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Gilles Peskine 39c227207c The fully static key store will miss the 3.6.1 release
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2024-08-14 11:40:55 +02:00

19 KiB

PSA key store design


This document describes the architecture of the key storage in memory in the Mbed TLS and TF-PSA-Crypto implementation of the PSA Cryptography API.

In the PSA Cryptography API, cryptographic operations access key materials via a key identifier (key ID for short). Applications must first create a key object, which allocates storage in memory for the key material and metadata. This storage is under the control of the library and may be located in a different memory space such as a trusted execution environment or a secure element.

The storage of persistent keys is out of scope of this document. See the Mbed Crypto storage specification.

Key slot management interface

Key store and key slots

The key store consists of a collection of key slots. Each key slot contains the metadata for one key, as well as the key material or a reference to the key material.

A key slot has the type psa_key_slot_t. The key store is a global object which is private inside psa_crypto_slot_management.c.

Key slot entry points

The following operations allocate a key slot by calling psa_reserve_free_key_slot():

  • Creating a key object, through means such as import, random generation, deterministic derivation, copy, or registration of an existing key that is stored in protected hardware (secure element, hardware unique key (HUK)).
  • Loading a persistent key from storage, or loading a built-in key. This is done through psa_get_and_lock_key_slot(), which calls psa_reserve_free_key_slot() and loads the key if applicable.

The following operations free a key slot by calling psa_wipe_key_slot() and, if applicable, psa_free_key_slot():

  • Destroying a key.
  • Purging a persistent key from memory, either explicitly at the application's request or to free memory.

Deinitializing the PSA Crypto subsystem with mbedtls_psa_crypto_free() destroys all volatile keys and purges all persistent keys.

The library accesses key slots in the following scenarios:

  • while the key is being created or loaded;
  • while the key is being destroyed or purged;
  • while the key metadata or key material is being accessed.

Key slot states

The state of a key slot is indicated by its state field of type psa_key_slot_state_t, which can be:

  • PSA_SLOT_EMPTY: a slot that occupies memory but does not currently contain a key.
  • PSA_SLOT_FILLING: a slot that is being filled to create or load a key.
  • PSA_SLOT_FULL: a slot containing a key.
  • PSA_SLOT_PENDING_DELETION: a slot whose key is being destroy or purged.

These states are mostly useful for concurrency. See Concurrency below and key slot states in the PSA thread safety specification.


In a multithreaded environment, since Mbed TLS 3.6.0, each key slot is protected by a reader-writer lock. (In earlier versions, the key store was not thread-safe.) The lock is controlled by a single global mutex mbedtls_threading_psa_globaldata_mutex. The concurrency state of the slot is indicated by the state and the registered_readers field:

  • EMPTY or FULL state, registered_readers == 0: the slot is not in use by any thread.
  • FULL state, registered_readers != 0: the slot is being read.
  • FILLING or PENDING_DELETION state: the slot is being written.

For more information, see PSA thread safety.

Note that a slot must not be moved in memory while it is being read or written.

Key slot management implementations

Key store implementation variants

There are three variants of the key store implementation, responding to different needs.

  • Hybrid key store (static key slots with dynamic key data): the key store is a statically allocated array of slots, of size MBEDTLS_PSA_KEY_SLOT_COUNT. Key material is allocated on the heap. This is the historical implementation. It remains the default in the Mbed TLS 3.6 long-time support (LTS) branch when using a handwritten mbedtls_config.h, as is common on resource-constrained platforms, because the alternatives have tradeoffs (key size limit and larger RAM usage at rest for the static key store, larger code size and more risk due to code complexity for the dynamic key store).
  • Fully static key store (since Mbed TLS 3.6.2): the key store is a statically allocated array of slots, of size MBEDTLS_PSA_KEY_SLOT_COUNT. Each key slot contains the key representation directly, and the key representation must be no more than MBEDTLS_PSA_STATIC_KEY_SLOT_BUFFER_SIZE bytes. This is intended for very constrained devices that do not have a heap.
  • Dynamic key store (since Mbed TLS 3.6.1): the key store is dynamically allocated as multiple slices on the heap, with a size that adjusts to the application's usage. Key material is allocated on the heap. Compared to the hybrid key store, the code size and RAM consumption are larger. This is intended for higher-end devices where applications are not expected to have a highly predicatable resource usage. This is the default implementation when using the default mbedtls_config.h file, as is common on platforms such as Linux, starting with Mbed TLS 3.6.1.

Future improvement: merging the key store variants

In the future, we may reduce the number of key store variants to just two, perhaps even one.

We introduced the variants other than the hybrid key store in a patch release of a long-time support version. As a consequence, we wanted to minimize making changes to the default build (when not using the supplied mbedtls_config.h, as explained above), to minimize the risk of bugs and the increase in code size. These considerations will not apply in future major or minor releases, so the default key store can change later.

The static key store could become a runtime decision, where only keys larger than some threshold require the use of heap memory. The reasons not to do this in Mbed TLS 3.6.x are that this increases complexity somewhat (slightly more code size, and more risk), and this changes the RAM usage profile somewhat.

A major constraint on the design of the dynamic key store is the need to preserve slot pointers while a slot may be accessed by another thread (see “Concurrency”). With the concurrency primitives available in Mbed TLS 3.x, it is very hard to move a key slot in memory, because there could be an indefinite wait until some other thread has finished accessing the slot. This pushed towards the slice-based organisation described below, where each slice is allocated for the long term. In particular, slices cannot be compacted (compacting would be moving slots out of a sparsely-used slice to free it). Better concurrency primitives (e.g. condition variables or semaphores), together with a realloc() primitive, could allow freeing unused memory more aggressively, which could make the dynamic key store not detrimental in RAM usage compared to the historical hybrid key store.

Slice abstraction

Some parts of the key slot management code use key slices as an abstraction. A key slice is an array of key slots. Key slices are identified by an index which is a small non-negative integer.

  • With a static key store, there is a single, statically allocated slice, with the index 0.
  • With a dynamic key store, there is statically allocated array of pointers to key slices. The index of a slice is the index in that array. The slices are allocated on the heap as needed.

Key identifiers and slot location

When creating a volatile key, the slice containing the slot and index of the slot in its slice determine the key identifier. When accessing a volatile key, the slice and the slot index in the slice are calculated from the key identifier. The encoding of the slot location in the volatile key identifier is different for a static or dynamic key store.

Static key store

The static key store is the historical implementation. The key store is a statically allocated array of slots, of size MBEDTLS_PSA_KEY_SLOT_COUNT. This value is an upper bound for the total number of volatile keys plus loaded keys.

Since Mbed TLS 3.6.2, there are two variants for the static key store: a hybrid variant (default), and a fully-static variant enabled by the configuration option MBEDTLS_PSA_STATIC_KEY_SLOTS. The two variants have the same key store management: the only difference is in how the memory for key data is managed. With fully static key slots, the key data is directly inside the slot, and limited to MBEDTLS_PSA_KEY_SLOT_BUFFER_SIZE bytes. With the hybrid key store, the slot contains a pointer to the key data, which is allocated on the heap.

Volatile key identifiers in the static key store

For easy lookup, a volatile key whose index is id is stored at the index id - PSA_KEY_ID_VOLATILE_MIN.

Key creation with a static key store

To create a key, psa_reserve_free_key_slot() searches the key slot array until it finds one that is empty. If there are none, the code looks for a persistent key that can be purged (see “Persistent key cache”), and purges it. If no slot is free and no slot contains a purgeable key, the key creation fails.

Freeing a key slot with a static key store

With a static key store, psa_wipe_key_slot() destroys or purges a key by freeing any associated resources, then setting the key slot to the empty state. The slot is then ready for reuse.

Dynamic key store

The dynamic key store allows a large number of keys, at the expense of more complex memory management.

The dynamic key store was added in Mbed TLS 3.6.1. It is enabled by MBEDTLS_PSA_KEY_STORE_DYNAMIC, which is enabled by default since Mbed TLS 3.6.1.

Dynamic key slot performance characteristics

Key management and key access have O(1) amortized performance, and mostly O(1) performance for actions involving keys. More precisely:

  • Access to an existing volatile key takes O(1) time.
  • Access to a persistent key (including creation and destruction) takes time that is linear in MBEDTLS_PSA_KEY_SLOT_COUNT.
  • Allocating a key takes amortized O(1) time. Usually the time is O(s) where s is the number of slices (which is a hard-coded value less than 30), but when creating k volatile keys, at most \log(k) creations will involve calls to calloc(), totalling O(k) memory.
  • Destroying a volatile key takes O(1) time as of Mbed TLS 3.6.1. Later improvements to memory consumption are likely to involve calls to free() which may total O(k) memory where k is the maximum number of volatile keys.

Key slices in the dynamic key store

The key slot is organized in slices, which are dynamically arrays of key slot. The number of slices is determined at compile time. The key store contains a static array of pointers to slices.

Volatile keys and loaded keys (persistent or built-in) are stored in separate slices. Key slices number 0 to KEY_SLOT_VOLATILE_SLICE_COUNT - 1 contain only volatile keys. One key slice contains only loaded keys: that key slice is thus the cache slice. See “Persistent key cache” for how the cache is managed.

Volatile key identifiers in the dynamic key store

A volatile key identifier encodes the slice index and the slot index at separate bit positions. That is, key_id = BASE | slice_index | slot_index where the bits set in BASE, slice_index and slot_index do not overlap.

From key slot to key slice

Some parts of the slot management code need to determine which key slice contains a key slot when given a pointer to the key slot. In principle, the key slice is uniquely determined from the key identifier which is located in the slot:

Nonetheless, we store the slice index as a field in the slot, for two reasons:

  • It is more robust in case the slice assignment becomes more complex in the future or is somehow buggy.
  • It allows the slot to slice correspondence to work even if the key identifier field has not been filled yet or has been wiped. The implementation in Mbed TLS 3.6.1 requires this because psa_wipe_key_slot() wipes the slot, then calls psa_free_key_slot(), which needs to determine the slice. Keeping the slice index as a separate field allows us to better separate the concerns of key liveness and slot liveness. A redesign of the internal interfaces could improve this, but would be too disruptive in the 3.6 LTS branch.

Length of the volatile key slices

The volatile key slices have exponentially increasing length: each slice is twice as long as the previous one. Thus if the length of slice 0 is B and there are N slices, then there are B * (2^N - 1) slots.

As of Mbed TLS 3.6.1, the maximum number of volatile key slots is less than the theoretical maximum of 2^30 - 2^16 (0x10000000..0x7ffeffff, the largest range of key identifiers reserved for the PSA Crypto implementation that does not overlap the range for built-in keys). The reason is that we limit the slot index to 2^25-1 so that the encoding of volatile key identifiers has 25 bits for the slot index.

When MBEDTLS_TEST_HOOKS is enabled, the length of key slices can be overridden. We use this in tests that need to fill the key store.

Free list

Each volatile key slice has a free list. This is a linked list of all the slots in the slice that are free. The global data contains a static array of free list heads, i.e. the index of a free slot in the slice. Each free slot contains the index of the next free slot in that slice's free list. The end of the list is indicated by an index that is larger than the length of the slice. If the list is empty, the head contains an index that is larger than the length.

As a small optimization, a free slot does not actually contain the index of the next slot, but the index of the next free slot on the list relative to the next slot in the array. For example, 0 indicates that the next free slot is the slot immediately after the current slot. This fact is the reason for the encoding: a slice freshly obtained from calloc has all of its slots in the free list in order. The value 1 indicates that there is one element between this slot and the next free slot. The next element of the free list can come before the current slot: -2 indicates that it's the slot immediately before, -3 is two slots before, and so on (-1 is impossible). In general, the absolute index of the next slot after slot i in the free list is i + 1 slice[i].next_free_relative_to_next.

Dynamic key slot allocation

To create a volatile key, psa_reserve_free_key_slot() searches the free lists of each allocated slice until it finds a slice that is not full. If all allocated slices are full, the code allocates a new slice at the lowest possible slice index. If all possible slices are already allocated and full, the key creation fails.

The newly allocated slot is removed from the slice's free list.

We only allocate a slice of size B * 2^k if there are already B * (2^k - 1) occupied slots. Thus the memory overhead is at most B slots plus the number of occupied slots, i.e. the memory consumption for slots is at most twice the required memory plus a small constant overhead.

Dynamic key slot deallocation

When destroying a volatile key, psa_wipe_key_slot() calls psa_free_key_slot(). This function adds the newly freed slot to the head of the free list.

Future improvement: slice deallocation

As of Mbed TLS 3.6.1, psa_free_key_slot() does not deallocate slices. Thus the memory consumption for slots never decreases (except when the PSA crypto subsystem is deinitialized). Freeing key slices intelligently would be a desirable improvement.

We should not free a key slice as soon as it becomes empty, because that would cause large allocations and deallocations if there are slices full of long-lived keys, and then one slice keeps being allocate and deallocated for the occasional short-lived keys. Rather, there should be some hysteresis, e.g. only deallocate a slice if there are at least T free slots in the previous slice. #9435

Note that currently, the slice array contains one sequence of allocated slices followed by one sequence of unallocated slices. Mixing allocated and unallocated slices may make some parts of the code a little more complex, and should be tested thoroughly.

Persistent key cache

Persistent keys and built-in keys need to be loaded into the in-memory key store each time they are accessed:

  • while creating them;
  • to access their metadata;
  • to start performing an operation with the key;
  • when destroying the key.

To avoid frequent storage access, we cache persistent keys in memory. This cache also applies to built-in keys.

With the static key store, a non-empty slot can contain either a volatile key or a cache entry for a persistent or built-in key. With the dynamic key store, volatile keys and cached keys are placed in separate slices.

The persistent key cache is a fixed-size array of MBEDTLS_PSA_KEY_SLOT_COUNT slots. In the static key store, this array is shared with volatile keys. In the dynamic key store, the cache is a separate array that does not contain volatile keys.

Accessing a persistent key

psa_get_and_lock_key_slot() automatically loads persistent and built-in keys if the specified key identifier is in the corresponding range. To that effect, it traverses the key cache to see if a key with the given identifier is already loaded. If not, it loads the key. This cache walk takes time that is proportional to the cache size.

Cache eviction

A key slot must be allocated in the cache slice:

  • to create a volatile key (static key store only);
  • to create a persistent key;
  • to load a persistent or built-in key.

If the cache slice is full, the code will try to evict an entry. Only slots that do not have readers can be evicted (see “Concurrency”). In the static key store, slots containing volatile keys cannot be evicted.

As of Mbed TLS 3.6.1, there is no tracking of a key's usage frequency or age. The slot eviction code picks the first evictable slot it finds in its traversal order. We have not reasoned about or experimented with different strategies.