1172 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
David Capello
6319af1676 Fix problems restoring preferred scroll in selected sprite. 2011-03-06 18:23:57 -03:00
David Capello
cea3ade78a Minor changes: comments to C++ style. 2011-03-06 16:55:26 -03:00
David Capello
b02b86b613 Fix compiling on Linux when XDGA is detected (fixed issue #12). 2011-03-06 16:20:11 -03:00
David Capello
6d5531b998 Replace old gfx-data with graphics from the skin sheet.
+ Removed gfxdata.cpp file.
+ Removed get_gfx() from modules/gfx.h/cpp.
+ Added skin parts for each removed graphics of gfxdata.
+ Added IButtonIcon interface and an implementation for skin theme.
+ Removed "icon_buttons" from gui.cpp.
+ Now icons in button are set through set_gfxicon_to_button function.
+ Removed from Theme class check/radio_icon_size member variables
  (they are replaced with the new IButtonIcon interface).
+ Removed jdraw_inverted_sprite(), now each icon has it normal/selected
  version in the skin sheet.
2011-03-06 16:15:05 -03:00
David Capello
de47c6ff59 Rewritten palette editor using ColorSliders and HexColorEntry widgets. 2011-03-03 22:17:25 -03:00
David Capello
d7458bc78f Add ColorSlidersChangeEvent so ColorSliders::ColorChange signal
can receive the modified channel.
2011-03-03 22:16:54 -03:00
David Capello
bb1151c0ac Rewrite the entire color selector as C++ class.
+ Added ColorSliders widget for RGB, HSV, and Grayscale sliders.
+ Added HexColorEntry to show a color in HTML format.
2011-03-01 22:50:49 -03:00
David Capello
2ac1d38d62 Avoid sending keys to gui manager when a popup frame is visible. 2011-03-01 22:37:00 -03:00
David Capello
fd7e95035b Add degree symbol in string representation of HSV colors. 2011-03-01 22:36:18 -03:00
David Capello
a2eab0553c Fix critical bug using "thumbnails" dead-pointer after calling "destroy_thumbnails". 2011-03-01 21:07:28 -03:00
David Capello
824c309c8f Fix issue #8: saving .gif files with transparent backgrounds
does not clear the previous frame.
2011-03-01 19:22:17 -03:00
David Capello
26715e1a08 Add Slider::getMinValue and getMaxValue. 2011-02-24 18:13:00 -03:00
David Capello
b0ff50ec0e New color-bar with scrollable palette-view.
+ Removed palette-view from Palette Editor.
+ Fixed problems pasting RGB values in #hex format and HSV sliders.
2011-02-23 19:29:57 -03:00
David Capello
22a45a9acb Include system.h because we need JI_CURSORS in skin_theme.h. 2011-02-20 20:29:34 -03:00
David Capello
344faeff00 Add Border(int) constructor. 2011-02-20 20:25:57 -03:00
David Capello
95fd6c697c Change SIGNAL_COLORBUTTON_CHANGE to ColorButton::Change signal. 2011-02-20 19:37:42 -03:00
David Capello
716aa05294 Change drawing code of ColorButton from JM_DRAW to onPaint(). 2011-02-20 19:01:34 -03:00
David Capello
4e0ad7f839 Modify short color format in Color::toFormalString(). 2011-02-20 18:59:41 -03:00
David Capello
dea3962502 Remove deprecated colorviewer widget. 2011-02-20 18:40:16 -03:00
David Capello
ad12af7c8b Refactor the entire view widget to View, Viewport, and ScrollBar C++ classes. 2011-02-20 18:35:21 -03:00
David Capello
88112b7ffe Add some operators+(Border) to Border class and Border::getSize() member function. 2011-02-19 23:44:48 -03:00
David Capello
e2848f1f55 Add support for vertical-scrolling with mouse wheel in PaletteView widget. 2011-02-19 23:44:17 -03:00
David Capello
b2ff34909f Remove quick-menu stuff (used only in old jinete examples): 2011-02-19 23:11:40 -03:00
David Capello
d1baef1555 Add text-color to Label widget. 2011-02-19 23:08:15 -03:00
David Capello
96095159bb Include new src/gui/*.h header files in src/gui/gui.h. 2011-02-19 22:50:54 -03:00
David Capello
9b2cf15e94 Remove COLOR_SIZE macro in palette_view.cpp. 2011-02-19 22:41:09 -03:00
David Capello
e309656737 Add PaletteView::IndexChange signal (to replace SIGNAL_PALETTE_EDITOR_CHANGE). 2011-02-19 22:40:46 -03:00
David Capello
d72909e130 Change "images" variable in ji_move_region() from JList to std::vector. 2011-02-16 00:13:18 -03:00
David Capello
3617ae9242 Change "thumbnails" variable in src/util/thmbnail.cpp from JList to std::vector<> type. 2011-02-16 00:07:09 -03:00
David Capello
69b7e2f8f7 Change StatusBar::m_progress from JList to std::vector<> type. 2011-02-16 00:03:56 -03:00
David Capello
9e687d84b0 Add shortcut in the tool-tip of ToolBar. 2011-02-15 09:55:44 -03:00
David Capello
82931688ad Fix position of tool tip in tool-bar. 2011-02-15 09:50:53 -03:00
David Capello
9658fc3747 Fix problem painting a new tip window (with alpha) over a dirty (non-validated) area in tool-bar. 2011-02-15 09:50:14 -03:00
David Capello
cb2eb74ff0 Add ArrowAlign to TipWindow so the tip is pointing to some widget. 2011-02-15 09:02:51 -03:00
David Capello
f96d1f7fa3 Move jwidget_init_theme() to Widget::initTheme(). 2011-02-15 09:00:29 -03:00
David Capello
5de5cfc8e1 Add Them::paintTooltip and changed the tooltip skin with rounded borders and shadow.
+ Move all parts definition to src/skin_parts.h.
2011-02-14 22:50:39 -03:00
David Capello
01f3f9ffab Use Graphics pointer in PopupFrame/TipWindow::onPreferredSize/onPaint events.
+ Add Graphics::drawString/fitString/drawStringAlgorithm.
2011-02-13 23:16:10 -03:00
David Capello
deae4d820a Setup the widget's font in Graphics created for PaintEvents. 2011-02-12 21:33:14 -03:00
David Capello
a33f10373c Add ScreenGraphics to get a "Graphics" to draw directly onto the screen. 2011-02-12 21:32:43 -03:00
David Capello
fe50b6a30a Change painting code of some widgets from JM_DRAW to onPaint().
This need future work to avoid using ji_screen and access to the
drawable area only through Graphics pointer inside the PaintEvent.
2011-02-12 09:32:57 -03:00
David Capello
890ec324f9 Add Widget::setDoubleBuffered(bool) to use double-buffering method
automatically when ji_screen == real screen. Activate this attribute
for palette editor sliders.
2011-02-05 16:26:01 -03:00
David Capello
86fb4c0f90 Change Slider paint code from JM_DRAW message handler to onPaint() method.
+ Rename Theme::draw_slider -> paintSlider(PaintEvent&)
+ Add methods in Graphics to draw images, rectangles, and text.
+ Add IntersectClip class.
+ Add Widget::getClientBounds().
+ Modify ISliderBgPainter::paint to receive a Graphics instead of BITMAP.
+ Add more methods in SkinTheme to draw theme parts in Graphics.
2011-02-05 12:03:22 -03:00
David Capello
6480f09409 Add an item in TODO.txt about lack of feedback with Shift+S keyboard shortcut. 2011-02-05 10:46:44 -03:00
David Capello
dc4079a46e Fix problem with PaletteEditor "switch" parameter in menu item "View > Palette Editor" command. 2011-02-02 00:42:48 -03:00
David Capello
56c8d34237 Minor changes in font.h (format). 2011-02-02 00:42:19 -03:00
David Capello
a7ea661ad0 Overload gfx::Border class operators to increment/decrement border size. 2011-01-30 23:18:52 -03:00
David Capello
f8e940d7a4 Sort #include lines in gui.h. 2011-01-30 20:38:07 -03:00
David Capello
e1e4adf68d Add unit tests for gfx::Rect class. 2011-01-30 20:03:25 -03:00
David Capello
7273b95b68 Rename Rect::inflate() -> enlarge() and Rect::deflate -> shrink(). 2011-01-30 20:03:10 -03:00
David Capello
2baa342a65 Remove "j" prefix from some files in gui library. 2011-01-30 19:12:10 -03:00