* Remove wake up dependency from transform sync
* Remove wake up dependency for all synced transforms
* Remove comments
* Remove obsolete QSBBehaviour component
* Remove wakeup dependency in RespawnOnDeath
* Prevent errors on MessageHandler and RespawnOnDeath when network not initialized
* Add RespawnOnDeath only after network is initialized
* wip
* Prevent trying to add animator components multiple times
* Reset sectors on scene load
* Reset transform sync on scene change
* Remove comment
* Remove wakeup event dependency from WakeUpSync
* Sync loop count
* Fast forward speed dependent on difference between client and server time
* Lerp on update
* Change fastforward condition
* Update WakeUpSync.cs
* Remove wake up dependency from transform sync
* Remove wake up dependency for all synced transforms
* Remove comments
* Remove obsolete QSBBehaviour component
* Remove wakeup dependency in RespawnOnDeath
* Prevent errors on MessageHandler and RespawnOnDeath when network not initialized
* Add RespawnOnDeath only after network is initialized
* wip
* Prevent trying to add animator components multiple times
* Reset sectors on scene load
* Reset transform sync on scene change
* Remove comment
* Remove wakeup event dependency from WakeUpSync
* Sync loop count
* Time scale instead of sleep
* Cleanup
* Prevent client from ruining time scale
* Disable input while waiting after wakeup
* Disable input only at start of game
* Inver isInputDisable var name