory block */
/* Sync functions */
int ff_cre_syncobj (BYTE vol, _SYNC_t* sobj); /* Create a sync object */
int ff_req_grant (_SYNC_t sobj); /* Lock sync object */
void ff_rel_grant (_SYNC_t sobj); /* Unlock sync object */
int ff_del_syncobj (_SYNC_t sobj); /* Delete a sync object */
/* Flags and offset address */
/* File access control and file status flags (FIL.flag) */
#define FA_READ 0x01
#define FA_OPEN_EXISTING 0x00
#define FA__ERROR 0x80
#define FA_WRITE 0x02
#define FA_CREATE_NEW 0x04
#define FA_CREATE_ALWAYS 0x08
#define FA_OPEN_ALWAYS 0x10
#define FA__WRITTEN 0x20
#define FA__DIRTY 0x40
/* FAT sub type (FATFS.fs_type) */
#define FS_FAT12 1
#define FS_FAT16 2
#define FS_FAT32 3
/* File attribute bits for directory entry */
#define AM_RDO 0x01 /* Read only */
#define AM_HID 0x02 /* Hidden */
#define AM_SYS 0x04 /* System */
#define AM_VOL 0x08 /* Volume label */
#define AM_LFN 0x0F /* LFN entry */
#define AM_DIR 0x10 /* Directory */
#define AM_ARC 0x20 /* Archive */
#define AM_MASK 0x3F /* Mask of defined bits */
/* Fast seek feature */
/* Multi-byte word access macros */
#if _WORD_ACCESS == 1 /* Enable word access to the FAT structure */
#define LD_WORD(ptr) (WORD)(*(WORD*)(BYTE*)(ptr))
#define LD_DWORD(ptr) (DWORD)(*(DWORD*)(BYTE*)(ptr))
#define ST_WORD(ptr,val) *(WORD*)(BYTE*)(ptr)=(WORD)(val)
#define ST_DWORD(ptr,val) *(DWORD*)(BYTE*)(ptr)=(DWORD)(val)
#else /* Use byte-by-byte access to the FAT structure */
#define LD_WORD(ptr) (WORD)(((WORD)*((BYTE*)(ptr)+1)<<8)|(WORD)*(BYTE*)(ptr))
#define LD_DWORD(ptr) (DWORD)(((DWORD)*((BYTE*)(ptr)+3)<<24)|((DWORD)*((BYTE*)(ptr)+2)<<16)|((WORD)*((BYTE*)(ptr)+1)<<8)|*(BYTE*)(ptr))
#define ST_WORD(ptr,val) *(BYTE*)(ptr)=(BYTE)(val); *((BYTE*)(ptr)+1)=(BYTE)((WORD)(val)>>8)
#define ST_DWORD(ptr,val) *(BYTE*)(ptr)=(BYTE)(val); *((BYTE*)(ptr)+1)=(BYTE)((WORD)(val)>>8); *((BYTE*)(ptr)+2)=(BYTE)((DWORD)(val)>>16); *((BYTE*)(ptr)+3)=(BYTE)((DWORD)(val)>>24)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _FATFS */
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/ FatFs - FAT file system module configuration file R0.09b (C)ChaN, 2013
/ CAUTION! Do not forget to make clean the project after any changes to
/ the configuration options.
#ifndef _FFCONF
#define _FFCONF 82786 /* Revision ID */
/ Functions and Buffer Configurations
#define _FS_TINY 0 /* 0:Normal or 1:Tiny */
/* When _FS_TINY is set to 1, FatFs uses the sector buffer in the file system
/ object instead of the sector buffer in the individual file object for file
/ data transfer. This reduces memory consumption 512 bytes each file object. */
#define _FS_READONLY 0 /* 0:Read/Write or 1:Read only */
/* Setting _FS_READONLY to 1 defines read only configuration. This removes
/ writing functions, f_write, f_sync, f_unlink, f_mkdir, f_chmod, f_rename,
/ f_truncate and useless f_getfree. */
#define _FS_MINIMIZE 0 /* 0 to 3 */
/* The _FS_MINIMIZE option defines minimization level to remove some functions.
/ 0: Full function.
/ 1: f_stat, f_getfree, f_unlink, f_mkdir, f_chmod, f_truncate and f_rename
/ are removed.
/ 2: f_opendir and f_readdir are removed in addition to 1.
/ 3: f_lseek is removed in addition to 2. */
#define _USE_STRFUNC 0 /* 0:Disable or 1-2:Enable */
/* To enable string functions, set _USE_STRFUNC to 1 or 2. */
#define _USE_MKFS 0 /* 0:Disable or 1:Enable */
/* To enable f_mkfs function, set _USE_MKFS to 1 and set _FS_READONLY to 0 */
#define _USE_FASTSEEK 0 /* 0:Disable or 1:Enable */
/* To enable fast seek feature, set _USE_FASTSEEK to 1. */
#define _USE_LABEL 0 /* 0:Disable or 1:Enable */
/* To enable volume label functions, set _USE_LAVEL to 1 */
#define _USE_FORWARD 0 /* 0:Disable or 1:Enable */
/* To enable f_forward function, set _USE_FORWARD to 1 and set _FS_TINY to 1. */
/ Locale and Namespace Configurations
#define _CODE_PAGE 437
/* The _CODE_PAGE specifies the OEM code page to be used on the target system.
/ Incorrect setting of the code page can cause a file open failure.
/ 932 - Japanese Shift-JIS (DBCS, OEM, Windows)
/ 936 - Simplified Chinese GBK (DBCS, OEM, Windows)
/ 949 - Korean (DBCS, OEM, Windows)
/ 950 - Traditional Chinese Big5 (DBCS, OEM, Windows)
/ 1250 - Central Europe (Windows)
/ 1251 - Cyrillic (Windows)
/ 1252 - Latin 1 (Windows)
/ 1253 - Greek (Windows)
/ 1254 - Turkish (Windows)
/ 1255 - Hebrew (Windows)
/ 1256 - Arabic (Windows)
/ 1257 - Baltic (Windows)
/ 1258 - Vietnam (OEM, Windows)
/ 437 - U.S. (OEM)
/ 720 - Arabic (OEM)
/ 737 - Greek (OEM)
/ 775 - Baltic (OEM)
/ 850 - Multilingual Latin 1 (OEM)
/ 858 - Multilingual Latin 1 + Euro (OEM)
/ 852 - Latin 2 (OEM)
/ 855 - Cyrillic (OEM)
/ 866 - Russian (OEM)
/ 857 - Turkish (OEM)
/ 862 - Hebrew (OEM)
/ 874 - Thai (OEM, Windows)
/ 1 - ASCII only (Valid for non LFN cfg.)
#define _USE_LFN 0 /* 0 to 3 */
#define _MAX_LFN 255 /* Maximum LFN length to handle (12 to 255) */
/* The _USE_LFN option switches the LFN support.
/ 0: Disable LFN feature. _MAX_LFN and _LFN_UNICODE have no effect.
/ 1: Enable LFN with static working buffer on the BSS. Always NOT reentrant.
/ 2: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the STACK.
/ 3: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the HEAP.
/ The LFN working buffer occupies (_MAX_LFN + 1) * 2 bytes. To enable LFN,
/ Unicode handling functions ff_convert() and ff_wtoupper() must be added
/ to the project. When enable to use heap, memory control functions
/ ff_memalloc() and ff_memfree() must be added to the project. */
#define _LFN_UNICODE 0 /* 0:ANSI/OEM or 1:Unicode */
/* To switch the character code set on FatFs API to Unicode,
/ enable LFN feature and set _LFN_UNICODE to 1. */
#define _FS_RPATH 0 /* 0 to 2 */
/* The _FS_RPATH option configures relative path feature.
/ 0: Disable relative path feature and remove related functions.
/ 1: Enable relative path. f_chdrive() and f_chdir() are available.
/ 2: f_getcwd() is available in addition to 1.
/ Note that output of the f_readdir fnction is affected by this option. */
/ Physical Drive Configurations
#define _VOLUMES 1
/* Number of volumes (logical drives) to be used. */
#define _MAX_SS 512 /* 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 */
/* Maximum sector size to be handled.
/ Always set 512 for memory card and hard disk but a larger value may be
/ required for on-board flash memory, floppy disk and optical disk.
/ When _MAX_SS is larger than 512, it configures FatFs to variable sector size
/ and GET_SECTOR_SIZE command must be implememted to the disk_ioctl function. */
#define _MULTI_PARTITION 0 /* 0:Single partition, 1:Enable multiple partition */
/* When set to 0, each volume is bound to the same physical drive number and
/ it can mount only first primaly partition. When it is set to 1, each volume
/ is tied to the partitions listed in VolToPart[]. */
#define _USE_ERASE 0 /* 0:Disable or 1:Enable */
/* To enable sector erase feature, set _USE_ERASE to 1. CTRL_ERASE_SECTOR command
/ should be added to the disk_ioctl functio. */
/ System Configurations
#define _WORD_ACCESS 0 /* 0 or 1 */
/* Set 0 first and it is always compatible with all platforms. The _WORD_ACCESS
/ option defines which access method is used to the word data on the FAT volume.
/ 0: Byte-by-byte access.
/ 1: Word access. Do not choose this unless following condition is met.
/ When the byte order on the memory is big-endian or address miss-aligned word
/ access results incorrect behavior, the _WORD_ACCESS must be set to 0.
/ If it is not the case, the value can also be set to 1 to improve the
/ performance and code size.
/* A header file that defines sync object types on the O/S, such as
/ windows.h, ucos_ii.h and semphr.h, must be included prior to ff.h. */
#define _FS_REENTRANT 0 /* 0:Disable or 1:Enable */
#define _FS_TIMEOUT 1000 /* Timeout period in unit of time ticks */
#define _SYNC_t HANDLE /* O/S dependent type of sync object. e.g. HANDLE, OS_EVENT*, ID and etc.. */
/* The _FS_REENTRANT option switches the reentrancy (thread safe) of the FatFs module.
/ 0: Disable reentrancy. _SYNC_t and _FS_TIMEOUT have no effect.
/ 1: Enable reentrancy. Also user provided synchronization handlers,
/ ff_req_grant, ff_rel_grant, ff_del_syncobj and ff_cre_syncobj
/ function must be added to the project. */
#define _FS_LOCK 0 /* 0:Disable or >=1:Enable */
/* To enable file lock control feature, set _FS_LOCK to 1 or greater.
The value defines how many files can be opened simultaneously. */
#endif /* _FFCONFIG */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
/* Integer type definitions for FatFs module */
#ifndef _INTEGER
#define _INTEGER
#ifdef _WIN32 /* FatFs development platform */
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#else /* Embedded platform */
/* These types must be 16-bit, 32-bit or larger integer */
typedef int INT;
typedef unsigned int UINT;
/* These types must be 8-bit integer */
typedef char CHAR;
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
/* These types must be 16-bit integer */
typedef short SHORT;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
/* These types must be 32-bit integer */
typedef long LONG;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user