lf_queue<>: unbound FIFO queue with dynamic linked-list
lf_value<>: concurrently-assignable value readable without locking at the cost of memory (using dynamic linked list)
Add atomic_t<>::compare_exchange
Remove "atomic operator" classes
Remove test, test_and_set, test_and_reset, test_and_complement global functions
Simplify atomic_t<> with constexpr if, remove some garbage
Redesign bs_t<> to use class, mark its methods constexpr
Implement atomic_bs_t<> for optimizations
Remove unused __bitwise_ops concept (should be in other header anyway)
Bitsets can now be tested via safe bool conversion
* Optimizations
1) Some headers simplified for better compilation time
2) Some templates simplified for smaller executable size
3) Eliminate std::future to fix compilation for mingw64
4) PKG installation can be cancelled now
5) cellGame fixes
6) XAudio2 fix for mingw64
7) PPUInterpreter bug fixed (Clang)
* any_pod<> implemented
Aliases: any16, any32, any64
rsx::make_command fixed