Fixed the error which occurred when a game attempted to read the VID/PID of an undefined VFS USB device:
SIG: Thread terminated due to fatal error: Failed to read hex string: invalid argument
(in file C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\cirrus-ci-build\rpcs3\Emu\Cell\lv2\sys_fs.cpp:1942[:25], in function sys_fs_fcntl)
* Make this setting guard all reservation waitings. (renamed)
* Revert atomic list usage: it's more expensive and not needed because it has a timeout and is not optimized for the rest of the waitables.
* Fix instruction-selection dependent functionality.
* Remove odd instruction position jumps in add/remove breakpoint.
* Make PC fixate at 1/3 of the frame because knowing future instructions is more important than knowing the previous.
Timeline of the race:
1. The PPU is in SLEEP state. state = suspend.
2. lv2_obj::awake is called on the traced thread and is now in ONPROC state, state = signal.
3. lv2_obj::awake is called by another thread externally with a priority higher than our traced thread and appends it to g_pending. state = suspend + signal.
4. lv2_obj::sleep/set_priority (higering priority) is called on any thread which is in ONPROC. Causing it to enter SLEEP or RUNNING state, while the traced thread is back in queue in ONPROC. state = suspend + signal.
5. The traced thread finally calls lv2_obj::awake on itself, g_pending decrements to 0 and we a have a rescheduling event, after XOR state = 0!!! (no signal)
6. In check_state: cpu_sleep_called is now true and remains this way.
7. Another thread with a higher prioty kicks in and appends the traced thread into g_pending. state = suspend.
8. The traced thread is at cpu_thread::cpu_wait(), and that's where it's gonna spend the rest of its life.