
  • abcd.aseprite: Indexed, 32x32, four layers ("a", "b", "c", "d")
  • 1empty3.aseprite: RGB, 32x32, two layers ("fg", "bg"), 2nd frame completelly empty, two tags ("a", "b")
  • groups2.aseprite: Indexed, 8x8, two groups ("items", "player"), two layers per group ("items/gun", "items/sword", "player/head", "player/body"), with one layer hidden ("items/gun").
  • groups3abc.aseprite: RGB, 9x11, three groups ("a", "b", "c"), with three layers each one (called "a", "b", "c" too). There is a combination of visibilities ("b/b", "c", "c/a", and "c/b" are hidden).
  • bg-index-3.aseprite: Indexed, 4x4, two layers ("fg" and "bg") with a special transparent index color (= palette index 3).