Cameron Gutman 65268212ee Saturate RGB values in non-PQ shaders to improve SDR streams of HDR displays
This avoids color shift caused by RGB values > 1.0f.
2023-04-06 22:37:05 -05:00

33 lines
902 B

Texture2D image : register(t0);
SamplerState def_sampler : register(s0);
struct FragTexWide {
float3 uuv : TEXCOORD0;
cbuffer ColorMatrix : register(b0) {
float4 color_vec_y;
float4 color_vec_u;
float4 color_vec_v;
float2 range_y;
float2 range_uv;
// Pixel Shader
float2 main_ps(FragTexWide input) : SV_Target
float3 rgb_left = saturate(image.Sample(def_sampler, input.uuv.xz)).rgb;
float3 rgb_right = saturate(image.Sample(def_sampler, input.uuv.yz)).rgb;
float3 rgb = (rgb_left + rgb_right) * 0.5;
float u = dot(, rgb) + color_vec_u.w;
float v = dot(, rgb) + color_vec_v.w;
u = u * range_uv.x + range_uv.y;
v = v * range_uv.x + range_uv.y;
return float2(u, v);