Quantum Space Buddies (QSB) is a multiplayer mod for Outer Wilds. The mod uses the OWML mod loader and customized UNET code (internally referred to as QNet or QuantumUNET) for networking.
- Latest version of Outer Wilds. (Epic version preferred, as Steam version is untestable. **We cannot guarantee QSB, or OWML, will work on cracked/pirated versions of Outer Wilds. Do not come asking us for help when using pirated versions.**)
TL;DR - Don't use any mods with QSB that aren't marked as QSB compatible.
QSB relies on exact orders of objects found using Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll to sync objects, so any mod that changes the hierarchy at all risks breaking QSB. Also, QSB relies on certain game events being called when things happen in-game. Any mod that makes these things happen without calling the correct events will break QSB. Some mods will work fine and have been tested, like CrouchMod. Others may only work partly, like EnableDebugMode and TAICheat.
Long answer : Pay me enough money, and maybe I'll consider it.
#### Why can't a Steam game connect to an Epic game, and vice versa? Do you hate Steam/Epic?
QSB is incompatible between game vendors because of how it works at a base level. Not because I dislike Steam or Epic.
Technical explanation : QSB relies on the orders of lists returned by certain Unity methods to be the same on all clients. For Unity objects, these are (probably) ordered by AssetID or InstanceID. These IDs are different across different game builds. The Epic and Steam versions are different builds. Therefore, the lists are ordered differently and everything breaks.
#### Why do I keep getting thrown around the ship?
Boring boring physics stuff. The velocity of the ship is synced, as well as the angular velocity. However, this velocity is not also applied to the player. (Or it is sometimes. I don't 100% know.) This means the ship will accelerate, leaving the player "behind". Which makes you fly into the walls alot.
So really there's nothing we can do about this. I disabled damage by impact inside the ship, so if you die inside the ship while it is flying then that is a bug.
QSB is a fully synced game. The other players are actually there in the world, and can affect things. The loop starts/ends at the same time for everyone, and you share ship logs / signal discoveries.
Outer Wilds Online is not multiplayer. The other players cannot affect your game, and do not contribute to anything in your save. The loop is entirely per-player.
To fix the references, right click "References" in the Solution Explorer > "Add Reference", and add all the missing DLLs (references with yellow warning icon). You can find these DLLs in the game's directory (`OuterWilds\OuterWilds_Data\Managed`);
It is recommended to use the Epic version of Outer Wilds, as you cannot run multiple versions of the Steam version.
A powerful PC is needed for development, due to the high amount of RAM and CPU needed to run 2 or 3 instances of modded Outer Wilds.
It is also recommended to lower all graphics settings to minimum, be in windowed mode, and lower resolution to roughly a quarter of your monitor space. This lets you run multiple instances of Outer Wilds to quickly test QSB.
**Warning : Mod development can lead to unexpected errors in your computer system.**
- **When editing the networking code, mistakes can lead to QSB overwhelming your network connection with excess packets**.
- **Too high RAM usage will lead to Outer Wilds sticking at ~31% loading, then crashing**.
- **There have been instances of graphics cards crashing, and needing to be disabled/re-enabled from Device Manager.**
- Special thanks (and apologies) to all the people in the #modding channel, which I (_nebula) have been using as a virtual [rubber duck.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging)
[Join the unofficial Outer Wilds Discord](https://discord.gg/Sftcc9Z), we have a nice `#modding-support` channel for any mod help, and a `#modding` channel to discuss modding!