mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 09:39:50 +00:00
247 lines
5.4 KiB
247 lines
5.4 KiB
// Created by loki on 6/21/19.
#include "common.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
#include <pulse/simple.h>
#include <pulse/error.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
namespace platf {
using namespace std::literals;
using ifaddr_t = util::safe_ptr<ifaddrs, freeifaddrs>;
ifaddr_t get_ifaddrs() {
ifaddrs *p { nullptr };
return ifaddr_t { p };
std::string from_sockaddr(const sockaddr *const ip_addr) {
char data[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
auto family = ip_addr->sa_family;
if(family == AF_INET6) {
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &((sockaddr_in6*)ip_addr)->sin6_addr, data, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
if(family == AF_INET) {
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &((sockaddr_in*)ip_addr)->sin_addr, data, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
return std::string { data };
std::string get_local_ip(int family) {
std::bitset<2> family_f {};
if(family == 0) {
family_f[0] = true;
family_f[1] = true;
if(family == AF_INET) {
family_f[0] = true;
if(family == AF_INET6) {
family_f[1] = true;
std::string ip_addr;
auto ifaddr = get_ifaddrs();
for(auto pos = ifaddr.get(); pos != nullptr; pos = pos->ifa_next) {
if(pos->ifa_addr && pos->ifa_flags & IFF_UP && !(pos->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) {
(family_f[0] && pos->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) ||
(family_f[1] && pos->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
ip_addr = from_sockaddr(pos->ifa_addr);
return ip_addr;
std::string get_local_ip() { return get_local_ip(AF_INET); }
void terminate_process(std::uint64_t handle) {
kill((pid_t)handle, SIGTERM);
struct display_attr_t {
display_attr_t() : display { XOpenDisplay(nullptr) }, window { DefaultRootWindow(display) }, attr {} {
~display_attr_t() {
void refresh() {
XGetWindowAttributes(display, window, &attr);
Display *display;
Window window;
XWindowAttributes attr;
struct mic_attr_t {
pa_sample_spec ss;
util::safe_ptr<pa_simple, pa_simple_free> mic;
display_t display() {
return display_t { new display_attr_t {} };
img_t snapshot(display_t &display_void, bool cursor) {
auto &display = *((display_attr_t*)display_void.get());
XImage *img { XGetImage(
0, 0,
display.attr.width, display.attr.height,
AllPlanes, ZPixmap)
if(!cursor) {
return img_t { img };
XFixesCursorImage *overlay = XFixesGetCursorImage(display.display);
overlay->x -= overlay->xhot;
overlay->y -= overlay->yhot;
overlay->x = std::max((short)0, overlay->x);
overlay->y = std::max((short)0, overlay->y);
auto pixels = (int*)img->data;
auto screen_height = display.attr.height;
auto screen_width = display.attr.width;
auto delta_height = std::min<uint16_t>(overlay->height, std::max(0, screen_height - overlay->y));
auto delta_width = std::min<uint16_t>(overlay->width, std::max(0, screen_width - overlay->x));
for(auto y = 0; y < delta_height; ++y) {
auto overlay_begin = &overlay->pixels[y * overlay->width];
auto overlay_end = &overlay->pixels[y * overlay->width + delta_width];
auto pixels_begin = &pixels[(y + overlay->y) * screen_width + overlay->x];
std::for_each(overlay_begin, overlay_end, [&](long pixel) {
int *pixel_p = (int*)&pixel;
auto colors_in = (uint8_t*)pixels_begin;
auto alpha = (*(uint*)pixel_p) >> 24u;
if(alpha == 255) {
*pixels_begin = *pixel_p;
else {
auto colors_out = (uint8_t*)pixel_p;
colors_in[0] = colors_out[0] + (colors_in[0] * (255 - alpha) + 255/2) / 255;
colors_in[1] = colors_out[1] + (colors_in[1] * (255 - alpha) + 255/2) / 255;
colors_in[2] = colors_out[2] + (colors_in[2] * (255 - alpha) + 255/2) / 255;
return img_t { img };
uint8_t *img_data(img_t &img) {
return (uint8_t*)((XImage*)img.get())->data;
int32_t img_width(img_t &img) {
return ((XImage*)img.get())->width;
int32_t img_height(img_t &img) {
return ((XImage*)img.get())->height;
//FIXME: Pass frame_rate instead of hard coding it
mic_t microphone() {
mic_t mic {
new mic_attr_t {
{ PA_SAMPLE_S16LE, 48000, 2 },
{ }
int error;
mic_attr_t *mic_attr = (mic_attr_t*)mic.get();
pa_simple_new(nullptr, "sunshine", pa_stream_direction_t::PA_STREAM_RECORD, nullptr, "sunshine_record", &mic_attr->ss, nullptr, nullptr, &error)
if(!mic_attr->mic) {
auto err_str = pa_strerror(error);
std::cout << "pa_simple_new() failed: "sv << err_str << std::endl;
return mic;
audio_t audio(mic_t &mic, std::uint32_t buf_size) {
auto mic_attr = (mic_attr_t*)mic.get();
audio_t result { new std::uint8_t[buf_size] };
auto buf = (std::uint8_t*)result.get();
int error;
if(pa_simple_read(mic_attr->mic.get(), buf, buf_size, &error)) {
std::cout << "pa_simple_read() failed: "sv << pa_strerror(error) << std::endl;
return result;
std::int16_t *audio_data(audio_t &audio) {
return (int16_t*)audio.get();
void freeDisplay(void*p) {
delete (display_attr_t*)p;
void freeImage(void*p) {
void freeMic(void*p) {
delete (mic_attr_t*)p;
void freeAudio(void*p) {
delete[] (std::uint8_t*)p;