mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:27:00 +00:00
Mega-cleanup for atomic_t<> and named bit-sets bs_t<>
Remove "atomic operator" classes Remove test, test_and_set, test_and_reset, test_and_complement global functions Simplify atomic_t<> with constexpr if, remove some garbage Redesign bs_t<> to use class, mark its methods constexpr Implement atomic_bs_t<> for optimizations Remove unused __bitwise_ops concept (should be in other header anyway) Bitsets can now be tested via safe bool conversion
This commit is contained in:
@ -562,206 +562,11 @@ struct atomic_storage<T, 16> : atomic_storage<T, 0>
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_add
auto operator()(T1& lhs, const T2& rhs) const
return lhs += rhs;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct atomic_add<T1, T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_convertible<T2, T1>::value>>
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::fetch_add;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &atomic_storage<T1>::add_fetch;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::add_fetch;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_sub
auto operator()(T1& lhs, const T2& rhs) const
return lhs -= rhs;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct atomic_sub<T1, T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_convertible<T2, T1>::value>>
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::fetch_sub;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &atomic_storage<T1>::sub_fetch;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::sub_fetch;
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct atomic_pre_inc
auto operator()(T& v) const
return ++v;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_pre_inc<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>>
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T>::inc_fetch;
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct atomic_post_inc
auto operator()(T& v) const
return v++;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_post_inc<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>>
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T>::fetch_inc;
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct atomic_pre_dec
auto operator()(T& v) const
return --v;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_pre_dec<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>>
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T>::dec_fetch;
template<typename T, typename = void>
struct atomic_post_dec
auto operator()(T& v) const
return v--;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_post_dec<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>>
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T>::fetch_dec;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_and
auto operator()(T1& lhs, const T2& rhs) const
return lhs &= rhs;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct atomic_and<T1, T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_convertible<T2, T1>::value>>
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::fetch_and;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &atomic_storage<T1>::and_fetch;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::and_fetch;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_or
auto operator()(T1& lhs, const T2& rhs) const
return lhs |= rhs;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct atomic_or<T1, T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_convertible<T2, T1>::value>>
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::fetch_or;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &atomic_storage<T1>::or_fetch;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::or_fetch;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_xor
auto operator()(T1& lhs, const T2& rhs) const
return lhs ^= rhs;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct atomic_xor<T1, T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_convertible<T2, T1>::value>>
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::fetch_xor;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &atomic_storage<T1>::xor_fetch;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::xor_fetch;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_test_and_set
bool operator()(T1& lhs, const T2& rhs) const
return test_and_set(lhs, rhs);
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct atomic_test_and_set<T1, T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_convertible<T2, T1>::value>>
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_set;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_set;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_set;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_test_and_reset
bool operator()(T1& lhs, const T2& rhs) const
return test_and_reset(lhs, rhs);
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct atomic_test_and_reset<T1, T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_convertible<T2, T1>::value>>
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_reset;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_reset;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_reset;
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct atomic_test_and_complement
bool operator()(T1& lhs, const T2& rhs) const
return test_and_complement(lhs, rhs);
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct atomic_test_and_complement<T1, T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_convertible<T2, T1>::value>>
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_complement;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_complement;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &atomic_storage<T1>::test_and_complement;
// Atomic type with lock-free and standard layout guarantees (and appropriate limitations)
template<typename T>
template <typename T>
class atomic_t
using type = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type;
static_assert(alignof(type) == sizeof(type), "atomic_t<> error: unexpected alignment, use alignas() if necessary");
@ -790,7 +595,7 @@ public:
// Atomically compare data with cmp, replace with exch if equal, return previous data value anyway
simple_type compare_and_swap(const type& cmp, const type& exch)
type compare_and_swap(const type& cmp, const type& exch)
type old = cmp;
atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, exch);
@ -804,83 +609,69 @@ public:
return atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, exch);
// Atomic operation; returns old value, discards function result value
template<typename F, typename... Args, typename RT = std::result_of_t<F(T&, const Args&...)>>
type fetch_op(F&& func, const Args&... args)
// Atomic operation; returns old value
template <typename F>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_void<std::invoke_result_t<F, T&>>::value, type> fetch_op(F&& func)
type _new, old = atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
while (true)
func((_new = old), args...);
func((_new = old));
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new))) return old;
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new))) [[likely]]
return old;
// Helper overload for calling optimized implementation
template<typename F, typename... Args, typename FT = decltype(F::fetch_op), typename RT = std::result_of_t<FT(T&, const Args&...)>>
type fetch_op(F&&, const Args&... args)
return F::fetch_op(m_data, args...);
// Atomic operation; returns new value, discards function result value
template<typename F, typename... Args, typename RT = std::result_of_t<F(T&, const Args&...)>>
type op_fetch(F&& func, const Args&... args)
// Atomic operation; returns new value
template <typename F>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_void<std::invoke_result_t<F, T&>>::value, type> op_fetch(F&& func)
type _new, old = atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
while (true)
func((_new = old), args...);
func((_new = old));
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new))) return _new;
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new))) [[likely]]
return _new;
// Helper overload for calling optimized implementation
template<typename F, typename... Args, typename FT = decltype(F::op_fetch), typename RT = std::result_of_t<FT(T&, const Args&...)>>
type op_fetch(F&&, const Args&... args)
return F::op_fetch(m_data, args...);
// Atomic operation; returns function result value
template<typename F, typename... Args, typename RT = std::result_of_t<F(T&, const Args&...)>, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_void<RT>::value>>
// Atomic operation; returns function result value (TODO: remove args)
template <typename F, typename... Args, typename RT = std::invoke_result_t<F, T&, const Args&...>>
RT atomic_op(F&& func, const Args&... args)
type _new, old = atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
while (true)
RT&& result = func((_new = old), args...);
if constexpr(std::is_void<RT>::value)
func((_new = old), args...);
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new))) return std::move(result);
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new))) [[likely]]
RT result = func((_new = old), args...);
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new))) [[likely]]
return result;
// Overload for void return type
template<typename F, typename... Args, typename RT = std::result_of_t<F(T&, const Args&...)>, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_void<RT>::value>>
void atomic_op(F&& func, const Args&... args)
type _new, old = atomic_storage<type>::load(m_data);
while (true)
func((_new = old), args...);
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old, _new))) return;
// Helper overload for calling optimized implementation
template<typename F, typename... Args, typename FT = decltype(F::atomic_op), typename RT = std::result_of_t<FT(T&, const Args&...)>>
auto atomic_op(F&&, const Args&... args)
return F::atomic_op(m_data, args...);
// Atomically read data
type load() const
@ -911,144 +702,250 @@ public:
return atomic_storage<type>::exchange(m_data, rhs);
template<typename T2>
type fetch_add(const T2& rhs)
type fetch_add(const type& rhs)
return fetch_op(atomic_add<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_add(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v += rhs;
template<typename T2>
type add_fetch(const T2& rhs)
type add_fetch(const type& rhs)
return op_fetch(atomic_add<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::add_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return op_fetch([&](T& v)
v += rhs;
template<typename T2>
auto operator +=(const T2& rhs)
auto operator +=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op(atomic_add<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::add_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v += rhs;
template<typename T2>
type fetch_sub(const T2& rhs)
type fetch_sub(const type& rhs)
return fetch_op(atomic_sub<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_sub(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v -= rhs;
template<typename T2>
type sub_fetch(const T2& rhs)
type sub_fetch(const type& rhs)
return op_fetch(atomic_sub<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::sub_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return op_fetch([&](T& v)
v -= rhs;
template<typename T2>
auto operator -=(const T2& rhs)
auto operator -=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op(atomic_sub<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::sub_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v -= rhs;
template<typename T2>
type fetch_and(const T2& rhs)
type fetch_and(const type& rhs)
return fetch_op(atomic_and<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_and(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v &= rhs;
template<typename T2>
type and_fetch(const T2& rhs)
type and_fetch(const type& rhs)
return op_fetch(atomic_and<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::and_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return op_fetch([&](T& v)
v &= rhs;
template<typename T2>
auto operator &=(const T2& rhs)
auto operator &=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op(atomic_and<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::and_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v &= rhs;
template<typename T2>
type fetch_or(const T2& rhs)
type fetch_or(const type& rhs)
return fetch_op(atomic_or<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_or(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v |= rhs;
template<typename T2>
type or_fetch(const T2& rhs)
type or_fetch(const type& rhs)
return op_fetch(atomic_or<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::or_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return op_fetch([&](T& v)
v |= rhs;
template<typename T2>
auto operator |=(const T2& rhs)
auto operator |=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op(atomic_or<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::or_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v |= rhs;
template<typename T2>
type fetch_xor(const T2& rhs)
type fetch_xor(const type& rhs)
return fetch_op(atomic_xor<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_xor(m_data, rhs);
return fetch_op([&](T& v)
v ^= rhs;
template<typename T2>
type xor_fetch(const T2& rhs)
type xor_fetch(const type& rhs)
return op_fetch(atomic_xor<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::xor_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return op_fetch([&](T& v)
v ^= rhs;
template<typename T2>
auto operator ^=(const T2& rhs)
auto operator ^=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op(atomic_xor<type, T2>{}, rhs);
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::xor_fetch(m_data, rhs);
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v ^= rhs;
auto operator ++()
return atomic_op(atomic_pre_inc<type>{});
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::inc_fetch(m_data);
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return ++v;
auto operator --()
return atomic_op(atomic_pre_dec<type>{});
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::dec_fetch(m_data);
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return --v;
auto operator ++(int)
return atomic_op(atomic_post_inc<type>{});
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_inc(m_data);
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return v++;
auto operator --(int)
return atomic_op(atomic_post_dec<type>{});
if constexpr(std::is_integral<type>::value)
return atomic_storage<type>::fetch_dec(m_data);
template<typename T2 = T>
auto test_and_set(const T2& rhs)
return atomic_op(atomic_test_and_set<type, T2>{}, rhs);
template<typename T2 = T>
auto test_and_reset(const T2& rhs)
return atomic_op(atomic_test_and_reset<type, T2>{}, rhs);
template<typename T2 = T>
auto test_and_complement(const T2& rhs)
return atomic_op(atomic_test_and_complement<type, T2>{}, rhs);
// Minimal pointer support (TODO: must forward operator ->())
type operator ->() const
return load();
// Minimal array support
template<typename I = std::size_t>
auto operator [](const I& index) const -> decltype(std::declval<const type>()[std::declval<I>()])
return load()[index];
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return v--;
@ -799,34 +799,34 @@ fs::file::file(const std::string& path, bs_t<open_mode> mode)
#ifdef _WIN32
DWORD access = 0;
if (test(mode & fs::read)) access |= GENERIC_READ;
if (test(mode & fs::write)) access |= DELETE | (test(mode & fs::append) ? FILE_APPEND_DATA : GENERIC_WRITE);
if (mode & fs::read) access |= GENERIC_READ;
if (mode & fs::write) access |= DELETE | (mode & fs::append ? FILE_APPEND_DATA : GENERIC_WRITE);
DWORD disp = 0;
if (test(mode & fs::create))
if (mode & fs::create)
disp =
test(mode & fs::excl) ? CREATE_NEW :
test(mode & fs::trunc) ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_ALWAYS;
mode & fs::excl ? CREATE_NEW :
mode & fs::trunc ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_ALWAYS;
if (test(mode & fs::excl))
if (mode & fs::excl)
g_tls_error = error::inval;
disp = test(mode & fs::trunc) ? TRUNCATE_EXISTING : OPEN_EXISTING;
disp = mode & fs::trunc ? TRUNCATE_EXISTING : OPEN_EXISTING;
DWORD share = 0;
if (!test(mode, fs::unread) || !test(mode & fs::write))
if (!(mode & fs::unread) || !(mode & fs::write))
if (!test(mode, fs::lock + fs::unread) || !test(mode & fs::write))
if (!(mode & (fs::lock + fs::unread)) || !(mode & fs::write))
@ -949,18 +949,18 @@ fs::file::file(const std::string& path, bs_t<open_mode> mode)
int flags = 0;
if (test(mode & fs::read) && test(mode & fs::write)) flags |= O_RDWR;
else if (test(mode & fs::read)) flags |= O_RDONLY;
else if (test(mode & fs::write)) flags |= O_WRONLY;
if (mode & fs::read && mode & fs::write) flags |= O_RDWR;
else if (mode & fs::read) flags |= O_RDONLY;
else if (mode & fs::write) flags |= O_WRONLY;
if (test(mode & fs::append)) flags |= O_APPEND;
if (test(mode & fs::create)) flags |= O_CREAT;
if (test(mode & fs::trunc) && !test(mode, fs::lock + fs::unread)) flags |= O_TRUNC;
if (test(mode & fs::excl)) flags |= O_EXCL;
if (mode & fs::append) flags |= O_APPEND;
if (mode & fs::create) flags |= O_CREAT;
if (mode & fs::trunc && !(mode & (fs::lock + fs::unread))) flags |= O_TRUNC;
if (mode & fs::excl) flags |= O_EXCL;
int perm = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
if (test(mode & fs::write) && test(mode & fs::unread))
if (mode & fs::write && mode & fs::unread)
perm = 0;
@ -973,14 +973,14 @@ fs::file::file(const std::string& path, bs_t<open_mode> mode)
if (test(mode & fs::write) && test(mode, fs::lock + fs::unread) && ::flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0)
if (mode & fs::write && mode & (fs::lock + fs::unread) && ::flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0)
g_tls_error = errno == EWOULDBLOCK ? fs::error::acces : to_error(errno);
if (test(mode & fs::trunc) && test(mode, fs::lock + fs::unread))
if (mode & fs::trunc && mode & (fs::lock + fs::unread))
// Postpone truncation in order to avoid using O_TRUNC on a locked file
::ftruncate(fd, 0);
@ -1,27 +1,8 @@
#pragma once
This header helps to extend scoped enum types (enum class) in two possible ways:
1) Enabling bitwise operators for enums
2) Advanced bs_t<> template (this converts enum type to another "bitset" enum type)
To enable bitwise operators, enum scope must contain `__bitwise_ops` entry.
enum class flags
__bitwise_ops, // Not essential, but recommended to put it first
flag1 = 1 << 0,
flag2 = 1 << 1,
`flags::flag1 | flags::flag2` - bitwise OR
`flags::flag1 & flags::flag2` - bitwise AND
`flags::flag1 ^ flags::flag2` - bitwise XOR
`~flags::flag1` - bitwise NEG
To enable bs_t<> template, enum scope must contain `__bitset_enum_max` entry.
This header implements bs_t<> class for scoped enum types (enum class).
To enable bs_t<>, enum scope must contain `__bitset_enum_max` entry.
enum class flagzz : u32
@ -31,40 +12,42 @@ enum class flagzz : u32
__bitset_enum_max // It must be the last value
Now some operators are enabled for two enum types: `flagzz` and `bs_t<flagzz>`.
These are very different from previously described bitwise operators.
This also enables helper operators for this enum type.
`+flagzz::flag1` - unary `+` operator convert flagzz value to bs_t<flagzz>
`flagzz::flag1 + flagzz::flag2` - bitset union
`flagzz::flag1 - flagzz::flag2` - bitset difference
Intersection (&) and symmetric difference (^) is also available.
#include "types.h"
#include "Atomic.h"
// Helper template
template<typename T>
struct bs_base
template <typename T>
class atomic_bs_t;
// Bitset type for enum class with available bits [0, T::__bitset_enum_max)
template <typename T>
class bs_t final
// Underlying type
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
// Actual bitset type
enum class type : under
null = 0, // Empty bitset
// Underlying value
under m_data;
__bitset_set_type = 0 // SFINAE marker
friend class atomic_bs_t<T>;
static constexpr std::size_t bitmax = sizeof(T) * 8;
static constexpr std::size_t bitsize = static_cast<under>(T::__bitset_enum_max);
static_assert(std::is_enum<T>::value, "bs_t<> error: invalid type (must be enum)");
static_assert(!bitsize || bitsize <= bitmax, "bs_t<> error: invalid __bitset_enum_max");
static_assert(bitsize <= bitmax, "bs_t<> error: invalid __bitset_enum_max");
static_assert(bitsize != bitmax || std::is_unsigned<under>::value, "bs_t<> error: invalid __bitset_enum_max (sign bit)");
// Helper function
static constexpr under shift(T value)
@ -72,662 +55,328 @@ struct bs_base
return static_cast<under>(1) << static_cast<under>(value);
friend type& operator +=(type& lhs, type rhs)
bs_t() = default;
// Construct from a single bit
constexpr bs_t(T bit)
: m_data(shift(bit))
reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs) |= static_cast<under>(rhs);
return lhs;
friend type& operator -=(type& lhs, type rhs)
// Test for empty bitset
constexpr explicit operator bool() const
reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs) &= ~static_cast<under>(rhs);
return lhs;
return m_data != 0;
friend type& operator &=(type& lhs, type rhs)
// Extract underlying data
constexpr explicit operator under() const
reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs) &= static_cast<under>(rhs);
return lhs;
return m_data;
friend type& operator ^=(type& lhs, type rhs)
// Copy
constexpr bs_t operator +() const
reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs) ^= static_cast<under>(rhs);
return lhs;
return *this;
friend type& operator +=(type& lhs, T rhs)
constexpr bs_t& operator +=(bs_t rhs)
reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs) |= shift(rhs);
return lhs;
m_data |= static_cast<under>(rhs);
return *this;
friend type& operator -=(type& lhs, T rhs)
constexpr bs_t& operator -=(bs_t rhs)
reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs) &= ~shift(rhs);
return lhs;
m_data &= ~static_cast<under>(rhs);
return *this;
friend type& operator &=(type& lhs, T rhs)
constexpr bs_t& operator &=(bs_t rhs)
reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs) &= shift(rhs);
return lhs;
m_data &= static_cast<under>(rhs);
return *this;
friend type& operator ^=(type& lhs, T rhs)
constexpr bs_t& operator ^=(bs_t rhs)
reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs) ^= shift(rhs);
return lhs;
m_data ^= static_cast<under>(rhs);
return *this;
friend constexpr type operator +(type lhs, type rhs)
constexpr bs_t operator +(bs_t rhs) const
return static_cast<type>(static_cast<under>(lhs) | static_cast<under>(rhs));
bs_t r{};
r.m_data = m_data | rhs.m_data;
return r;
friend constexpr type operator -(type lhs, type rhs)
constexpr bs_t operator -(bs_t rhs) const
return static_cast<type>(static_cast<under>(lhs) & ~static_cast<under>(rhs));
bs_t r{};
r.m_data = m_data & ~rhs.m_data;
return r;
friend constexpr type operator &(type lhs, type rhs)
constexpr bs_t operator &(bs_t rhs) const
return static_cast<type>(static_cast<under>(lhs) & static_cast<under>(rhs));
bs_t r{};
r.m_data = m_data & rhs.m_data;
return r;
friend constexpr type operator ^(type lhs, type rhs)
constexpr bs_t operator ^(bs_t rhs) const
return static_cast<type>(static_cast<under>(lhs) ^ static_cast<under>(rhs));
bs_t r{};
r.m_data = m_data ^ rhs.m_data;
return r;
friend constexpr type operator &(type lhs, T rhs)
constexpr bool operator ==(bs_t rhs) const
return static_cast<type>(static_cast<under>(lhs) & shift(rhs));
return m_data == rhs.m_data;
friend constexpr type operator ^(type lhs, T rhs)
constexpr bool operator !=(bs_t rhs) const
return static_cast<type>(static_cast<under>(lhs) ^ shift(rhs));
return m_data != rhs.m_data;
friend constexpr type operator &(T lhs, type rhs)
constexpr bool test(bs_t rhs) const
return static_cast<type>(shift(lhs) & static_cast<under>(rhs));
return (m_data & rhs.m_data) != 0;
friend constexpr type operator ^(T lhs, type rhs)
constexpr bool test_and_set(T bit)
return static_cast<type>(shift(lhs) ^ static_cast<under>(rhs));
bool r = (m_data & shift(bit)) != 0;
m_data |= shift(bit);
return r;
friend constexpr bool operator ==(T lhs, type rhs)
constexpr bool test_and_reset(T bit)
return shift(lhs) == rhs;
bool r = (m_data & shift(bit)) != 0;
m_data &= ~shift(bit);
return r;
friend constexpr bool operator ==(type lhs, T rhs)
constexpr bool test_and_complement(T bit)
return lhs == shift(rhs);
friend constexpr bool operator !=(T lhs, type rhs)
return shift(lhs) != rhs;
friend constexpr bool operator !=(type lhs, T rhs)
return lhs != shift(rhs);
friend constexpr bool test(type value)
return static_cast<under>(value) != 0;
friend constexpr bool test(type lhs, type rhs)
return (static_cast<under>(lhs) & static_cast<under>(rhs)) != 0;
friend constexpr bool test(type lhs, T rhs)
return (static_cast<under>(lhs) & shift(rhs)) != 0;
friend constexpr bool test(T lhs, type rhs)
return (shift(lhs) & static_cast<under>(rhs)) != 0;
friend bool test_and_set(type& lhs, type rhs)
return test_and_set(reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs), static_cast<under>(rhs));
friend bool test_and_set(type& lhs, T rhs)
return test_and_set(reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs), shift(rhs));
friend bool test_and_reset(type& lhs, type rhs)
return test_and_reset(reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs), static_cast<under>(rhs));
friend bool test_and_reset(type& lhs, T rhs)
return test_and_reset(reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs), shift(rhs));
friend bool test_and_complement(type& lhs, type rhs)
return test_and_complement(reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs), static_cast<under>(rhs));
friend bool test_and_complement(type& lhs, T rhs)
return test_and_complement(reinterpret_cast<under&>(lhs), shift(rhs));
bool r = (m_data & shift(bit)) != 0;
m_data ^= shift(bit);
return r;
// Bitset type for enum class with available bits [0, T::__bitset_enum_max)
template<typename T>
using bs_t = typename bs_base<T>::type;
// Unary '+' operator: promote plain enum value to bitset value
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator +(T value)
template <typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator +(T bit)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(bs_base<T>::shift(value));
return bit;
// Binary '+' operator: bitset union
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
template <typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator +(T lhs, T rhs)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(bs_base<T>::shift(lhs) | bs_base<T>::shift(rhs));
// Binary '+' operator: bitset union
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator +(typename bs_base<T>::type lhs, T rhs)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(static_cast<typename bs_base<T>::under>(lhs) | bs_base<T>::shift(rhs));
// Binary '+' operator: bitset union
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator +(T lhs, typename bs_base<T>::type rhs)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(bs_base<T>::shift(lhs) | static_cast<typename bs_base<T>::under>(rhs));
return bs_t<T>(lhs) + bs_t<T>(rhs);
// Binary '-' operator: bitset difference
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
template <typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator -(T lhs, T rhs)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(bs_base<T>::shift(lhs) & ~bs_base<T>::shift(rhs));
return bs_t<T>(lhs) - bs_t<T>(rhs);
// Binary '-' operator: bitset difference
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator -(typename bs_base<T>::type lhs, T rhs)
// Binary '&' operator: bitset intersection
template <typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator &(T lhs, T rhs)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(static_cast<typename bs_base<T>::under>(lhs) & ~bs_base<T>::shift(rhs));
return bs_t<T>(lhs) & bs_t<T>(rhs);
// Binary '-' operator: bitset difference
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator -(T lhs, typename bs_base<T>::type rhs)
// Binary '^' operator: bitset symmetric difference
template <typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max)>
constexpr bs_t<T> operator ^(T lhs, T rhs)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(bs_base<T>::shift(lhs) & ~static_cast<typename bs_base<T>::under>(rhs));
return bs_t<T>(lhs) ^ bs_t<T>(rhs);
template<typename BS, typename T>
struct atomic_add<BS, T, std::void_t<decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max), std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<BS, bs_t<T>>::value>>>
// Atomic bitset specialization with optimized operations
template <typename T>
class atomic_bs_t : public atomic_t<::bs_t<T>> // TODO: true specialization
using under = typename bs_base<T>::under;
// Corresponding bitset type
using bs_t = ::bs_t<T>;
static inline bs_t<T> op1(bs_t<T>& left, T right)
// Base class
using base = atomic_t<::bs_t<T>>;
// Use underlying m_data
using base::m_data;
// Underlying type
using under = typename bs_t::under;
atomic_bs_t() = default;
atomic_bs_t(const atomic_bs_t&) = delete;
atomic_bs_t& operator =(const atomic_bs_t&) = delete;
explicit constexpr atomic_bs_t(bs_t value)
: base(value)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_or(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), bs_base<T>::shift(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline bs_t<T> op2(bs_t<T>& left, T right)
explicit constexpr atomic_bs_t(T bit)
: base(bit)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(atomic_storage<under>::or_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), bs_base<T>::shift(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename BS, typename T>
struct atomic_sub<BS, T, std::void_t<decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max), std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<BS, bs_t<T>>::value>>>
using under = typename bs_base<T>::under;
static inline bs_t<T> op1(bs_t<T>& left, T right)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), ~bs_base<T>::shift(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline bs_t<T> op2(bs_t<T>& left, T right)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), ~bs_base<T>::shift(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename BS, typename T>
struct atomic_and<BS, T, std::void_t<decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max), std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<BS, bs_t<T>>::value>>>
using under = typename bs_base<T>::under;
static inline bs_t<T> op1(bs_t<T>& left, T right)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), bs_base<T>::shift(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline bs_t<T> op2(bs_t<T>& left, T right)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), bs_base<T>::shift(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename BS, typename T>
struct atomic_xor<BS, T, std::void_t<decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max), std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<BS, bs_t<T>>::value>>>
using under = typename bs_base<T>::under;
static inline bs_t<T> op1(bs_t<T>& left, T right)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_xor(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), bs_base<T>::shift(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline bs_t<T> op2(bs_t<T>& left, T right)
return static_cast<bs_t<T>>(atomic_storage<under>::xor_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), bs_base<T>::shift(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_add<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitset_set_type) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline T op1(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_or(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline T op2(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::or_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_sub<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitset_set_type) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline T op1(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), ~static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline T op2(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), ~static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_and<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitset_set_type) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline T op1(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline T op2(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_xor<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitset_set_type) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline T op1(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_xor(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline T op2(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::xor_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename BS, typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_set<BS, T, std::void_t<decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max), std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<BS, bs_t<T>>::value>>>
using under = typename bs_base<T>::under;
static inline bool _op(bs_t<T>& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::bts(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<uint>(static_cast<under>(value)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename BS, typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_reset<BS, T, std::void_t<decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max), std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<BS, bs_t<T>>::value>>>
using under = typename bs_base<T>::under;
static inline bool _op(bs_t<T>& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::btr(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<uint>(static_cast<under>(value)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename BS, typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_complement<BS, T, std::void_t<decltype(T::__bitset_enum_max), std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<BS, bs_t<T>>::value>>>
using under = typename bs_base<T>::under;
static inline bool _op(bs_t<T>& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::btc(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<uint>(static_cast<under>(value)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_set<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitset_set_type) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline bool _op(T& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::test_and_set(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(value));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_reset<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitset_set_type) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline bool _op(T& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::test_and_reset(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(value));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_complement<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitset_set_type) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline bool _op(T& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::test_and_complement(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(value));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
// Binary '|' operator: bitwise OR
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
constexpr T operator |(T lhs, T rhs)
return static_cast<T>(std::underlying_type_t<T>(lhs) | std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs));
// Binary '&' operator: bitwise AND
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
constexpr T operator &(T lhs, T rhs)
return static_cast<T>(std::underlying_type_t<T>(lhs) & std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs));
// Binary '^' operator: bitwise XOR
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
constexpr T operator ^(T lhs, T rhs)
return static_cast<T>(std::underlying_type_t<T>(lhs) ^ std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs));
// Unary '~' operator: bitwise NEG
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
constexpr T operator ~(T value)
return static_cast<T>(~std::underlying_type_t<T>(value));
// Bitwise OR assignment
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
inline T& operator |=(T& lhs, T rhs)
reinterpret_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>&>(lhs) |= std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs);
return lhs;
// Bitwise AND assignment
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
inline T& operator &=(T& lhs, T rhs)
reinterpret_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>&>(lhs) &= std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs);
return lhs;
// Bitwise XOR assignment
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
inline T& operator ^=(T& lhs, T rhs)
reinterpret_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>&>(lhs) ^= std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs);
return lhs;
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
constexpr bool test(T value)
return std::underlying_type_t<T>(value) != 0;
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
constexpr bool test(T lhs, T rhs)
return (std::underlying_type_t<T>(lhs) & std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs)) != 0;
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
inline bool test_and_set(T& lhs, T rhs)
return test_and_set(reinterpret_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>&>(lhs), std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs));
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
inline bool test_and_reset(T& lhs, T rhs)
return test_and_reset(reinterpret_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>&>(lhs), std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs));
template<typename T, typename = decltype(T::__bitwise_ops)>
inline bool test_and_complement(T& lhs, T rhs)
return test_and_complement(reinterpret_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>&>(lhs), std::underlying_type_t<T>(rhs));
template<typename T>
struct atomic_or<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitwise_ops) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline T op1(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_or(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline T op2(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::or_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_and<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitwise_ops) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline T op1(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline T op2(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_xor<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitwise_ops) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline T op1(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::fetch_xor(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &op1;
static inline T op2(T& left, T right)
return static_cast<T>(atomic_storage<under>::xor_fetch(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(right)));
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &op2;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &op2;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_set<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitwise_ops) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline bool _op(T& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::test_and_set(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(value));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_reset<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitwise_ops) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline bool _op(T& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::test_and_reset(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(value));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
template<typename T>
struct atomic_test_and_complement<T, T, std::enable_if_t<sizeof(T::__bitwise_ops) != 0 && std::is_enum<T>::value>>
using under = std::underlying_type_t<T>;
static inline bool _op(T& left, T value)
return atomic_storage<under>::test_and_complement(reinterpret_cast<under&>(left), static_cast<under>(value));
static constexpr auto fetch_op = &_op;
static constexpr auto op_fetch = &_op;
static constexpr auto atomic_op = &_op;
explicit operator bool() const
return static_cast<bool>(base::load());
explicit operator under() const
return static_cast<under>(base::load());
bs_t fetch_add(const bs_t& rhs)
bs_t r;
r.m_data = atomic_storage<under>::fetch_or(m_data.m_data, rhs.m_data);
return r;
bs_t add_fetch(const bs_t& rhs)
bs_t r;
r.m_data = atomic_storage<under>::or_fetch(m_data.m_data, rhs.m_data);
return r;
bs_t operator +=(const bs_t& rhs)
return add_fetch(rhs);
bs_t fetch_sub(const bs_t& rhs)
bs_t r;
r.m_data = atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(m_data.m_data, ~rhs.m_data);
return r;
bs_t sub_fetch(const bs_t& rhs)
bs_t r;
r.m_data = atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(m_data.m_data, ~rhs.m_data);
return r;
bs_t operator -=(const bs_t& rhs)
return sub_fetch(rhs);
bs_t fetch_and(const bs_t& rhs)
bs_t r;
r.m_data = atomic_storage<under>::fetch_and(m_data.m_data, rhs.m_data);
return r;
bs_t and_fetch(const bs_t& rhs)
bs_t r;
r.m_data = atomic_storage<under>::and_fetch(m_data.m_data, rhs.m_data);
return r;
bs_t operator &=(const bs_t& rhs)
return and_fetch(rhs);
bs_t fetch_xor(const bs_t& rhs)
bs_t r;
r.m_data = atomic_storage<under>::fetch_xor(m_data.m_data, rhs.m_data);
return r;
bs_t xor_fetch(const bs_t& rhs)
bs_t r;
r.m_data = atomic_storage<under>::xor_fetch(m_data.m_data, rhs.m_data);
return r;
bs_t operator ^=(const bs_t& rhs)
return xor_fetch(rhs);
auto fetch_or(const bs_t&) = delete;
auto or_fetch(const bs_t&) = delete;
auto operator |=(const bs_t&) = delete;
auto operator ++() = delete;
auto operator --() = delete;
auto operator ++(int) = delete;
auto operator --(int) = delete;
bs_t operator +(bs_t rhs) const
bs_t r{};
r.m_data = base::load().m_data | rhs.m_data;
return r;
bs_t operator -(bs_t rhs) const
bs_t r{};
r.m_data = base::load().m_data & ~rhs.m_data;
return r;
bs_t operator &(bs_t rhs) const
bs_t r{};
r.m_data = base::load().m_data & rhs.m_data;
return r;
bs_t operator ^(bs_t rhs) const
bs_t r{};
r.m_data = base::load().m_data ^ rhs.m_data;
return r;
bool test(const bs_t& rhs)
return base::load().test(rhs);
bool test_and_set(T rhs)
return atomic_storage<under>::bts(m_data.m_data, static_cast<uint>(static_cast<under>(rhs)));
bool test_and_reset(T rhs)
return atomic_storage<under>::btr(m_data.m_data, static_cast<uint>(static_cast<under>(rhs)));
bool test_and_complement(T rhs)
return atomic_storage<under>::btc(m_data.m_data, static_cast<uint>(static_cast<under>(rhs)));
@ -707,42 +707,6 @@ constexpr u32 size32(const T (&)[Size], const char* msg = nullptr)
return static_cast<u32>(Size);
template <typename T1, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value>>
constexpr bool test(const T1& value)
return value != 0;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T1>::value && std::is_integral<T2>::value>>
constexpr bool test(const T1& lhs, const T2& rhs)
return (lhs & rhs) != 0;
template <typename T, typename T2, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_integral<T2>::value>>
inline bool test_and_set(T& lhs, const T2& rhs)
const bool result = (lhs & rhs) != 0;
lhs |= rhs;
return result;
template <typename T, typename T2, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_integral<T2>::value>>
inline bool test_and_reset(T& lhs, const T2& rhs)
const bool result = (lhs & rhs) != 0;
lhs &= ~rhs;
return result;
template <typename T, typename T2, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value && std::is_integral<T2>::value>>
inline bool test_and_complement(T& lhs, const T2& rhs)
const bool result = (lhs & rhs) != 0;
lhs ^= rhs;
return result;
// Simplified hash algorithm for pointers. May be used in std::unordered_(map|set).
template <typename T, std::size_t Align = alignof(T)>
struct pointer_hash
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ void cpu_thread::on_task()
g_tls_current_cpu_thread = this;
// Check thread status
while (!test(state, cpu_flag::exit + cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop))
while (!(state & (cpu_flag::exit + cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop)))
// Check stop status
if (!test(state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (!(state & cpu_flag::stop))
@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ cpu_thread::cpu_thread(u32 id)
bool cpu_thread::check_state()
if (test(state, cpu_flag::dbg_pause)) {
if (state & cpu_flag::dbg_pause)
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ bool cpu_thread::check_state()
while (true)
if (test(state, cpu_flag::memory) && state.test_and_reset(cpu_flag::memory))
if (state & cpu_flag::memory && state.test_and_reset(cpu_flag::memory))
cpu_flag_memory = true;
@ -121,17 +122,17 @@ bool cpu_thread::check_state()
if (test(state, cpu_flag::exit + cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::exit + cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop)
return true;
if (test(state & cpu_flag::signal) && state.test_and_reset(cpu_flag::signal))
if (state & cpu_flag::signal && state.test_and_reset(cpu_flag::signal))
cpu_sleep_called = false;
if (!test(state, cpu_state_pause))
if (!(state & cpu_state_pause))
if (cpu_flag_memory)
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ bool cpu_thread::check_state()
else if (!cpu_sleep_called && test(state, cpu_flag::suspend))
else if (!cpu_sleep_called && state & cpu_flag::suspend)
cpu_sleep_called = true;
@ -152,12 +153,12 @@ bool cpu_thread::check_state()
const auto state_ = state.load();
if (test(state_, cpu_flag::ret + cpu_flag::stop))
if (state_ & (cpu_flag::ret + cpu_flag::stop))
return true;
if (test(state_, cpu_flag::dbg_step))
if (state_ & cpu_flag::dbg_step)
state += cpu_flag::dbg_pause;
state -= cpu_flag::dbg_step;
@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ bool cpu_thread::check_state()
void cpu_thread::test_state()
if (UNLIKELY(test(state)))
if (UNLIKELY(state))
if (check_state())
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public:
cpu_thread(u32 id);
// Public thread state
atomic_t<bs_t<cpu_flag>> state{+cpu_flag::stop};
atomic_bs_t<cpu_flag> state{+cpu_flag::stop};
// Process thread state, return true if the checker must return
bool check_state();
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ error_code sys_lwcond_signal_all(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::ptr<sys_lwcond_t> lwcond)
lwmutex->all_info += res;
lwmutex->all_info += +res;
return CELL_OK;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ error_code sys_lwcond_signal_all(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::ptr<sys_lwcond_t> lwcond)
if (res > 0)
lwmutex->all_info += res;
lwmutex->all_info += +res;
res = CELL_OK;
@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ void ppu_module::analyse(u32 lib_toc, u32 entry)
// Get function limit
const u32 func_end = std::min<u32>(get_limit(func.addr + 1), test(func.attr, ppu_attr::known_size) ? func.addr + func.size : end);
const u32 func_end = std::min<u32>(get_limit(func.addr + 1), func.attr & ppu_attr::known_size ? func.addr + func.size : end);
// Block analysis workload
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<std::pair<const u32, u32>>> block_queue;
@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ void ppu_module::analyse(u32 lib_toc, u32 entry)
// TODO: lower priority?
if (test(func.attr, ppu_attr::no_size))
if (func.attr & ppu_attr::no_size)
// Get next function
const auto _next = fmap.lower_bound(func.blocks.crbegin()->first + 1);
@ -1135,12 +1135,12 @@ void ppu_module::analyse(u32 lib_toc, u32 entry)
// Add next block if necessary
if ((is_call && !test(pfunc->attr, ppu_attr::no_return)) || (type == ppu_itype::BC && (op.bo & 0x14) != 0x14))
if ((is_call && !(pfunc->attr & ppu_attr::no_return)) || (type == ppu_itype::BC && (op.bo & 0x14) != 0x14))
if (is_call && test(pfunc->attr, ppu_attr::no_return))
if (is_call && pfunc->attr & ppu_attr::no_return)
// Nothing
@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ void ppu_module::analyse(u32 lib_toc, u32 entry)
if (jt_addr != jt_end && _ptr.addr() == jt_addr)
// Acknowledge jumptable detection failure
if (!test(func.attr, ppu_attr::no_size))
if (!(func.attr & ppu_attr::no_size))
LOG_WARNING(PPU, "[0x%x] Jump table not found! 0x%x-0x%x", func.addr, jt_addr, jt_end);
@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ void ppu_module::analyse(u32 lib_toc, u32 entry)
block.second = _ptr.addr() - block.first;
else if (type == ppu_itype::STDU && test(func.attr, ppu_attr::no_size) && (op.opcode == *_ptr || *_ptr == ppu_instructions::BLR()))
else if (type == ppu_itype::STDU && func.attr & ppu_attr::no_size && (op.opcode == *_ptr || *_ptr == ppu_instructions::BLR()))
// Hack
LOG_SUCCESS(PPU, "[0x%x] Instruction repetition: 0x%08x", iaddr, op.opcode);
@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ void ppu_module::analyse(u32 lib_toc, u32 entry)
// Finalization: determine function size
if (!test(func.attr, ppu_attr::known_size))
if (!(func.attr & ppu_attr::known_size))
const auto last = func.blocks.crbegin();
@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ void ppu_module::analyse(u32 lib_toc, u32 entry)
// Finalization: decrease known function size (TODO)
if (test(func.attr, ppu_attr::known_size))
if (func.attr & ppu_attr::known_size)
const auto last = func.blocks.crbegin();
@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ void ppu_load_exec(const ppu_exec_object& elf)
if (info.size < sizeof(process_param_t))
LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "Bad process_param size! [0x%x : 0x%x]", info.size, SIZE_32(process_param_t));
LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "Bad process_param size! [0x%x : 0x%x]", info.size, sizeof(process_param_t));
if (info.magic != 0x13bcc5f6)
@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ void ppu_thread::exec_task()
if (g_cfg.core.ppu_decoder == ppu_decoder_type::llvm)
while (!test(state, cpu_flag::ret + cpu_flag::exit + cpu_flag::stop + cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop))
while (!(state & (cpu_flag::ret + cpu_flag::exit + cpu_flag::stop + cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop)))
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ void ppu_thread::exec_task()
while (true)
if (UNLIKELY(test(state)))
if (UNLIKELY(state))
if (check_state()) return;
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ void ppu_thread::exec_task()
func2 = func4;
func3 = func5;
if (UNLIKELY(test(state)))
if (UNLIKELY(state))
@ -763,9 +763,9 @@ cmd64 ppu_thread::cmd_wait()
while (true)
if (UNLIKELY(test(state)))
if (UNLIKELY(state))
if (test(state, cpu_flag::stop + cpu_flag::exit))
if (state & (cpu_flag::stop + cpu_flag::exit))
return cmd64{};
@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ static void check_state_ret(SPUThread& _spu, void*, u8*)
static void check_state(SPUThread* _spu, spu_function_t _ret)
if (test(_spu->state) && _spu->check_state())
if (_spu->state && _spu->check_state())
_ret = &check_state_ret;
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ std::vector<u32> spu_recompiler_base::block(const be_t<u32>* ls, u32 entry_point
if (test(af, vf::is_const))
if (af & vf::is_const)
const u32 target = spu_branch_target(av);
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ std::vector<u32> spu_recompiler_base::block(const be_t<u32>* ls, u32 entry_point
case spu_itype::HBR:
hbr_loc = spu_branch_target(pos, op.roh << 7 | op.rt);
hbr_tg = test(vflags[op.ra], vf::is_const) && !op.c ? values[op.ra] & 0x3fffc : -1;
hbr_tg = vflags[op.ra] & vf::is_const && !op.c ? values[op.ra] & 0x3fffc : -1;
@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ std::vector<u32> spu_recompiler_base::block(const be_t<u32>* ls, u32 entry_point
const u32 r2 = op.ra == 1 ? +op.rb : +op.ra;
if (test(vflags[r2], vf::is_const) && (values[r2] % 16) == 0)
if (vflags[r2] & vf::is_const && (values[r2] % 16) == 0)
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ void SPUThread::cpu_task()
if (jit)
while (LIKELY(!test(state) || !check_state()))
while (LIKELY(!state || !check_state()))
jit_dispatcher[pc / 4](*this, vm::_ptr<u8>(offset), nullptr);
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ void SPUThread::cpu_task()
while (true)
if (UNLIKELY(test(state)))
if (UNLIKELY(state))
if (check_state()) return;
@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ void SPUThread::cpu_task()
func2 = func4;
func3 = func5;
if (UNLIKELY(test(state)))
if (UNLIKELY(state))
@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ void SPUThread::do_mfc(bool wait)
if (args.cmd & MFC_LIST_MASK)
if (!test(ch_stall_mask, mask))
if (!(ch_stall_mask & mask))
if (do_list_transfer(args))
@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ bool SPUThread::process_mfc_cmd(spu_mfc_cmd args)
// Stall infinitely if MFC queue is full
while (UNLIKELY(mfc_size >= 16))
if (test(state, cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return false;
@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ bool SPUThread::process_mfc_cmd(spu_mfc_cmd args)
while (rdata == data && vm::reservation_acquire(raddr, 128) == rtime)
if (test(state, cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ bool SPUThread::process_mfc_cmd(spu_mfc_cmd args)
if (LIKELY(args.size <= 0x4000))
if (LIKELY(do_dma_check(args) && !test(ch_stall_mask, 1u << args.tag)))
if (LIKELY(do_dma_check(args) && !(ch_stall_mask & 1u << args.tag)))
if (LIKELY(do_list_transfer(args)))
@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ s64 SPUThread::get_ch_value(u32 ch)
while (!channel.try_pop(out))
if (test(state, cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return -1;
@ -1596,7 +1596,7 @@ s64 SPUThread::get_ch_value(u32 ch)
return out;
if (test(state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return -1;
@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ s64 SPUThread::get_ch_value(u32 ch)
while (res = get_events(), !res)
if (test(state, cpu_flag::stop + cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop))
if (state & (cpu_flag::stop + cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop))
return -1;
@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ s64 SPUThread::get_ch_value(u32 ch)
while (res = get_events(true), !res)
if (test(state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return -1;
@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ bool SPUThread::set_ch_value(u32 ch, u32 value)
while (!ch_out_intr_mbox.try_push(value))
if (test(state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return false;
@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ bool SPUThread::set_ch_value(u32 ch, u32 value)
while (!ch_out_mbox.try_push(value))
if (test(state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return false;
@ -2005,8 +2005,11 @@ bool SPUThread::set_ch_value(u32 ch, u32 value)
case MFC_WrListStallAck:
// Reset stall status for specified tag
if (::test_and_reset(ch_stall_mask, 1u << value))
const u32 tag_mask = 1u << value;
if (ch_stall_mask & tag_mask)
ch_stall_mask &= ~tag_mask;
@ -2085,7 +2088,7 @@ bool SPUThread::stop_and_signal(u32 code)
// HACK: wait for executable code
while (!_ref<u32>(pc))
if (test(state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return false;
@ -2141,7 +2144,7 @@ bool SPUThread::stop_and_signal(u32 code)
// Check group status, wait if necessary
while (group->run_state >= SPU_THREAD_GROUP_STATUS_WAITING && group->run_state <= SPU_THREAD_GROUP_STATUS_SUSPENDED)
if (test(state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return false;
@ -2210,7 +2213,7 @@ bool SPUThread::stop_and_signal(u32 code)
while (true)
if (test(state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (state & cpu_flag::stop)
return false;
@ -1014,13 +1014,13 @@ void lv2_obj::sleep_timeout(named_thread& thread, u64 timeout)
auto state = ppu->state.fetch_op([&](auto& val)
if (!test(val, cpu_flag::signal))
if (!(val & cpu_flag::signal))
val += cpu_flag::suspend;
if (test(state, cpu_flag::signal))
if (state & cpu_flag::signal)
LOG_TRACE(PPU, "sleep() failed (signaled)");
@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ void lv2_obj::schedule_all()
const auto target = g_ppu[i];
if (test(target->state, cpu_flag::suspend))
if (target->state & cpu_flag::suspend)
LOG_TRACE(PPU, "schedule(): %s", target->id);
target->state ^= (cpu_flag::signal + cpu_flag::suspend);
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ error_code sys_fs_open(vm::cptr<char> path, s32 flags, vm::ptr<u32> fd, s32 mode
open_mode = {}; // error
if (!test(open_mode))
if (!open_mode)
fmt::throw_exception("sys_fs_open(%s): Invalid or unimplemented flags: %#o" HERE, path, flags);
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ error_code sys_fs_open(vm::cptr<char> path, s32 flags, vm::ptr<u32> fd, s32 mode
if (!file)
if (test(open_mode & fs::excl) && fs::g_tls_error == fs::error::exist)
if (open_mode & fs::excl && fs::g_tls_error == fs::error::exist)
return not_an_error(CELL_EEXIST);
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ error_code _sys_interrupt_thread_establish(vm::ptr<u32> ih, u32 intrtag, u32 int
// If interrupt thread is running, it's already established on another interrupt tag
if (!test(it->state & cpu_flag::stop))
if (!(it->state & cpu_flag::stop))
error = CELL_EAGAIN;
return result;
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static void network_clear_queue(ppu_thread& ppu)
if (sock.queue.empty())
sock.events = {};
@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ extern void network_thread_init()
events += lv2_socket::poll::error;
if (test(events))
if (events)
semaphore_lock lock(socklist[i]->mutex);
for (auto it = socklist[i]->queue.begin(); test(events) && it != socklist[i]->queue.end();)
for (auto it = socklist[i]->queue.begin(); events && it != socklist[i]->queue.end();)
if (it->second(events))
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ extern void network_thread_init()
if (socklist[i]->queue.empty())
socklist[i]->events = {};
@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ extern void network_thread_init()
#ifdef _WIN32
verify(HERE), 0 == WSAEventSelect(socklist[i]->socket, _eventh, FD_READ | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CLOSE | FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT);
fds[i].fd = test(events) ? socklist[i]->socket : -1;
fds[i].fd = events ? socklist[i]->socket : -1;
fds[i].events =
(test(events, lv2_socket::poll::read) ? POLLIN : 0) |
(test(events, lv2_socket::poll::write) ? POLLOUT : 0) |
(events & lv2_socket::poll::read ? POLLIN : 0) |
(events & lv2_socket::poll::write ? POLLOUT : 0) |
fds[i].revents = 0;
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_accept(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 s, vm::ptr<sys_net_sockaddr> addr,
semaphore_lock lock(sock.mutex);
//if (!test(sock.events, lv2_socket::poll::read))
//if (!(sock.events & lv2_socket::poll::read))
#ifdef _WIN32
sock.ev_set &= ~FD_ACCEPT;
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_accept(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 s, vm::ptr<sys_net_sockaddr> addr,
sock.events += lv2_socket::poll::read;
sock.queue.emplace_back(ppu.id, [&](bs_t<lv2_socket::poll> events) -> bool
if (test(events, lv2_socket::poll::read))
if (events & lv2_socket::poll::read)
#ifdef _WIN32
sock.ev_set &= ~FD_ACCEPT;
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_connect(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 s, vm::ptr<sys_net_sockaddr> addr,
sock.events += lv2_socket::poll::write;
sock.queue.emplace_back(u32{0}, [&sock](bs_t<lv2_socket::poll> events) -> bool
if (test(events, lv2_socket::poll::write))
if (events & lv2_socket::poll::write)
#ifdef _WIN32
sock.ev_set &= ~FD_CONNECT;
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_connect(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 s, vm::ptr<sys_net_sockaddr> addr,
sock.events += lv2_socket::poll::write;
sock.queue.emplace_back(ppu.id, [&](bs_t<lv2_socket::poll> events) -> bool
if (test(events, lv2_socket::poll::write))
if (events & lv2_socket::poll::write)
#ifdef _WIN32
sock.ev_set &= ~FD_CONNECT;
@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_recvfrom(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 s, vm::ptr<void> buf, u32 len, s3
semaphore_lock lock(sock.mutex);
//if (!test(sock.events, lv2_socket::poll::read))
//if (!(sock.events & lv2_socket::poll::read))
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!(native_flags & MSG_PEEK)) sock.ev_set &= ~FD_READ;
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_recvfrom(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 s, vm::ptr<void> buf, u32 len, s3
sock.events += lv2_socket::poll::read;
sock.queue.emplace_back(ppu.id, [&](bs_t<lv2_socket::poll> events) -> bool
if (test(events, lv2_socket::poll::read))
if (events & lv2_socket::poll::read)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!(native_flags & MSG_PEEK)) sock.ev_set &= ~FD_READ;
@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_sendto(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 s, vm::cptr<void> buf, u32 len, s32
semaphore_lock lock(sock.mutex);
//if (!test(sock.events, lv2_socket::poll::write))
//if (!(sock.events & lv2_socket::poll::write))
#ifdef _WIN32
sock.ev_set &= ~FD_WRITE;
@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_sendto(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 s, vm::cptr<void> buf, u32 len, s32
sock.events += lv2_socket::poll::write;
sock.queue.emplace_back(ppu.id, [&](bs_t<lv2_socket::poll> events) -> bool
if (test(events, lv2_socket::poll::write))
if (events & lv2_socket::poll::write)
#ifdef _WIN32
sock.ev_set &= ~FD_WRITE;
@ -1517,13 +1517,13 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_poll(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::ptr<sys_net_pollfd> fds, s32 nfds, s3
sock->events += selected;
sock->queue.emplace_back(ppu.id, [sock, selected, fds, i, &signaled, &ppu](bs_t<lv2_socket::poll> events)
if (test(events, selected))
if (events & selected)
if (test(events, selected & lv2_socket::poll::read))
if (events & selected & lv2_socket::poll::read)
fds[i].revents |= SYS_NET_POLLIN;
if (test(events, selected & lv2_socket::poll::write))
if (events & selected & lv2_socket::poll::write)
fds[i].revents |= SYS_NET_POLLOUT;
if (test(events, selected & lv2_socket::poll::error))
if (events & selected & lv2_socket::poll::error)
fds[i].revents |= SYS_NET_POLLERR;
@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_select(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 nfds, vm::ptr<sys_net_fd_set> readf
//if (exceptfds && exceptfds->bit(i))
// selected += lv2_socket::poll::error;
if (test(selected))
if (selected)
selected += lv2_socket::poll::error;
@ -1628,9 +1628,9 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_select(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 nfds, vm::ptr<sys_net_fd_set> readf
#ifdef _WIN32
bool sig = false;
if (sock->ev_set & (FD_READ | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CLOSE) && test(selected, lv2_socket::poll::read))
if (sock->ev_set & (FD_READ | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CLOSE) && selected & lv2_socket::poll::read)
sig = true, rread.set(i);
if (sock->ev_set & (FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT) && test(selected, lv2_socket::poll::write))
if (sock->ev_set & (FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT) && selected & lv2_socket::poll::write)
sig = true, rwrite.set(i);
if (sig)
@ -1639,9 +1639,9 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_select(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 nfds, vm::ptr<sys_net_fd_set> readf
_fds[i].fd = sock->socket;
if (test(selected, lv2_socket::poll::read))
if (selected & lv2_socket::poll::read)
_fds[i].events |= POLLIN;
if (test(selected, lv2_socket::poll::write))
if (selected & lv2_socket::poll::write)
_fds[i].events |= POLLOUT;
@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_select(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 nfds, vm::ptr<sys_net_fd_set> readf
//if (exceptfds && exceptfds->bit(i))
// selected += lv2_socket::poll::error;
if (test(selected))
if (selected)
selected += lv2_socket::poll::error;
@ -1707,13 +1707,13 @@ s32 sys_net_bnet_select(ppu_thread& ppu, s32 nfds, vm::ptr<sys_net_fd_set> readf
sock->events += selected;
sock->queue.emplace_back(ppu.id, [sock, selected, i, &rread, &rwrite, &rexcept, &signaled, &ppu](bs_t<lv2_socket::poll> events)
if (test(events, selected))
if (events & selected)
if (test(selected, lv2_socket::poll::read) && test(events, lv2_socket::poll::read + lv2_socket::poll::error))
if (selected & lv2_socket::poll::read && events & (lv2_socket::poll::read + lv2_socket::poll::error))
if (test(selected, lv2_socket::poll::write) && test(events, lv2_socket::poll::write + lv2_socket::poll::error))
if (selected & lv2_socket::poll::write && events & (lv2_socket::poll::write + lv2_socket::poll::error))
//if (test(events, selected & lv2_socket::poll::error))
//if (events & (selected & lv2_socket::poll::error))
// rexcept.set(i);
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ struct lv2_socket final
socket_type socket;
// Events selected for polling
atomic_t<bs_t<poll>> events{};
atomic_bs_t<poll> events{};
// Non-blocking IO option
s32 so_nbio = 0;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ namespace vm
*ptr = nullptr;
ptr = nullptr;
if (test(cpu.state, cpu_flag::memory))
if (cpu.state & cpu_flag::memory)
cpu.state -= cpu_flag::memory;
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ namespace vm
while (cpu_thread* ptr = lock)
if (test(ptr->state, cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop + cpu_flag::exit))
if (ptr->state & (cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop + cpu_flag::exit))
@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ public:
// Load program headers
std::vector<phdr_t> _phdrs;
if (!test(opts, elf_opt::no_programs))
if (!(opts & elf_opt::no_programs))
stream.seek(offset + header.e_phoff);
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ public:
return set_error(elf_error::stream_phdrs);
if (!test(opts, elf_opt::no_sections))
if (!(opts & elf_opt::no_sections))
stream.seek(offset + header.e_shoff);
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public:
static_cast<phdr_t&>(progs.back()) = hdr;
if (!test(opts, elf_opt::no_data))
if (!(opts & elf_opt::no_data))
stream.seek(offset + hdr.p_offset);
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ debugger_frame::debugger_frame(std::shared_ptr<gui_settings> settings, QWidget *
if (m_btn_run->text() == RunString && cpu->state.test_and_reset(cpu_flag::dbg_pause))
if (!test(cpu->state, cpu_flag::dbg_pause + cpu_flag::dbg_global_pause))
if (!(cpu->state & (cpu_flag::dbg_pause + cpu_flag::dbg_global_pause)))
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ void debugger_frame::UpdateUI()
m_last_stat = static_cast<u32>(state);
if (test(state & cpu_flag::dbg_pause))
if (state & cpu_flag::dbg_pause)
@ -570,13 +570,13 @@ void debugger_frame::DoStep(bool stepOver)
bool should_step_over = stepOver && cpu->id_type() == 1;
if (test(cpu_flag::dbg_pause, cpu->state.fetch_op([&](bs_t<cpu_flag>& state)
if (+cpu_flag::dbg_pause & +cpu->state.fetch_op([&](bs_t<cpu_flag>& state)
if (!should_step_over)
state += cpu_flag::dbg_step;
state -= cpu_flag::dbg_pause;
if (should_step_over)
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ void debugger_frame::DoStep(bool stepOver)
m_last_step_over_breakpoint = next_instruction_pc;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void debugger_list::ShowAddress(u32 addr)
item(i)->setText((IsBreakpoint(m_pc) ? ">>> " : " ") + qstr(m_disasm->last_opcode));
if (test(cpu->state & cpu_state_pause) && m_pc == GetPc())
if (cpu->state & cpu_state_pause && m_pc == GetPc())
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ struct gui_listener : logs::listener
void pop()
if (const auto head = read->next.exchange(nullptr))
if (const auto head = read.load()->next.exchange(nullptr))
delete read.exchange(head);
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ struct gui_listener : logs::listener
void clear()
while (read->next)
while (read.load()->next)
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ void log_frame::UpdateUI()
// Check main logs
while (const auto packet = s_gui_listener.read->next.load())
while (const auto packet = s_gui_listener.read.load()->next.load())
// Confirm log level
if (packet->sev <= s_gui_listener.enabled)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user