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synced 2025-03-25 16:43:28 +00:00
Newer versions of Python raise a SyntaxWarning when a regular expression contains a backslash that is not part of an escape sequence. To prevent this warning and future exceptions, use raw strings for all regular expressions. Even strings without escape sequences are converted for consistency. Some IDEs will apply special syntax highlighting to raw strings, which can make it easier to decipher regular expressions.
675 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
675 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# BlueKitchen GmbH (c) 2019
# primitive dump for PacketLogger format
# APPLE PacketLogger
# typedef struct {
# uint32_t len;
# uint32_t ts_sec;
# uint32_t ts_usec;
# uint8_t type; // 0xfc for note
# }
import re
import sys
import time
import datetime
import struct
from mesh_crypto import *
# state
netkeys = {}
appkeys = {}
devkey = b''
ivi = b'\x00'
segmented_messages = {}
access_messages = {
# Foundation
0x0000: 'Config Appkey Add',
0x0001: 'Config Appkey Update',
0x0002: 'Config Composition Data Status',
0x0003: 'Config Model Publication Set',
0x0004: 'Config Health Current Status',
0x0005: 'Config Health Fault Status',
0x0006: 'Config Heartbeat Publication Status',
0x8000: 'Config Appkey Delete',
0x8001: 'Config Appkey Get',
0x8002: 'Config Appkey List',
0x8003: 'Config Appkey Status',
0x8004: 'Config Health Attention Get',
0x8005: 'Config Health Attention Set',
0x8006: 'Config Health Attention Set Unacknowledged',
0x8007: 'Config Health Attention Status',
0x8008: 'Config Composition Data Get',
0x8009: 'Config Beacon Get',
0x800a: 'Config Beacon Set',
0x800b: 'Config Beacon Status',
0x800c: 'Config Default Ttl Get',
0x800d: 'Config Default Ttl Set',
0x800e: 'Config Default Ttl Status',
0x800f: 'Config Friend Get',
0x8010: 'Config Friend Set',
0x8011: 'Config Friend Status',
0x8012: 'Config Gatt Proxy Get',
0x8013: 'Config Gatt Proxy Set',
0x8014: 'Config Gatt Proxy Status',
0x8015: 'Config Key Refresh Phase Get',
0x8016: 'Config Key Refresh Phase Set',
0x8017: 'Config Key Refresh Phase Status',
0x8018: 'Config Model Publication Get',
0x8019: 'Config Model Publication Status',
0x801a: 'Config Model Publication Virtual Address Set',
0x801b: 'Config Model Subscription Add',
0x801c: 'Config Model Subscription Delete',
0x801d: 'Config Model Subscription Delete All',
0x801e: 'Config Model Subscription Overwrite',
0x801f: 'Config Model Subscription Status',
0x8020: 'Config Model Subscription Virtual Address Add',
0x8021: 'Config Model Subscription Virtual Address Delete',
0x8022: 'Config Model Subscription Virtual Address Overwrite',
0x8023: 'Config Network Transmit Get',
0x8024: 'Config Network Transmit Set',
0x8025: 'Config Network Transmit Status',
0x8026: 'Config Relay Get',
0x8027: 'Config Relay Set',
0x8028: 'Config Relay Status',
0x8029: 'Config Sig Model Subscription Get',
0x802a: 'Config Sig Model Subscription List',
0x802b: 'Config Vendor Model Subscription Get',
0x802c: 'Config Vendor Model Subscription List',
0x802d: 'Config Low Power Node Poll Timeout Get',
0x802e: 'Config Low Power Node Poll Timeout Status',
0x802f: 'Config Health Fault Clear',
0x8030: 'Config Health Fault Clear Unacknowledged',
0x8031: 'Config Health Fault Get',
0x8032: 'Config Health Fault Test',
0x8033: 'Config Health Fault Test Unacknowledged',
0x8034: 'Config Health Period Get',
0x8035: 'Config Health Period Set',
0x8036: 'Config Health Period Set Unacknowledged',
0x8037: 'Config Health Period Status',
0x8038: 'Config Heartbeat Publication Get',
0x8039: 'Config Heartbeat Publication Set',
0x803a: 'Config Heartbeat Subscription Get',
0x803b: 'Config Heartbeat Subscription Set',
0x803c: 'Config Heartbeat Subscription Status',
0x803d: 'Config Model App Bind',
0x803e: 'Config Model App Status',
0x803f: 'Config Model App Unbind',
0x8040: 'Config Netkey Add',
0x8041: 'Config Netkey Delete',
0x8042: 'Config Netkey Get',
0x8043: 'Config Netkey List',
0x8044: 'Config Netkey Status',
0x8045: 'Config Netkey Update',
0x8046: 'Config Node Identity Get',
0x8047: 'Config Node Identity Set',
0x8048: 'Config Node Identity Status',
0x8049: 'Config Node Reset',
0x804a: 'Config Node Reset Status',
0x804b: 'Config Sig Model App Get',
0x804c: 'Config Sig Model App List',
0x804d: 'Config Vendor Model App Get',
0x804e: 'Config Vendor Model App List',
# Generic
0x8201: 'Generic On Off Get',
0x8202: 'Generic On Off Set',
0x8203: 'Generic On Off Set Unacknowledged',
0x8204: 'Generic On Off Status',
0x8205: 'Generic Level Get',
0x8206: 'Generic Level Set',
0x8207: 'Generic Level Set Unacknowledged',
0x8208: 'Generic Level Status',
0x8209: 'Generic Delta Set',
0x820A: 'Generic Delta Set Unacknowledged',
0x820B: 'Generic Move Set',
0x820C: 'Generic Move Set Unacknowledged',
# quick hack to convert Access message opcode + names
tmp_messages =[
# 'GENERIC_ON_OFF_GET :0x8201',
for message in tmp_messages:
parts = message.split(':')
print ("%s: '%s'," % (parts[1].strip(),parts[0].strip().title().replace('_',' ')))
# helpers
def read_net_32_from_file(f):
data = f.read(4)
if len(data) < 4:
return -1
return struct.unpack('>I', data)[0]
def as_hex(data):
return ''.join(["{0:02x} ".format(byte) for byte in data])
def as_big_endian32(value):
return struct.pack('>I', value)
def read_net_16(data):
return struct.unpack('>H', data)[0]
def read_net_24(data):
return data[0] << 16 | struct.unpack('>H', data[1:3])[0]
def read_net_32(data):
return struct.unpack('>I', data)[0]
# log engine - simple pretty printer
max_indent = 10
def log_pdu(pdu, indent = 0, in_hide_properties = []):
hide_properties = list(in_hide_properties)
spaces = ' ' * indent
print(spaces + "%-20s %s" % (pdu.type, pdu.summary))
if indent >= max_indent:
for property in pdu.properties:
if property.key in hide_properties:
if isinstance( property.value, int):
print (spaces + "|%20s: 0x%x (%u)" % (property.key, property.value, property.value))
elif isinstance( property.value, bytes):
print (spaces + "|%20s: %s" % (property.key, as_hex(property.value)))
print (spaces + "|%20s: %s" % (property.key, str(property.value)))
print (spaces + '| data: ' + as_hex(pdu.data))
print (spaces + '----')
for origin in pdu.origins:
log_pdu(origin, indent + 1, hide_properties)
# classes
class network_key(object):
def __init__(self, index, netkey):
self.index = index
self.netkey = netkey
(self.nid, self.encryption_key, self.privacy_key) = k2(netkey, b'\x00')
def __repr__(self):
return ("NetKey-%04x %s: NID %02x Encryption %s Privacy %s" % (self.index, self.netkey.hex(), self.nid, self.encryption_key.hex(), self.privacy_key.hex()))
class application_key(object):
def __init__(self, index, appkey):
self.index = index
self.appkey = appkey
self.aid = k4(self.appkey)
def __repr__(self):
return ("AppKey-%04x %s: AID %02x" % (self.index, self.appkey.hex(), self.aid))
class property(object):
def __init__(self, key, value):
self.key = key
self.value = value
class layer_pdu(object):
def __init__(self, pdu_type, pdu_data):
self.summary = ''
self.src = None
self.dst = None
self.type = pdu_type
self.data = pdu_data
self.origins = []
self.properties = []
def add_property(self, key, value):
self.properties.append(property(key, value))
class network_pdu(layer_pdu):
def __init__(self, pdu_data):
super().__init__("Network(unencrpyted)", pdu_data)
# parse pdu
self.ivi = (self.data[1] & 0x80) >> 7
self.nid = self.data[0] & 0x7f
self.ctl = (self.data[1] & 0x80) == 0x80
self.ttl = self.data[1] & 0x7f
self.seq = read_net_24(self.data[2:5])
self.src = read_net_16(self.data[5:7])
self.dst = read_net_16(self.data[7:9])
self.lower_transport = self.data[9:]
# set properties
self.add_property('ivi', self.ivi)
self.add_property('nid', self.nid)
self.add_property('ctl', self.ctl)
self.add_property('ttl', self.ttl)
self.add_property('seq', self.seq)
self.add_property('src', self.src)
self.add_property('dst', self.dst)
self.add_property('lower_transport', self.lower_transport)
class lower_transport_pdu(layer_pdu):
def __init__(self, network_pdu):
super().__init__('Lower Transport', network_pdu.lower_transport)
# inherit properties
self.ctl = network_pdu.ctl
self.seq = network_pdu.seq
self.src = network_pdu.src
self.dst = network_pdu.dst
self.add_property('ctl', self.ctl)
self.add_property('seq', self.seq)
self.add_property('src', self.src)
self.add_property('dst', self.dst)
# parse pdu and set propoerties
self.seg = (self.data[0] & 0x80) == 0x80
self.add_property('seg', self.seg)
self.szmic = False
if self.ctl:
self.opcode = self.data[0] & 0x7f
self.add_property('opcode', self.opcode)
self.aid = self.data[0] & 0x3f
self.add_property('aid', self.aid)
self.akf = self.data[0] & 0x40 == 0x040
self.add_property('akf', self.akf)
if self.seg:
if not self.ctl:
self.szmic = self.data[1] & 0x80 == 0x80
self.add_property('szmic', self.szmic)
temp_12 = struct.unpack('>H', self.data[1:3])[0]
self.seq_zero = (temp_12 >> 2) & 0x1fff
self.add_property('seq_zero', self.seq_zero)
temp_23 = struct.unpack('>H', self.data[2:4])[0]
self.seg_o = (temp_23 >> 5) & 0x1f
self.add_property('seg_o', self.seg_o)
self.seg_n = temp_23 & 0x1f
self.add_property('seg_n', self.seg_n)
self.segment = self.data[4:]
self.add_property('segment', self.segment)
self.seq_auth = self.seq
self.upper_transport = self.data[1:]
self.add_property('upper_transport', self.upper_transport)
class upper_transport_pdu(layer_pdu):
def __init__(self, segment):
if segment.ctl:
super().__init__('Segmented Control', b'')
super().__init__('Segmented Transport', b'')
self.ctl = segment.ctl
self.src = segment.src
self.dst = segment.dst
self.seq = segment.seq
self.akf = segment.akf
self.aid = segment.aid
self.szmic = segment.szmic
self.seg_n = segment.seg_n
self.seq_zero = segment.seq_zero
self.direction = segment.direction
# TODO handle seq_zero overrun
self.seq_auth = segment.seq & 0xffffe000 | segment.seq_zero
self.add_property('seq_auth', self.seq_auth)
self.missing = (1 << (segment.seg_n+1)) - 1
self.data = b''
self.processed = False
self.origins = []
if self.ctl:
self.segment_len = 8
self.segment_len = 12
self.add_property('src', self.src)
self.add_property('dst', self.dst)
self.add_property('aid', self.aid)
self.add_property('akf', self.akf)
self.add_property('segment_len', self.segment_len)
self.add_property('dir', self.direction)
def add_segment(self, network_pdu):
self.missing &= ~ (1 << network_pdu.seg_o)
if network_pdu.seg_o == self.seg_n:
# last segment, set len
self.len = (self.seg_n * self.segment_len) + len(network_pdu.segment)
if len(self.data) == 0 and self.complete():
def complete(self):
return self.missing == 0
def reassemble(self):
self.data = bytearray(self.len)
missing = (1 << (self.seg_n+1)) - 1
for pdu in self.origins:
if pdu.ctl:
# copy data
pos = pdu.seg_o * self.segment_len
self.data[pos:pos+len(pdu.segment)] = pdu.segment
# done?
missing &= ~ (1 << pdu.seg_o)
if missing == 0:
class access_pdu(layer_pdu):
def __init__(self, lower_pdu, data):
super().__init__('Access', b'')
self.src = lower_pdu.src
self.dst = lower_pdu.dst
self.akf = lower_pdu.akf
self.aid = lower_pdu.aid
self.seq_auth = lower_pdu.seq_auth
self.data = data
self.direction = lower_pdu.direction
self.add_property('src', self.src)
self.add_property('dst', self.dst)
self.add_property('akf', self.akf)
self.add_property('aid', self.aid)
self.add_property('seq_auth', self.seq_auth)
self.add_property('dir', self.direction)
upper_bits = data[0] >> 6
if upper_bits == 0 or upper_bits == 1:
self.opcode = data[0]
self.opcode_len = 1
elif upper_bits == 2:
self.opcode = read_net_16(data[0:2])
self.opcode_len = 2
elif upper_bits == 3:
self.opcode = read_net_24(data[0:3])
self.opcode_len = 3
self.add_property('opcode', self.opcode)
self.params = data[self.opcode_len:]
self.add_property('params', self.params)
if self.opcode in access_messages:
self.summary = access_messages[self.opcode]
def segmented_message_tag(src, direction):
tag = str(src) + direction
return tag
def segmented_message_for_pdu(pdu):
tag = segmented_message_tag(pdu.src, pdu.direction)
if tag in segmented_messages:
seg_message = segmented_messages[tag]
# check seq zero
if pdu.seq_zero == seg_message.seq_zero:
return seg_message
# print("new segmented message: src %04x, seq_zero %04x" % (pdu.src, pdu.seq_zero))
seg_message = upper_transport_pdu(pdu)
segmented_messages[tag] = seg_message
return seg_message
def mesh_set_iv_index(iv_index):
global ivi
ivi = iv_index
print ("IV-Index: " + as_big_endian32(ivi).hex())
# key management
def mesh_add_netkey(index, netkey):
key = network_key(index, netkey)
print (key)
netkeys[index] = key
def mesh_network_keys_for_nid(nid):
for (index, key) in netkeys.items():
if key.nid == nid:
yield key
def mesh_set_device_key(key):
global devkey
print ("DevKey: " + key.hex())
devkey = key
def mesh_add_application_key(index, appkey):
key = application_key(index, appkey)
print (key)
appkeys[index] = key
def mesh_application_keys_for_aid(aid):
for (index, key) in appkeys.items():
if key.aid == aid:
yield key
def mesh_transport_nonce(pdu, nonce_type):
if pdu.szmic:
aszmic = 0x80
aszmic = 0x00
return bytes( [nonce_type, aszmic, pdu.seq_auth >> 16, (pdu.seq_auth >> 8) & 0xff, pdu.seq_auth & 0xff, pdu.src >> 8, pdu.src & 0xff, pdu.dst >> 8, pdu.dst & 0xff]) + as_big_endian32(ivi)
def mesh_application_nonce(pdu):
return mesh_transport_nonce(pdu, 0x01)
def mesh_device_nonce(pdu):
return mesh_transport_nonce(pdu, 0x02)
def mesh_upper_transport_decrypt(message, data):
if message.szmic:
trans_mic_len = 8
trans_mic_len = 4
ciphertext = data[:-trans_mic_len]
trans_mic = data[-trans_mic_len:]
decrypted = None
if message.akf:
nonce = mesh_application_nonce(message)
# print( as_hex(nonce))
for key in mesh_application_keys_for_aid(message.aid):
decrypted = aes_ccm_decrypt(key.appkey, nonce, ciphertext, b'', trans_mic_len, trans_mic)
if decrypted != None:
nonce = mesh_device_nonce(message)
decrypted = aes_ccm_decrypt(devkey, nonce, ciphertext, b'', trans_mic_len, trans_mic)
return decrypted
def mesh_process_control(control_pdu):
# TODO decode control message
# TODO add Seg Ack to sender access message origins
control_pdu.opcode = control_pdu.data[0]
control_pdu.add_property('opcode', control_pdu.opcode)
control_pdu.obo = (control_pdu.data[1] & 0x80) >> 7
control_pdu.add_property('obo', control_pdu.obo)
temp_12 = read_net_16(control_pdu.data[1:3])
control_pdu.seq_zero = (temp_12 >> 2) & 0x1fff
control_pdu.add_property('seq_zero', control_pdu.seq_zero)
control_pdu.block_ack = read_net_32(control_pdu.data[3:7])
control_pdu.add_property('block_ack', control_pdu.block_ack)
# try to add it to access message
inverse_direction = 'RX'
if control_pdu.direction == 'RX':
inverse_direcgtion = 'TX'
tag = segmented_message_tag(control_pdu.dst, inverse_direction)
if tag in segmented_messages:
seg_message = segmented_messages[tag]
log_pdu(control_pdu, 0, [])
def mesh_process_access(access_pdu):
log_pdu(access_pdu, 0, [])
def mesh_process_network_pdu_tx(network_pdu_encrypted):
# network layer - decrypt pdu
nid = network_pdu_encrypted.data[0] & 0x7f
for key in mesh_network_keys_for_nid(nid):
network_pdu_decrypted_data = network_decrypt(network_pdu_encrypted.data, as_big_endian32(ivi), key.encryption_key, key.privacy_key)
if network_pdu_decrypted_data != None:
if network_pdu_decrypted_data == None:
network_pdu_encrypted.summary = 'No encryption key found'
log_pdu(network_pdu_encrypted, 0, [])
# decrypted network pdu
network_pdu_decrypted = network_pdu(network_pdu_decrypted_data)
network_pdu_decrypted.direction = network_pdu_encrypted.direction
network_pdu_decrypted.add_property('dir', network_pdu_decrypted.direction)
# print("network pdu (enc)" + network_pdu_encrypted.data.hex())
# print("network pdu (dec)" + network_pdu_decrypted_data.hex())
# lower transport - reassemble
lower_transport = lower_transport_pdu(network_pdu_decrypted)
lower_transport.direction = network_pdu_decrypted.direction
lower_transport.add_property('dir', lower_transport.direction)
if lower_transport.seg:
message = segmented_message_for_pdu(lower_transport)
if not message.complete():
if message.processed:
message.processed = True
if message.ctl:
access_payload = mesh_upper_transport_decrypt(message, message.data)
if access_payload == None:
message.summary = 'No encryption key found'
log_pdu(message, 0, [])
access = access_pdu(message, access_payload)
access.direction = message.direction
# print("lower_transport.ctl = " + str(lower_transport.ctl))
if lower_transport.ctl:
control = layer_pdu('Unsegmented Control', lower_transport.data)
control.direction = lower_transport.direction
control.seq = lower_transport.seq
control.src = lower_transport.src
control.dst = lower_transport.dst
control.ctl = True
control.add_property('seq', lower_transport.seq)
control.add_property('src', lower_transport.src)
control.add_property('dst', lower_transport.dst)
access_payload = mesh_upper_transport_decrypt(lower_transport, lower_transport.upper_transport)
if access_payload == None:
lower_transport.summary = 'No encryption key found'
log_pdu(lower_transport, 0, [])
access = access_pdu(lower_transport, access_payload)
access.add_property('seq_auth', lower_transport.seq)
access.direction = lower_transport.direction
def mesh_process_beacon_pdu(adv_pdu):
log_pdu(adv_pdu, 0, [])
def mesh_process_adv(adv_pdu):
ad_len = adv_pdu.data[0] - 1
ad_type = adv_pdu.data[1]
if ad_type == 0x2A:
network_pdu_encrypted = layer_pdu("Network(encrypted)", adv_data[2:2+ad_len])
network_pdu_encrypted.add_property('ivi', adv_data[2] >> 7)
network_pdu_encrypted.add_property('nid', adv_data[2] & 0x7f)
network_pdu_encrypted.add_property('dir', adv_pdu.direction)
network_pdu_encrypted.direction = adv_pdu.direction
if ad_type == 0x2b:
beacon_pdu = layer_pdu("Beacon", adv_data[2:2+ad_len])
def mesh_log_completed():
# log left-overs
print("\n\nLOG COMPLETE - unfinished segmented messages:")
for tag in segmented_messages:
message = segmented_messages[tag]
if message.processed:
log_pdu(message, 0, [])
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print ('Dump Mesh PacketLogger file')
print ('Copyright 2019, BlueKitchen GmbH')
print ('')
print ('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' hci_dump.pklg')
infile = sys.argv[1]
with open (infile, 'rb') as fin:
pos = 0
while True:
payload_length = read_net_32_from_file(fin)
if payload_length < 0:
ts_sec = read_net_32_from_file(fin)
ts_usec = read_net_32_from_file(fin)
type = ord(fin.read(1))
packet_len = payload_length - 9;
if (packet_len > 66000):
print ("Error parsing pklg at offset %u (%x)." % (pos, pos))
packet = fin.read(packet_len)
pos = pos + 4 + payload_length
# time = "[%s.%03u] " % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_sec).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ts_usec / 1000)
if type == 0:
if packet[0] != 0x08:
if packet[1] != 0x20:
adv_data = packet[4:]
adv_pdu = layer_pdu("ADV(TX)", adv_data)
adv_pdu.add_property('dir', 'TX')
adv_pdu.direction = 'TX'
elif type == 1:
event = packet[0]
if event != 0x3e:
event_len = packet[1]
if event_len < 14:
adv_data = packet[13:-1]
adv_pdu = layer_pdu("ADV(RX)", adv_data)
adv_pdu.add_property('dir', 'RX')
adv_pdu.direction = 'RX'
elif type == 0xfc:
log = packet.decode("utf-8")
parts = re.match(r'mesh-iv-index: (.*)', log)
if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 1:
mesh_set_iv_index(int(parts.groups()[0], 16))
parts = re.match(r'mesh-devkey: (.*)', log)
if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 1:
parts = re.match(r'mesh-appkey-(.*): (.*)', log)
if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 2:
mesh_add_application_key(int(parts.groups()[0], 16), bytes.fromhex(parts.groups()[1]))
parts = re.match(r'mesh-netkey-(.*): (.*)', log)
if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 2:
mesh_add_netkey(int(parts.groups()[0], 16), bytes.fromhex(parts.groups()[1]))