#!/usr/bin/env python3 # BlueKitchen GmbH (c) 2019 # primitive dump for PacketLogger format # APPLE PacketLogger # typedef struct { # uint32_t len; # uint32_t ts_sec; # uint32_t ts_usec; # uint8_t type; // 0xfc for note # } #define BLUETOOTH_DATA_TYPE_PB_ADV 0x29 // PB-ADV #define BLUETOOTH_DATA_TYPE_MESH_MESSAGE 0x2A // Mesh Message #define BLUETOOTH_DATA_TYPE_MESH_BEACON 0x2B // Mesh Beacon import re import sys import time import datetime import struct from mesh_crypto import * # state netkeys = {} appkeys = {} devkey = b'' ivi = b'\x00' segmented_messages = {} access_messages = { # Foundation 0x0000: 'Config Appkey Add', 0x0001: 'Config Appkey Update', 0x0002: 'Config Composition Data Status', 0x0003: 'Config Model Publication Set', 0x0004: 'Config Health Current Status', 0x0005: 'Config Health Fault Status', 0x0006: 'Config Heartbeat Publication Status', 0x8000: 'Config Appkey Delete', 0x8001: 'Config Appkey Get', 0x8002: 'Config Appkey List', 0x8003: 'Config Appkey Status', 0x8004: 'Config Health Attention Get', 0x8005: 'Config Health Attention Set', 0x8006: 'Config Health Attention Set Unacknowledged', 0x8007: 'Config Health Attention Status', 0x8008: 'Config Composition Data Get', 0x8009: 'Config Beacon Get', 0x800a: 'Config Beacon Set', 0x800b: 'Config Beacon Status', 0x800c: 'Config Default Ttl Get', 0x800d: 'Config Default Ttl Set', 0x800e: 'Config Default Ttl Status', 0x800f: 'Config Friend Get', 0x8010: 'Config Friend Set', 0x8011: 'Config Friend Status', 0x8012: 'Config Gatt Proxy Get', 0x8013: 'Config Gatt Proxy Set', 0x8014: 'Config Gatt Proxy Status', 0x8015: 'Config Key Refresh Phase Get', 0x8016: 'Config Key Refresh Phase Set', 0x8017: 'Config Key Refresh Phase Status', 0x8018: 'Config Model Publication Get', 0x8019: 'Config Model Publication Status', 0x801a: 'Config Model Publication Virtual Address Set', 0x801b: 'Config Model Subscription Add', 0x801c: 'Config Model Subscription Delete', 0x801d: 'Config Model Subscription Delete All', 0x801e: 'Config Model Subscription Overwrite', 0x801f: 'Config Model Subscription Status', 0x8020: 'Config Model Subscription Virtual Address Add', 0x8021: 'Config Model Subscription Virtual Address Delete', 0x8022: 'Config Model Subscription Virtual Address Overwrite', 0x8023: 'Config Network Transmit Get', 0x8024: 'Config Network Transmit Set', 0x8025: 'Config Network Transmit Status', 0x8026: 'Config Relay Get', 0x8027: 'Config Relay Set', 0x8028: 'Config Relay Status', 0x8029: 'Config Sig Model Subscription Get', 0x802a: 'Config Sig Model Subscription List', 0x802b: 'Config Vendor Model Subscription Get', 0x802c: 'Config Vendor Model Subscription List', 0x802d: 'Config Low Power Node Poll Timeout Get', 0x802e: 'Config Low Power Node Poll Timeout Status', 0x802f: 'Config Health Fault Clear', 0x8030: 'Config Health Fault Clear Unacknowledged', 0x8031: 'Config Health Fault Get', 0x8032: 'Config Health Fault Test', 0x8033: 'Config Health Fault Test Unacknowledged', 0x8034: 'Config Health Period Get', 0x8035: 'Config Health Period Set', 0x8036: 'Config Health Period Set Unacknowledged', 0x8037: 'Config Health Period Status', 0x8038: 'Config Heartbeat Publication Get', 0x8039: 'Config Heartbeat Publication Set', 0x803a: 'Config Heartbeat Subscription Get', 0x803b: 'Config Heartbeat Subscription Set', 0x803c: 'Config Heartbeat Subscription Status', 0x803d: 'Config Model App Bind', 0x803e: 'Config Model App Status', 0x803f: 'Config Model App Unbind', 0x8040: 'Config Netkey Add', 0x8041: 'Config Netkey Delete', 0x8042: 'Config Netkey Get', 0x8043: 'Config Netkey List', 0x8044: 'Config Netkey Status', 0x8045: 'Config Netkey Update', 0x8046: 'Config Node Identity Get', 0x8047: 'Config Node Identity Set', 0x8048: 'Config Node Identity Status', 0x8049: 'Config Node Reset', 0x804a: 'Config Node Reset Status', 0x804b: 'Config Sig Model App Get', 0x804c: 'Config Sig Model App List', 0x804d: 'Config Vendor Model App Get', 0x804e: 'Config Vendor Model App List', # Generic 0x8201: 'Generic On Off Get', 0x8202: 'Generic On Off Set', 0x8203: 'Generic On Off Set Unacknowledged', 0x8204: 'Generic On Off Status', 0x8205: 'Generic Level Get', 0x8206: 'Generic Level Set', 0x8207: 'Generic Level Set Unacknowledged', 0x8208: 'Generic Level Status', 0x8209: 'Generic Delta Set', 0x820A: 'Generic Delta Set Unacknowledged', 0x820B: 'Generic Move Set', 0x820C: 'Generic Move Set Unacknowledged', } # quick hack to convert Access message opcode + names tmp_messages =[ # 'GENERIC_ON_OFF_GET :0x8201', ] for message in tmp_messages: parts = message.split(':') print ("%s: '%s'," % (parts[1].strip(),parts[0].strip().title().replace('_',' '))) # helpers def read_net_32_from_file(f): data = f.read(4) if len(data) < 4: return -1 return struct.unpack('>I', data)[0] def as_hex(data): return ''.join(["{0:02x} ".format(byte) for byte in data]) def as_big_endian32(value): return struct.pack('>I', value) def read_net_16(data): return struct.unpack('>H', data)[0] def read_net_24(data): return data[0] << 16 | struct.unpack('>H', data[1:3])[0] def read_net_32(data): return struct.unpack('>I', data)[0] # log engine - simple pretty printer max_indent = 10 def log_pdu(pdu, indent = 0, in_hide_properties = []): hide_properties = list(in_hide_properties) spaces = ' ' * indent print(spaces + "%-20s %s" % (pdu.type, pdu.summary)) if indent >= max_indent: return for property in pdu.properties: if property.key in hide_properties: continue if isinstance( property.value, int): print (spaces + "|%20s: 0x%x (%u)" % (property.key, property.value, property.value)) elif isinstance( property.value, bytes): print (spaces + "|%20s: %s" % (property.key, as_hex(property.value))) else: print (spaces + "|%20s: %s" % (property.key, str(property.value))) hide_properties.append(property.key) print (spaces + '| data: ' + as_hex(pdu.data)) print (spaces + '----') for origin in pdu.origins: log_pdu(origin, indent + 1, hide_properties) # classes class network_key(object): def __init__(self, index, netkey): self.index = index self.netkey = netkey (self.nid, self.encryption_key, self.privacy_key) = k2(netkey, b'\x00') def __repr__(self): return ("NetKey-%04x %s: NID %02x Encryption %s Privacy %s" % (self.index, self.netkey.hex(), self.nid, self.encryption_key.hex(), self.privacy_key.hex())) class application_key(object): def __init__(self, index, appkey): self.index = index self.appkey = appkey self.aid = k4(self.appkey) def __repr__(self): return ("AppKey-%04x %s: AID %02x" % (self.index, self.appkey.hex(), self.aid)) class property(object): def __init__(self, key, value): self.key = key self.value = value class layer_pdu(object): def __init__(self, pdu_type, pdu_data): self.summary = '' self.src = None self.dst = None self.type = pdu_type self.data = pdu_data self.origins = [] self.properties = [] def add_property(self, key, value): self.properties.append(property(key, value)) class network_pdu(layer_pdu): def __init__(self, pdu_data): super().__init__("Network(unencrpyted)", pdu_data) # parse pdu self.ivi = (self.data[1] & 0x80) >> 7 self.nid = self.data[0] & 0x7f self.ctl = (self.data[1] & 0x80) == 0x80 self.ttl = self.data[1] & 0x7f self.seq = read_net_24(self.data[2:5]) self.src = read_net_16(self.data[5:7]) self.dst = read_net_16(self.data[7:9]) self.lower_transport = self.data[9:] # set properties self.add_property('ivi', self.ivi) self.add_property('nid', self.nid) self.add_property('ctl', self.ctl) self.add_property('ttl', self.ttl) self.add_property('seq', self.seq) self.add_property('src', self.src) self.add_property('dst', self.dst) self.add_property('lower_transport', self.lower_transport) class lower_transport_pdu(layer_pdu): def __init__(self, network_pdu): super().__init__('Lower Transport', network_pdu.lower_transport) # inherit properties self.ctl = network_pdu.ctl self.seq = network_pdu.seq self.src = network_pdu.src self.dst = network_pdu.dst self.add_property('ctl', self.ctl) self.add_property('seq', self.seq) self.add_property('src', self.src) self.add_property('dst', self.dst) # parse pdu and set propoerties self.seg = (self.data[0] & 0x80) == 0x80 self.add_property('seg', self.seg) self.szmic = False if self.ctl: self.opcode = self.data[0] & 0x7f self.add_property('opcode', self.opcode) else: self.aid = self.data[0] & 0x3f self.add_property('aid', self.aid) self.akf = self.data[0] & 0x40 == 0x040 self.add_property('akf', self.akf) if self.seg: if not self.ctl: self.szmic = self.data[1] & 0x80 == 0x80 self.add_property('szmic', self.szmic) temp_12 = struct.unpack('>H', self.data[1:3])[0] self.seq_zero = (temp_12 >> 2) & 0x1fff self.add_property('seq_zero', self.seq_zero) temp_23 = struct.unpack('>H', self.data[2:4])[0] self.seg_o = (temp_23 >> 5) & 0x1f self.add_property('seg_o', self.seg_o) self.seg_n = temp_23 & 0x1f self.add_property('seg_n', self.seg_n) self.segment = self.data[4:] self.add_property('segment', self.segment) else: self.seq_auth = self.seq self.upper_transport = self.data[1:] self.add_property('upper_transport', self.upper_transport) class upper_transport_pdu(layer_pdu): def __init__(self, segment): if segment.ctl: super().__init__('Segmented Control', b'') else: super().__init__('Segmented Transport', b'') self.ctl = segment.ctl self.src = segment.src self.dst = segment.dst self.seq = segment.seq self.akf = segment.akf self.aid = segment.aid self.szmic = segment.szmic self.seg_n = segment.seg_n self.seq_zero = segment.seq_zero self.direction = segment.direction # TODO handle seq_zero overrun self.seq_auth = segment.seq & 0xffffe000 | segment.seq_zero self.add_property('seq_auth', self.seq_auth) self.missing = (1 << (segment.seg_n+1)) - 1 self.data = b'' self.processed = False self.origins = [] if self.ctl: self.segment_len = 8 else: self.segment_len = 12 self.add_property('src', self.src) self.add_property('dst', self.dst) self.add_property('aid', self.aid) self.add_property('akf', self.akf) self.add_property('segment_len', self.segment_len) self.add_property('dir', self.direction) def add_segment(self, network_pdu): self.origins.append(network_pdu) self.missing &= ~ (1 << network_pdu.seg_o) if network_pdu.seg_o == self.seg_n: # last segment, set len self.len = (self.seg_n * self.segment_len) + len(network_pdu.segment) if len(self.data) == 0 and self.complete(): self.reassemble() def complete(self): return self.missing == 0 def reassemble(self): self.data = bytearray(self.len) missing = (1 << (self.seg_n+1)) - 1 for pdu in self.origins: if pdu.ctl: continue # copy data pos = pdu.seg_o * self.segment_len self.data[pos:pos+len(pdu.segment)] = pdu.segment # done? missing &= ~ (1 << pdu.seg_o) if missing == 0: break class access_pdu(layer_pdu): def __init__(self, lower_pdu, data): super().__init__('Access', b'') self.src = lower_pdu.src self.dst = lower_pdu.dst self.akf = lower_pdu.akf self.aid = lower_pdu.aid self.seq_auth = lower_pdu.seq_auth self.data = data self.direction = lower_pdu.direction self.add_property('src', self.src) self.add_property('dst', self.dst) self.add_property('akf', self.akf) self.add_property('aid', self.aid) self.add_property('seq_auth', self.seq_auth) self.add_property('dir', self.direction) upper_bits = data[0] >> 6 if upper_bits == 0 or upper_bits == 1: self.opcode = data[0] self.opcode_len = 1 elif upper_bits == 2: self.opcode = read_net_16(data[0:2]) self.opcode_len = 2 elif upper_bits == 3: self.opcode = read_net_24(data[0:3]) self.opcode_len = 3 self.add_property('opcode', self.opcode) self.params = data[self.opcode_len:] self.add_property('params', self.params) if self.opcode in access_messages: self.summary = access_messages[self.opcode] def segmented_message_tag(src, direction): tag = str(src) + direction return tag def segmented_message_for_pdu(pdu): tag = segmented_message_tag(pdu.src, pdu.direction) if tag in segmented_messages: seg_message = segmented_messages[tag] # check seq zero if pdu.seq_zero == seg_message.seq_zero: return seg_message # print("new segmented message: src %04x, seq_zero %04x" % (pdu.src, pdu.seq_zero)) seg_message = upper_transport_pdu(pdu) segmented_messages[tag] = seg_message return seg_message def mesh_set_iv_index(iv_index): global ivi ivi = iv_index print ("IV-Index: " + as_big_endian32(ivi).hex()) # key management def mesh_add_netkey(index, netkey): key = network_key(index, netkey) print (key) netkeys[index] = key def mesh_network_keys_for_nid(nid): for (index, key) in netkeys.items(): if key.nid == nid: yield key def mesh_set_device_key(key): global devkey print ("DevKey: " + key.hex()) devkey = key def mesh_add_application_key(index, appkey): key = application_key(index, appkey) print (key) appkeys[index] = key def mesh_application_keys_for_aid(aid): for (index, key) in appkeys.items(): if key.aid == aid: yield key def mesh_transport_nonce(pdu, nonce_type): if pdu.szmic: aszmic = 0x80 else: aszmic = 0x00 return bytes( [nonce_type, aszmic, pdu.seq_auth >> 16, (pdu.seq_auth >> 8) & 0xff, pdu.seq_auth & 0xff, pdu.src >> 8, pdu.src & 0xff, pdu.dst >> 8, pdu.dst & 0xff]) + as_big_endian32(ivi) def mesh_application_nonce(pdu): return mesh_transport_nonce(pdu, 0x01) def mesh_device_nonce(pdu): return mesh_transport_nonce(pdu, 0x02) def mesh_upper_transport_decrypt(message, data): if message.szmic: trans_mic_len = 8 else: trans_mic_len = 4 ciphertext = data[:-trans_mic_len] trans_mic = data[-trans_mic_len:] decrypted = None if message.akf: nonce = mesh_application_nonce(message) # print( as_hex(nonce)) for key in mesh_application_keys_for_aid(message.aid): decrypted = aes_ccm_decrypt(key.appkey, nonce, ciphertext, b'', trans_mic_len, trans_mic) if decrypted != None: break else: nonce = mesh_device_nonce(message) decrypted = aes_ccm_decrypt(devkey, nonce, ciphertext, b'', trans_mic_len, trans_mic) return decrypted def mesh_process_control(control_pdu): # TODO decode control message # TODO add Seg Ack to sender access message origins control_pdu.opcode = control_pdu.data[0] control_pdu.add_property('opcode', control_pdu.opcode) control_pdu.obo = (control_pdu.data[1] & 0x80) >> 7 control_pdu.add_property('obo', control_pdu.obo) temp_12 = read_net_16(control_pdu.data[1:3]) control_pdu.seq_zero = (temp_12 >> 2) & 0x1fff control_pdu.add_property('seq_zero', control_pdu.seq_zero) control_pdu.block_ack = read_net_32(control_pdu.data[3:7]) control_pdu.add_property('block_ack', control_pdu.block_ack) # try to add it to access message inverse_direction = 'RX' if control_pdu.direction == 'RX': inverse_direcgtion = 'TX' tag = segmented_message_tag(control_pdu.dst, inverse_direction) if tag in segmented_messages: seg_message = segmented_messages[tag] seg_message.origins.append(control_pdu) else: log_pdu(control_pdu, 0, []) def mesh_process_access(access_pdu): log_pdu(access_pdu, 0, []) def mesh_process_network_pdu_tx(network_pdu_encrypted): # network layer - decrypt pdu nid = network_pdu_encrypted.data[0] & 0x7f for key in mesh_network_keys_for_nid(nid): network_pdu_decrypted_data = network_decrypt(network_pdu_encrypted.data, as_big_endian32(ivi), key.encryption_key, key.privacy_key) if network_pdu_decrypted_data != None: break if network_pdu_decrypted_data == None: network_pdu_encrypted.summary = 'No encryption key found' log_pdu(network_pdu_encrypted, 0, []) return # decrypted network pdu network_pdu_decrypted = network_pdu(network_pdu_decrypted_data) network_pdu_decrypted.direction = network_pdu_encrypted.direction network_pdu_decrypted.add_property('dir', network_pdu_decrypted.direction) network_pdu_decrypted.origins.append(network_pdu_encrypted) # print("network pdu (enc)" + network_pdu_encrypted.data.hex()) # print("network pdu (dec)" + network_pdu_decrypted_data.hex()) # lower transport - reassemble lower_transport = lower_transport_pdu(network_pdu_decrypted) lower_transport.direction = network_pdu_decrypted.direction lower_transport.add_property('dir', lower_transport.direction) lower_transport.origins.append(network_pdu_decrypted) if lower_transport.seg: message = segmented_message_for_pdu(lower_transport) message.add_segment(lower_transport) if not message.complete(): return if message.processed: return message.processed = True if message.ctl: mesh_process_control(message) else: access_payload = mesh_upper_transport_decrypt(message, message.data) if access_payload == None: message.summary = 'No encryption key found' log_pdu(message, 0, []) else: access = access_pdu(message, access_payload) access.direction = message.direction access.origins.append(message) mesh_process_access(access) else: # print("lower_transport.ctl = " + str(lower_transport.ctl)) if lower_transport.ctl: control = layer_pdu('Unsegmented Control', lower_transport.data) control.direction = lower_transport.direction control.seq = lower_transport.seq control.src = lower_transport.src control.dst = lower_transport.dst control.ctl = True control.add_property('seq', lower_transport.seq) control.add_property('src', lower_transport.src) control.add_property('dst', lower_transport.dst) control.origins.append(lower_transport) mesh_process_control(control) else: access_payload = mesh_upper_transport_decrypt(lower_transport, lower_transport.upper_transport) if access_payload == None: lower_transport.summary = 'No encryption key found' log_pdu(lower_transport, 0, []) else: access = access_pdu(lower_transport, access_payload) access.add_property('seq_auth', lower_transport.seq) access.direction = lower_transport.direction access.origins.append(lower_transport) mesh_process_access(access) def mesh_process_beacon_pdu(adv_pdu): log_pdu(adv_pdu, 0, []) def mesh_process_adv(adv_pdu): ad_len = adv_pdu.data[0] - 1 ad_type = adv_pdu.data[1] if ad_type == 0x2A: network_pdu_encrypted = layer_pdu("Network(encrypted)", adv_data[2:2+ad_len]) network_pdu_encrypted.add_property('ivi', adv_data[2] >> 7) network_pdu_encrypted.add_property('nid', adv_data[2] & 0x7f) network_pdu_encrypted.add_property('dir', adv_pdu.direction) network_pdu_encrypted.direction = adv_pdu.direction network_pdu_encrypted.origins.append(adv_pdu) mesh_process_network_pdu_tx(network_pdu_encrypted) if ad_type == 0x2b: beacon_pdu = layer_pdu("Beacon", adv_data[2:2+ad_len]) beacon_pdu.origins.append(adv_pdu) mesh_process_beacon_pdu(beacon_pdu) def mesh_log_completed(): # log left-overs print("\n\nLOG COMPLETE - unfinished segmented messages:") for tag in segmented_messages: message = segmented_messages[tag] if message.processed: continue log_pdu(message, 0, []) if len(sys.argv) == 1: print ('Dump Mesh PacketLogger file') print ('Copyright 2019, BlueKitchen GmbH') print ('') print ('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' hci_dump.pklg') exit(0) infile = sys.argv[1] with open (infile, 'rb') as fin: pos = 0 while True: payload_length = read_net_32_from_file(fin) if payload_length < 0: break ts_sec = read_net_32_from_file(fin) ts_usec = read_net_32_from_file(fin) type = ord(fin.read(1)) packet_len = payload_length - 9; if (packet_len > 66000): print ("Error parsing pklg at offset %u (%x)." % (pos, pos)) break packet = fin.read(packet_len) pos = pos + 4 + payload_length # time = "[%s.%03u] " % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_sec).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ts_usec / 1000) if type == 0: # CMD if packet[0] != 0x08: continue if packet[1] != 0x20: continue adv_data = packet[4:] adv_pdu = layer_pdu("ADV(TX)", adv_data) adv_pdu.add_property('dir', 'TX') adv_pdu.direction = 'TX' mesh_process_adv(adv_pdu) elif type == 1: # EVT event = packet[0] if event != 0x3e: continue event_len = packet[1] if event_len < 14: continue adv_data = packet[13:-1] adv_pdu = layer_pdu("ADV(RX)", adv_data) adv_pdu.add_property('dir', 'RX') adv_pdu.direction = 'RX' mesh_process_adv(adv_pdu) elif type == 0xfc: # LOG log = packet.decode("utf-8") parts = re.match(r'mesh-iv-index: (.*)', log) if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 1: mesh_set_iv_index(int(parts.groups()[0], 16)) continue parts = re.match(r'mesh-devkey: (.*)', log) if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 1: mesh_set_device_key(bytes.fromhex(parts.groups()[0])) continue parts = re.match(r'mesh-appkey-(.*): (.*)', log) if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 2: mesh_add_application_key(int(parts.groups()[0], 16), bytes.fromhex(parts.groups()[1])) continue parts = re.match(r'mesh-netkey-(.*): (.*)', log) if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 2: mesh_add_netkey(int(parts.groups()[0], 16), bytes.fromhex(parts.groups()[1])) continue mesh_log_completed()