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synced 2025-02-28 03:39:56 +00:00
* chore(branding): Add new Neofetch logo * chore: Move neofetch related files to system_files/shared directory * chore: Copy system_files/shared last to ensure it replaces every file present * chore(readme): Switch to new logo & tagline * chore: Add press kit * chore: Update Bazzite Portal logo * chore: Replace icon on boot screen * chore: Replace icons in pixmaps folder * chore: Update opengraph image * chore(readme): Minor fixes * chore: Add favicon * chore: Move Neofetch config back to desktop specific folder * chore: Add logos for light BGs, update logo in repo with light BG compatible one * chore: Use colored font logo that works on any background for certain logos * chore: Add optional icon for KDE application menu * chore(press-kit): Update README * chore: Add rei0260 to the top of our thank you list
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