We've added a new chunk type in .ase files to save palettes with alpha
channel, color name, and palettes with more than 256 colors.
Related to #668, #467, and #286
- Added doc::BlendMode enum and doc::BlendFunc type
- Renamed LayerImage::getBlendMode() -> blendMode()
- BLEND_MODE_COPY is BlendMode::SRC now
- Added app::cmd::SetLayerBlendMode
Modified its implementation to use std::vector<> instead of a raw C array[].
Now the number of colors in the sprite is more relevant (e.g. we should be able to create sprites of 4bpp, 16 colors).
Added inks and better handling of tools->brushes->inks relationship.
color_t is now a ase_uint32.
Added the Background layer.
Fixed bugs loading some king of BMP files.
Removed the bgcolor from the Sprite and .ase files.
Added FileData and BmpData.
Renamed dirty_put to dirty_restore_image_data.
Renamed dirty_get to dirty_save_image_data.
Added get_pretty_memsize, sprite_get_memsize, undo_get_memsize to show memory-usage.
+ Renamed Editor::cursor_eyedropper to Editor::alt_pressed.
+ Added statusbar_show_tip.
+ Added AppHooks.
+ Renamed color_button_* to colorbutton_*
+ Renamed GfxObj*Layer::parent to Layer*Layer::parent_layer.
+ Added Palette gfxobj and refactored a lot of code to this new Palette
instead of Allegro's RGB/PALETTE.
+ Now jfile.c uses jxml.c.
+ New signature for callbacks in 'hook_signal' of modules/gui.c:
bool hook(JWidget, void *);
- Removed colsel and minipal from dialogs.
+ Fixed mouse bounds in sliders.
Renamed FileType to FileFormat.
Moved ase/jinete/src to ase/src/jinete.
Moved ase/jinete/include to ase/src/jinete.
Moved ase/jinete/freetype to ase/third_party/freetype.