- The module with the older CC2564B is around USD 20, while the one with the new CC2564C costs around USD 60
The projects are configured for the CC2564C. When using the CC2564B, *bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1.8_BT_Spec_4.1.c* should be used as cc256x_init_script. You can update this in the create_examples.py script.
Connct the Target Board to the TI Boosterpack, see Booster Pack Pinout: http://www.ti.com/ww/en/launchpad/dl/boosterpack-pinout-v2.pdf
Open the e2 Studio project and press the 'Debug' button. Debug output is only available via SEGGER RTT. You can run SEGGER's JLinkRTTViewer or use Ozone as described below.
In src/btstack_config.h resp. in example/btstack_config.h of the generated projects, additional debug information can be enabled by uncommenting ENABLE_LOG_INFO.
In BTstack, the GATT Database is defined via the .gatt file in the example folder. The create_examples.py script converts the .gatt files into a corresponding .h for the project. After updating a .gatt file, the .h can be updated manually by running the provided update_gatt_db.sh or update_gatt_db.bat scripts.
Note: In theory, this can be integrated into the e2 Studio/Eclipse project.
## Notes
- HCI UART is set to 2 mbps. Using 3 or 4 mbps causes hang during startup