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Sunshine is a Gamestream host for Moonlight

AppVeyor Build Status Downloads

You may wish to simply build sunshine from source, without bloating your OS with development files. These scripts will create a docker images that have the necessary packages. As a result, removing the development files after you're done is a single command away. These scripts use docker under the hood, as such, they can only be used to compile the Linux version


sudo apt install docker


You'll require one of the following Dockerfiles:

  • Dockerfile-2004 --> Ubuntu 20.04
  • Dockerfile-2104 --> Ubuntu 21.04
  • Dockerfile-debian --> Debian Bullseye

Depending on your system, the build-* scripts may need root privilleges

First, the docker container needs to be created:

cd scripts
./build-container.sh -f Dockerfile-<name>

Then, the sources will be compiled and the debian package generated:

./build-sunshine.sh -p -s ..

You can run build-sunshine -p -s .. again as long as the docker container exists.

git pull
./build-sunshine.sh -p -s ..

Optionally, the docker container can be removed after you're finished:

./build-container.sh -c delete

Finally install the resulting package:

sudo apt install -f sunshine-build/sunshine.deb