As .dmp files are useful only for official releases (i.e. when we have the
compiled .exe+.pdb), this is an alternative message to stop receiving
.dmp files at that cannot be used to debug a crash.
With this change we are removing specific code to scroll the Editor widget.
Now if we use Editor::setEditorScroll() to scroll it should work as
View::setViewScroll(). In this way we remove the ugly "blitValidRegion"
parameter from setEditorScroll().
* Removed Widget::scrollRegion() because each widget must control
valid/invalid regions after a ui::move_region() in a very specific way
(see View::setViewScroll() or Window::moveWindow)
* Invalidate the whole widget on Widget::setBoundsQuietly()
* Fixed problems blitting invalid regions/not yet updated/painted: using
the new ui::Manager::m_invalidRegion.
* Added View::onSetViewScroll() and View::onScrollRegion()
* Added FileListView to avoid moving the thumbnail region when we scroll
* Added "icon_search" part in the skin
* Added app::SearchEntry widget
* Fixed Separator widget to handle a custom background color, because
now we use Separators inside a ListBox too
* Added Entry::(on)getEntryTextBounds() to specify a customized area
to show text (as SearchEntry needs space for search and close icons)
* Added new ui::IconButton widget to create widgets with one skin icon
that is colored depending on the button state.
* ContextBar::InkShadesField was divided into a couple widgets (ShadeWidget
and IconButton to drop-down a little menu with saved shades)
* Fixed CommonLockedSurface::drawColoredRgbaSurface() impl.
* Removed invalid gfx::setr/g/b/a() functions.
This is a first iteration of the feature, it doesn’t have handles to
move the symmetry line and it only contains two symmetry modes:
horizontal or vertical.
As an extra change, we have added the new Stroke type to wrap a vector
of gfx::Points and simplify some existing code in the ToolLoop.
Added member functions to undo::UndoHistory and
app::DocumentUndo to iterate all states of the undo history.
Also we’ve added app::DocumentUndoObserver to see when new states
are added in the undo history.
- Added ui::ScrollableViewDelegate so ui::ScrollBar can be child of
a non-ui::View widget.
- Added a generic ui::setup_scrollbars() utility to locate
horizontal/vertical scrollbars depending on the scrollable area and
the available viewport area.
- Replaced Timeline::m_scroll_x/y ints with m_hbar/m_vbar widgets.
- Added transparent scrollbar look & feel.
- Added a "hover" state to mini-scrollbars used in sprite editors.