mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 13:43:33 +00:00
1473 lines
45 KiB
1473 lines
45 KiB
// Created by loki on 6/5/19.
#include "process.h"
#include <future>
#include <queue>
#include <fstream>
#include <openssl/err.h>
extern "C" {
#include <moonlight-common-c/src/RtpAudioQueue.h>
#include <moonlight-common-c/src/Video.h>
#include <rs.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "thread_safe.h"
#include "utility.h"
#define IDX_START_A 0
#define IDX_START_B 1
#define IDX_LOSS_STATS 3
#define IDX_INPUT_DATA 5
#define IDX_ENCRYPTED 10
static const short packetTypes[] = {
0x0305, // Start A
0x0307, // Start B
0x0301, // Invalidate reference frames
0x0201, // Loss Stats
0x0204, // Frame Stats (unused)
0x0206, // Input data
0x010b, // Rumble data
0x0100, // Termination
0x0200, // Periodic Ping
0x0302, // IDR frame
0x0001, // fully encrypted
namespace asio = boost::asio;
namespace sys = boost::system;
using asio::ip::tcp;
using asio::ip::udp;
using namespace std::literals;
namespace stream {
enum class socket_e : int {
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct video_packet_raw_t {
uint8_t *payload() {
return (uint8_t *)(this + 1);
char reserved[4];
struct audio_packet_raw_t {
uint8_t *payload() {
return (uint8_t *)(this + 1);
struct control_header_v2 {
std::uint16_t type;
std::uint16_t payloadLength;
uint8_t *payload() {
return (uint8_t *)(this + 1);
struct control_terminate_t {
control_header_v2 header;
std::uint32_t ec;
struct control_rumble_t {
control_header_v2 header;
std::uint32_t useless;
std::uint16_t id;
std::uint16_t lowfreq;
std::uint16_t highfreq;
typedef struct control_encrypted_t {
std::uint16_t encryptedHeaderType; // Always LE 0x0001
std::uint16_t length; // sizeof(seq) + 16 byte tag + secondary header and data
// seq is accepted as an arbitrary value in Moonlight
std::uint32_t seq; // Monotonically increasing sequence number (used as IV for AES-GCM)
uint8_t *payload() {
return (uint8_t *)(this + 1);
// encrypted control_header_v2 and payload data follow
} * control_encrypted_p;
struct audio_fec_packet_raw_t {
uint8_t *payload() {
return (uint8_t *)(this + 1);
#pragma pack(pop)
constexpr std::size_t round_to_pkcs7_padded(std::size_t size) {
return ((size + 15) / 16) * 16;
constexpr std::size_t MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE = 1400;
using rh_t = util::safe_ptr<reed_solomon, reed_solomon_release>;
using video_packet_t = util::c_ptr<video_packet_raw_t>;
using audio_packet_t = util::c_ptr<audio_packet_raw_t>;
using audio_fec_packet_t = util::c_ptr<audio_fec_packet_raw_t>;
using audio_aes_t = std::array<char, round_to_pkcs7_padded(MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE)>;
using message_queue_t = std::shared_ptr<safe::queue_t<std::pair<std::uint16_t, std::string>>>;
using message_queue_queue_t = std::shared_ptr<safe::queue_t<std::tuple<socket_e, asio::ip::address, message_queue_t>>>;
// return bytes written on success
// return -1 on error
static inline int encode_audio(int featureSet, const audio::buffer_t &plaintext, audio_packet_t &destination, std::uint32_t avRiKeyIv, crypto::cipher::cbc_t &cbc) {
// If encryption isn't enabled
if(!(featureSet & 0x20)) {
std::copy(std::begin(plaintext), std::end(plaintext), destination->payload());
return plaintext.size();
crypto::aes_t iv {};
*(std::uint32_t *)iv.data() = util::endian::big<std::uint32_t>(avRiKeyIv + destination->rtp.sequenceNumber);
return cbc.encrypt(std::string_view { (char *)std::begin(plaintext), plaintext.size() }, destination->payload(), &iv);
static inline void while_starting_do_nothing(std::atomic<session::state_e> &state) {
while(state.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == session::state_e::STARTING) {
class control_server_t {
int bind(std::uint16_t port) {
_host = net::host_create(_addr, config::stream.channels, port);
return !(bool)_host;
void emplace_addr_to_session(const std::string &addr, session_t &session) {
auto lg = _map_addr_session.lock();
_map_addr_session->emplace(addr, std::make_pair(0u, &session));
// Get session associated with address.
// If none are found, try to find a session not yet claimed. (It will be marked by a port of value 0
// If none of those are found, return nullptr
session_t *get_session(const net::peer_t peer);
// Circular dependency:
// iterate refers to session
// session refers to broadcast_ctx_t
// broadcast_ctx_t refers to control_server_t
// Therefore, iterate is implemented further down the source file
void iterate(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout);
void call(std::uint16_t type, session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload);
void map(uint16_t type, std::function<void(session_t *, const std::string_view &)> cb) {
_map_type_cb.emplace(type, std::move(cb));
int send(const std::string_view &payload, net::peer_t peer) {
auto packet = enet_packet_create(payload.data(), payload.size(), ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE);
if(enet_peer_send(peer, 0, packet)) {
return -1;
return 0;
void flush() {
// Callbacks
std::unordered_map<std::uint16_t, std::function<void(session_t *, const std::string_view &)>> _map_type_cb;
// Mapping ip:port to session
util::sync_t<std::unordered_multimap<std::string, std::pair<std::uint16_t, session_t *>>> _map_addr_session;
ENetAddress _addr;
net::host_t _host;
struct broadcast_ctx_t {
message_queue_queue_t message_queue_queue;
std::thread recv_thread;
std::thread video_thread;
std::thread audio_thread;
std::thread control_thread;
asio::io_service io;
udp::socket video_sock { io };
udp::socket audio_sock { io };
// This is purely for adminitrative purposes.
// It's possible two instances of Moonlight are behind a NAT.
// From Sunshine's point of view, the ip addresses are identical
// We need some way to know what ports are already used for different streams
util::sync_t<std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::uint16_t>>> audio_video_connections;
control_server_t control_server;
struct session_t {
config_t config;
safe::mail_t mail;
std::shared_ptr<input::input_t> input;
std::thread audioThread;
std::thread videoThread;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point pingTimeout;
safe::shared_t<broadcast_ctx_t>::ptr_t broadcast_ref;
struct {
int lowseq;
udp::endpoint peer;
safe::mail_raw_t::event_t<bool> idr_events;
} video;
struct {
crypto::cipher::cbc_t cipher;
std::uint16_t sequenceNumber;
// avRiKeyId == util::endian::big(First (sizeof(avRiKeyId)) bytes of launch_session->iv)
std::uint32_t avRiKeyId;
std::uint32_t timestamp;
udp::endpoint peer;
util::buffer_t<char> shards;
util::buffer_t<uint8_t *> shards_p;
audio_fec_packet_t fec_packet;
} audio;
struct {
crypto::cipher::gcm_t cipher;
crypto::aes_t iv;
net::peer_t peer;
std::uint8_t seq;
platf::rumble_queue_t rumble_queue;
} control;
safe::mail_raw_t::event_t<bool> shutdown_event;
safe::signal_t controlEnd;
std::atomic<session::state_e> state;
* First part of cipher must be struct of type control_encrypted_t
* returns empty string_view on failure
* returns string_view pointing to payload data
template<std::size_t max_payload_size>
static inline std::string_view encode_control(session_t *session, const std::string_view &plaintext, std::array<std::uint8_t, max_payload_size> &tagged_cipher) {
max_payload_size >= sizeof(control_encrypted_t) + sizeof(crypto::cipher::tag_size),
"max_payload_size >= sizeof(control_encrypted_t) + sizeof(crypto::cipher::tag_size)");
if(session->config.controlProtocolType != 13) {
return plaintext;
crypto::aes_t iv {};
auto seq = session->control.seq++;
iv[0] = seq;
auto packet = (control_encrypted_p)tagged_cipher.data();
auto bytes = session->control.cipher.encrypt(plaintext, packet->payload(), &iv);
if(bytes <= 0) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't encrypt control data"sv;
return {};
std::uint16_t packet_length = bytes + crypto::cipher::tag_size + sizeof(control_encrypted_t::seq);
packet->encryptedHeaderType = util::endian::little(0x0001);
packet->length = util::endian::little(packet_length);
packet->seq = util::endian::little(seq);
return std::string_view { (char *)tagged_cipher.data(), packet_length + sizeof(control_encrypted_t) - sizeof(control_encrypted_t::seq) };
int start_broadcast(broadcast_ctx_t &ctx);
void end_broadcast(broadcast_ctx_t &ctx);
static auto broadcast = safe::make_shared<broadcast_ctx_t>(start_broadcast, end_broadcast);
session_t *control_server_t::get_session(const net::peer_t peer) {
TUPLE_2D(port, addr_string, platf::from_sockaddr_ex((sockaddr *)&peer->address.address));
auto lg = _map_addr_session.lock();
TUPLE_2D(begin, end, _map_addr_session->equal_range(addr_string));
auto it = std::end(_map_addr_session.raw);
for(auto pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos) {
TUPLE_2D_REF(session_port, session_p, pos->second);
if(port == session_port) {
return session_p;
else if(session_port == 0) {
it = pos;
if(it != std::end(_map_addr_session.raw)) {
TUPLE_2D_REF(session_port, session_p, it->second);
session_p->control.peer = peer;
session_port = port;
return session_p;
return nullptr;
void control_server_t::call(std::uint16_t type, session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
auto cb = _map_type_cb.find(type);
if(cb == std::end(_map_type_cb)) {
<< "type [Unknown] { "sv << util::hex(type).to_string_view() << " }"sv << std::endl
<< "---data---"sv << std::endl
<< util::hex_vec(payload) << std::endl
<< "---end data---"sv;
else {
cb->second(session, payload);
void control_server_t::iterate(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
ENetEvent event;
auto res = enet_host_service(_host.get(), &event, timeout.count());
if(res > 0) {
auto session = get_session(event.peer);
if(!session) {
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Rejected connection from ["sv << platf::from_sockaddr((sockaddr *)&event.peer->address.address) << "]: it's not properly set up"sv;
enet_peer_disconnect_now(event.peer, 0);
session->pingTimeout = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + config::stream.ping_timeout;
switch(event.type) {
net::packet_t packet { event.packet };
auto type = *(std::uint16_t *)packet->data;
std::string_view payload { (char *)packet->data + sizeof(type), packet->dataLength - sizeof(type) };
call(type, session, payload);
} break;
// No more clients to send video data to ^_^
if(session->state == session::state_e::RUNNING) {
namespace fec {
using rs_t = util::safe_ptr<reed_solomon, reed_solomon_release>;
struct fec_t {
size_t data_shards;
size_t nr_shards;
size_t percentage;
size_t blocksize;
util::buffer_t<char> shards;
char *data(size_t el) {
return &shards[el * blocksize];
std::string_view operator[](size_t el) const {
return { &shards[el * blocksize], blocksize };
size_t size() const {
return nr_shards;
static fec_t encode(const std::string_view &payload, size_t blocksize, size_t fecpercentage, size_t minparityshards) {
auto payload_size = payload.size();
auto pad = payload_size % blocksize != 0;
auto data_shards = payload_size / blocksize + (pad ? 1 : 0);
auto parity_shards = (data_shards * fecpercentage + 99) / 100;
// increase the FEC percentage for this frame if the parity shard minimum is not met
if(parity_shards < minparityshards) {
parity_shards = minparityshards;
fecpercentage = (100 * parity_shards) / data_shards;
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Increasing FEC percentage to "sv << fecpercentage << " to meet parity shard minimum"sv << std::endl;
auto nr_shards = data_shards + parity_shards;
if(nr_shards > DATA_SHARDS_MAX) {
<< "Number of fragments for reed solomon exceeds DATA_SHARDS_MAX"sv << std::endl
<< nr_shards << " > "sv << DATA_SHARDS_MAX
<< ", skipping error correction"sv;
nr_shards = data_shards;
fecpercentage = 0;
util::buffer_t<char> shards { nr_shards * blocksize };
util::buffer_t<uint8_t *> shards_p { nr_shards };
// copy payload + padding
auto next = std::copy(std::begin(payload), std::end(payload), std::begin(shards));
std::fill(next, std::end(shards), 0); // padding with zero
for(auto x = 0; x < nr_shards; ++x) {
shards_p[x] = (uint8_t *)&shards[x * blocksize];
if(data_shards + parity_shards <= DATA_SHARDS_MAX) {
// packets = parity_shards + data_shards
rs_t rs { reed_solomon_new(data_shards, parity_shards) };
reed_solomon_encode(rs.get(), shards_p.begin(), nr_shards, blocksize);
return {
} // namespace fec
template<class F>
std::vector<uint8_t> insert(uint64_t insert_size, uint64_t slice_size, const std::string_view &data, F &&f) {
auto pad = data.size() % slice_size != 0;
auto elements = data.size() / slice_size + (pad ? 1 : 0);
std::vector<uint8_t> result;
result.resize(elements * insert_size + data.size());
auto next = std::begin(data);
for(auto x = 0; x < elements - 1; ++x) {
void *p = &result[x * (insert_size + slice_size)];
f(p, x, elements);
std::copy(next, next + slice_size, (char *)p + insert_size);
next += slice_size;
auto x = elements - 1;
void *p = &result[x * (insert_size + slice_size)];
f(p, x, elements);
std::copy(next, std::end(data), (char *)p + insert_size);
return result;
std::vector<uint8_t> replace(const std::string_view &original, const std::string_view &old, const std::string_view &_new) {
std::vector<uint8_t> replaced;
auto begin = std::begin(original);
auto end = std::end(original);
auto next = std::search(begin, end, std::begin(old), std::end(old));
std::copy(begin, next, std::back_inserter(replaced));
if(next != end) {
std::copy(std::begin(_new), std::end(_new), std::back_inserter(replaced));
std::copy(next + old.size(), end, std::back_inserter(replaced));
return replaced;
int send_rumble(session_t *session, std::uint16_t id, std::uint16_t lowfreq, std::uint16_t highfreq) {
if(!session->control.peer) {
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Couldn't send rumble data, still waiting for PING from Moonlight"sv;
// Still waiting for PING from Moonlight
return -1;
control_rumble_t plaintext;
plaintext.header.type = packetTypes[IDX_RUMBLE_DATA];
plaintext.header.payloadLength = sizeof(control_rumble_t) - sizeof(control_header_v2);
plaintext.useless = 0xC0FFEE;
plaintext.id = util::endian::little(id);
plaintext.lowfreq = util::endian::little(lowfreq);
plaintext.highfreq = util::endian::little(highfreq);
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << id << " :: "sv << util::hex(lowfreq).to_string_view() << " :: "sv << util::hex(highfreq).to_string_view();
sizeof(control_encrypted_t) + crypto::cipher::round_to_pkcs7_padded(sizeof(plaintext)) + crypto::cipher::tag_size>
auto payload = encode_control(session, util::view(plaintext), encrypted_payload);
if(session->broadcast_ref->control_server.send(payload, session->control.peer)) {
TUPLE_2D(port, addr, platf::from_sockaddr_ex((sockaddr *)&session->control.peer->address.address));
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Couldn't send termination code to ["sv << addr << ':' << port << ']';
return -1;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Send gamepadnr ["sv << id << "] with lowfreq ["sv << lowfreq << "] and highfreq ["sv << highfreq << ']';
return 0;
void controlBroadcastThread(control_server_t *server) {
server->map(packetTypes[IDX_PERIODIC_PING], [](session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "type [IDX_START_A]"sv;
server->map(packetTypes[IDX_START_A], [&](session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "type [IDX_START_A]"sv;
server->map(packetTypes[IDX_START_B], [&](session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "type [IDX_START_B]"sv;
server->map(packetTypes[IDX_LOSS_STATS], [&](session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
int32_t *stats = (int32_t *)payload.data();
auto count = stats[0];
std::chrono::milliseconds t { stats[1] };
auto lastGoodFrame = stats[3];
<< "type [IDX_LOSS_STATS]"sv << std::endl
<< "---begin stats---" << std::endl
<< "loss count since last report [" << count << ']' << std::endl
<< "time in milli since last report [" << t.count() << ']' << std::endl
<< "last good frame [" << lastGoodFrame << ']' << std::endl
<< "---end stats---";
server->map(packetTypes[IDX_REQUEST_IDR_FRAME], [&](session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "type [IDX_REQUEST_IDR_FRAME]"sv;
server->map(packetTypes[IDX_INVALIDATE_REF_FRAMES], [&](session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
auto frames = (std::int64_t *)payload.data();
auto firstFrame = frames[0];
auto lastFrame = frames[1];
<< "type [IDX_INVALIDATE_REF_FRAMES]"sv << std::endl
<< "firstFrame [" << firstFrame << ']' << std::endl
<< "lastFrame [" << lastFrame << ']';
server->map(packetTypes[IDX_INPUT_DATA], [&](session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "type [IDX_INPUT_DATA]"sv;
auto tagged_cipher_length = util::endian::big(*(int32_t *)payload.data());
std::string_view tagged_cipher { payload.data() + sizeof(tagged_cipher_length), (size_t)tagged_cipher_length };
std::vector<uint8_t> plaintext;
auto &cipher = session->control.cipher;
auto &iv = session->control.iv;
if(cipher.decrypt(tagged_cipher, plaintext, &iv)) {
// something went wrong :(
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Failed to verify tag"sv;
if(tagged_cipher_length >= 16 + sizeof(crypto::aes_t)) {
std::copy(payload.end() - 16, payload.end(), std::begin(iv));
input::passthrough(session->input, std::move(plaintext));
server->map(packetTypes[IDX_ENCRYPTED], [server](session_t *session, const std::string_view &payload) {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "type [IDX_ENCRYPTED]"sv;
auto header = (control_encrypted_p)(payload.data() - 2);
auto length = util::endian::little(header->length);
auto seq = util::endian::little(header->seq);
if(length < (16 + 4 + 4)) {
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Control: Runt packet"sv;
auto tagged_cipher_length = length - 4;
std::string_view tagged_cipher { (char *)header->payload(), (size_t)tagged_cipher_length };
auto &cipher = session->control.cipher;
crypto::aes_t iv {};
iv[0] = (std::uint8_t)seq;
// update control sequence
std::vector<uint8_t> plaintext;
if(cipher.decrypt(tagged_cipher, plaintext, &iv)) {
// something went wrong :(
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Failed to verify tag"sv;
// Ensure compatibility with old packet type
std::string_view next_payload { (char *)plaintext.data(), plaintext.size() };
auto type = *(std::uint16_t *)next_payload.data();
if(type == packetTypes[IDX_ENCRYPTED]) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Bad packet type [IDX_ENCRYPTED] found"sv;
// IDX_INPUT_DATA will attempt to decrypt unencrypted data, therefore we need to skip it.
if(type != packetTypes[IDX_INPUT_DATA]) {
server->call(type, session, next_payload);
// Ensure compatibility with IDX_INPUT_DATA
constexpr auto skip = sizeof(std::uint16_t) * 2;
plaintext.erase(std::begin(plaintext), std::begin(plaintext) + skip);
input::passthrough(session->input, std::move(plaintext));
auto shutdown_event = mail::man->event<bool>(mail::broadcast_shutdown);
while(!shutdown_event->peek()) {
auto lg = server->_map_addr_session.lock();
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
KITTY_WHILE_LOOP(auto pos = std::begin(*server->_map_addr_session), pos != std::end(*server->_map_addr_session), {
TUPLE_2D_REF(addr, port_session, *pos);
auto session = port_session.second;
if(now > session->pingTimeout) {
BOOST_LOG(info) << addr << ": Ping Timeout"sv;
if(session->state.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == session::state_e::STOPPING) {
pos = server->_map_addr_session->erase(pos);
enet_peer_disconnect_now(session->control.peer, 0);
auto &rumble_queue = session->control.rumble_queue;
while(rumble_queue->peek()) {
auto rumble = rumble_queue->pop();
send_rumble(session, rumble->id, rumble->lowfreq, rumble->highfreq);
if(proc::proc.running() == -1) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Process terminated"sv;
// Let all remaining connections know the server is shutting down
// reason: gracefull termination
std::uint32_t reason = 0x80030023;
control_terminate_t plaintext;
plaintext.header.type = packetTypes[IDX_TERMINATION];
plaintext.header.payloadLength = sizeof(plaintext.ec);
plaintext.ec = reason;
sizeof(control_encrypted_t) + crypto::cipher::round_to_pkcs7_padded(sizeof(plaintext)) + crypto::cipher::tag_size>
auto lg = server->_map_addr_session.lock();
for(auto pos = std::begin(*server->_map_addr_session); pos != std::end(*server->_map_addr_session); ++pos) {
auto session = pos->second.second;
auto payload = encode_control(session, util::view(plaintext), encrypted_payload);
if(server->send(payload, session->control.peer)) {
TUPLE_2D(port, addr, platf::from_sockaddr_ex((sockaddr *)&session->control.peer->address.address));
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Couldn't send termination code to ["sv << addr << ':' << port << ']';
void recvThread(broadcast_ctx_t &ctx) {
std::map<asio::ip::address, message_queue_t> peer_to_video_session;
std::map<asio::ip::address, message_queue_t> peer_to_audio_session;
auto &video_sock = ctx.video_sock;
auto &audio_sock = ctx.audio_sock;
auto &message_queue_queue = ctx.message_queue_queue;
auto broadcast_shutdown_event = mail::man->event<bool>(mail::broadcast_shutdown);
auto &io = ctx.io;
udp::endpoint peer;
std::array<char, 2048> buf[2];
std::function<void(const boost::system::error_code, size_t)> recv_func[2];
auto populate_peer_to_session = [&]() {
while(message_queue_queue->peek()) {
auto message_queue_opt = message_queue_queue->pop();
TUPLE_3D_REF(socket_type, addr, message_queue, *message_queue_opt);
switch(socket_type) {
case socket_e::video:
if(message_queue) {
peer_to_video_session.emplace(addr, message_queue);
else {
case socket_e::audio:
if(message_queue) {
peer_to_audio_session.emplace(addr, message_queue);
else {
auto recv_func_init = [&](udp::socket &sock, int buf_elem, std::map<asio::ip::address, message_queue_t> &peer_to_session) {
recv_func[buf_elem] = [&, buf_elem](const boost::system::error_code &ec, size_t bytes) {
auto fg = util::fail_guard([&]() {
sock.async_receive_from(asio::buffer(buf[buf_elem]), peer, 0, recv_func[buf_elem]);
auto type_str = buf_elem ? "AUDIO"sv : "VIDEO"sv;
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Recv: "sv << peer.address().to_string() << ':' << peer.port() << " :: " << type_str;
// No data, yet no error
if(ec == boost::system::errc::connection_refused || ec == boost::system::errc::connection_reset) {
if(ec || !bytes) {
BOOST_LOG(fatal) << "Couldn't receive data from udp socket: "sv << ec.message();
auto it = peer_to_session.find(peer.address());
if(it != std::end(peer_to_session)) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "RAISE: "sv << peer.address().to_string() << ':' << peer.port() << " :: " << type_str;
it->second->raise(peer.port(), std::string { buf[buf_elem].data(), bytes });
recv_func_init(video_sock, 0, peer_to_video_session);
recv_func_init(audio_sock, 1, peer_to_audio_session);
video_sock.async_receive_from(asio::buffer(buf[0]), peer, 0, recv_func[0]);
audio_sock.async_receive_from(asio::buffer(buf[1]), peer, 0, recv_func[1]);
while(!broadcast_shutdown_event->peek()) {
void videoBroadcastThread(udp::socket &sock) {
auto shutdown_event = mail::man->event<bool>(mail::broadcast_shutdown);
auto packets = mail::man->queue<video::packet_t>(mail::video_packets);
while(auto packet = packets->pop()) {
if(shutdown_event->peek()) {
auto session = (session_t *)packet->channel_data;
auto lowseq = session->video.lowseq;
auto av_packet = packet->av_packet;
std::string_view payload { (char *)av_packet->data, (size_t)av_packet->size };
std::vector<uint8_t> payload_new;
auto nv_packet_header = "\0017charss"sv;
std::copy(std::begin(nv_packet_header), std::end(nv_packet_header), std::back_inserter(payload_new));
std::copy(std::begin(payload), std::end(payload), std::back_inserter(payload_new));
payload = { (char *)payload_new.data(), payload_new.size() };
if(av_packet->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY) {
for(auto &replacement : *packet->replacements) {
auto frame_old = replacement.old;
auto frame_new = replacement._new;
payload_new = replace(payload, frame_old, frame_new);
payload = { (char *)payload_new.data(), payload_new.size() };
// insert packet headers
auto blocksize = session->config.packetsize + MAX_RTP_HEADER_SIZE;
auto payload_blocksize = blocksize - sizeof(video_packet_raw_t);
auto fecPercentage = config::stream.fec_percentage;
payload_new = insert(sizeof(video_packet_raw_t), payload_blocksize,
payload, [&](void *p, int fecIndex, int end) {
video_packet_raw_t *video_packet = (video_packet_raw_t *)p;
video_packet->packet.flags = FLAG_CONTAINS_PIC_DATA;
payload = std::string_view { (char *)payload_new.data(), payload_new.size() };
// With a fecpercentage of 255, if payload_new is broken up into more than a 100 data_shards
// it will generate greater than DATA_SHARDS_MAX shards.
// Therefore, we start breaking the data up into three seperate fec blocks.
auto multi_fec_threshold = 90 * blocksize;
// We can go up to 4 fec blocks, but 3 is plenty
constexpr auto MAX_FEC_BLOCKS = 3;
std::array<std::string_view, MAX_FEC_BLOCKS> fec_blocks;
fec_blocks_begin = std::begin(fec_blocks),
fec_blocks_end = std::begin(fec_blocks) + 1;
auto lastBlockIndex = 0;
if(payload.size() > multi_fec_threshold) {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Generating multiple FEC blocks"sv;
// Align individual fec blocks to blocksize
auto unaligned_size = payload.size() / MAX_FEC_BLOCKS;
auto aligned_size = ((unaligned_size + (blocksize - 1)) / blocksize) * blocksize;
// Break the data up into 3 blocks, each containing multiple complete video packets.
fec_blocks[0] = payload.substr(0, aligned_size);
fec_blocks[1] = payload.substr(aligned_size, aligned_size);
fec_blocks[2] = payload.substr(aligned_size * 2);
lastBlockIndex = 2 << 6;
fec_blocks_end = std::end(fec_blocks);
else {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Generating single FEC block"sv;
fec_blocks[0] = payload;
try {
auto blockIndex = 0;
std::for_each(fec_blocks_begin, fec_blocks_end, [&](std::string_view ¤t_payload) {
auto packets = (current_payload.size() + (blocksize - 1)) / blocksize;
for(int x = 0; x < packets; ++x) {
auto *inspect = (video_packet_raw_t *)¤t_payload[x * blocksize];
auto av_packet = packet->av_packet;
inspect->packet.frameIndex = av_packet->pts;
inspect->packet.streamPacketIndex = ((uint32_t)lowseq + x) << 8;
// Match multiFecFlags with Moonlight
inspect->packet.multiFecFlags = 0x10;
inspect->packet.multiFecBlocks = (blockIndex << 4) | lastBlockIndex;
if(x == 0) {
inspect->packet.flags |= FLAG_SOF;
if(x == packets - 1) {
inspect->packet.flags |= FLAG_EOF;
auto shards = fec::encode(current_payload, blocksize, fecPercentage, session->config.minRequiredFecPackets);
// set FEC info now that we know for sure what our percentage will be for this frame
for(auto x = 0; x < shards.size(); ++x) {
auto *inspect = (video_packet_raw_t *)shards.data(x);
inspect->packet.fecInfo =
(x << 12 |
shards.data_shards << 22 |
shards.percentage << 4);
inspect->rtp.header = 0x80 | FLAG_EXTENSION;
inspect->rtp.sequenceNumber = util::endian::big<uint16_t>(lowseq + x);
inspect->packet.multiFecBlocks = (blockIndex << 4) | lastBlockIndex;
inspect->packet.frameIndex = av_packet->pts;
for(auto x = 0; x < shards.size(); ++x) {
sock.send_to(asio::buffer(shards[x]), session->video.peer);
if(av_packet->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY) {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Key Frame ["sv << av_packet->pts << "] :: send ["sv << shards.size() << "] shards..."sv;
else {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Frame ["sv << av_packet->pts << "] :: send ["sv << shards.size() << "] shards..."sv << std::endl;
lowseq += shards.size();
session->video.lowseq = lowseq;
catch(const std::exception &e) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Broadcast video failed "sv << e.what();
void audioBroadcastThread(udp::socket &sock) {
auto shutdown_event = mail::man->event<bool>(mail::broadcast_shutdown);
auto packets = mail::man->queue<audio::packet_t>(mail::audio_packets);
constexpr auto max_block_size = crypto::cipher::round_to_pkcs7_padded(2048);
audio_packet_t audio_packet { (audio_packet_raw_t *)malloc(sizeof(audio_packet_raw_t) + max_block_size) };
fec::rs_t rs { reed_solomon_new(RTPA_DATA_SHARDS, RTPA_FEC_SHARDS) };
// For unknown reasons, the RS parity matrix computed by our RS implementation
// doesn't match the one Nvidia uses for audio data. I'm not exactly sure why,
// but we can simply replace it with the matrix generated by OpenFEC which
// works correctly. This is possible because the data and FEC shard count is
// constant and known in advance.
const unsigned char parity[] = { 0x77, 0x40, 0x38, 0x0e, 0xc7, 0xa7, 0x0d, 0x6c };
memcpy(&rs.get()->m[16], parity, sizeof(parity));
memcpy(rs.get()->parity, parity, sizeof(parity));
audio_packet->rtp.header = 0x80;
audio_packet->rtp.packetType = 97;
audio_packet->rtp.ssrc = 0;
while(auto packet = packets->pop()) {
if(shutdown_event->peek()) {
TUPLE_2D_REF(channel_data, packet_data, *packet);
auto session = (session_t *)channel_data;
auto sequenceNumber = session->audio.sequenceNumber;
auto timestamp = session->audio.timestamp;
// This will be mapped to big-endianness later
// For now, encode_audio needs it to be the proper sequenceNumber
audio_packet->rtp.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;
auto bytes = encode_audio(session->config.featureFlags, packet_data, audio_packet, session->audio.avRiKeyId, session->audio.cipher);
if(bytes < 0) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't encode audio packet"sv;
audio_packet->rtp.sequenceNumber = util::endian::big(sequenceNumber);
audio_packet->rtp.timestamp = util::endian::big(timestamp);
session->audio.timestamp += session->config.audio.packetDuration;
auto &shards_p = session->audio.shards_p;
std::copy_n(audio_packet->payload(), bytes, shards_p[sequenceNumber % RTPA_DATA_SHARDS]);
try {
sock.send_to(asio::buffer((char *)audio_packet.get(), sizeof(audio_packet_raw_t) + bytes), session->audio.peer);
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Audio ["sv << sequenceNumber << "] :: send..."sv;
auto &fec_packet = session->audio.fec_packet;
// initialize the FEC header at the beginning of the FEC block
if(sequenceNumber % RTPA_DATA_SHARDS == 0) {
fec_packet->fecHeader.baseSequenceNumber = util::endian::big(sequenceNumber);
fec_packet->fecHeader.baseTimestamp = util::endian::big(timestamp);
// generate parity shards at the end of the FEC block
if((sequenceNumber + 1) % RTPA_DATA_SHARDS == 0) {
reed_solomon_encode(rs.get(), shards_p.begin(), RTPA_TOTAL_SHARDS, bytes);
for(auto x = 0; x < RTPA_FEC_SHARDS; ++x) {
fec_packet->rtp.sequenceNumber = util::endian::big<std::uint16_t>(sequenceNumber + x + 1);
fec_packet->fecHeader.fecShardIndex = x;
memcpy(fec_packet->payload(), shards_p[RTPA_DATA_SHARDS + x], bytes);
sock.send_to(asio::buffer((char *)fec_packet.get(), sizeof(audio_fec_packet_raw_t) + bytes), session->audio.peer);
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Audio FEC ["sv << (sequenceNumber & ~(RTPA_DATA_SHARDS - 1)) << ' ' << x << "] :: send..."sv;
catch(const std::exception &e) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Broadcast audio failed "sv << e.what();
int start_broadcast(broadcast_ctx_t &ctx) {
auto control_port = map_port(CONTROL_PORT);
auto video_port = map_port(VIDEO_STREAM_PORT);
auto audio_port = map_port(AUDIO_STREAM_PORT);
if(ctx.control_server.bind(control_port)) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't bind Control server to port ["sv << control_port << "], likely another process already bound to the port"sv;
return -1;
boost::system::error_code ec;
ctx.video_sock.open(udp::v4(), ec);
if(ec) {
BOOST_LOG(fatal) << "Couldn't open socket for Video server: "sv << ec.message();
return -1;
ctx.video_sock.bind(udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), video_port), ec);
if(ec) {
BOOST_LOG(fatal) << "Couldn't bind Video server to port ["sv << video_port << "]: "sv << ec.message();
return -1;
ctx.audio_sock.open(udp::v4(), ec);
if(ec) {
BOOST_LOG(fatal) << "Couldn't open socket for Audio server: "sv << ec.message();
return -1;
ctx.audio_sock.bind(udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), audio_port), ec);
if(ec) {
BOOST_LOG(fatal) << "Couldn't bind Audio server to port ["sv << audio_port << "]: "sv << ec.message();
return -1;
ctx.message_queue_queue = std::make_shared<message_queue_queue_t::element_type>(30);
ctx.video_thread = std::thread { videoBroadcastThread, std::ref(ctx.video_sock) };
ctx.audio_thread = std::thread { audioBroadcastThread, std::ref(ctx.audio_sock) };
ctx.control_thread = std::thread { controlBroadcastThread, &ctx.control_server };
ctx.recv_thread = std::thread { recvThread, std::ref(ctx) };
return 0;
void end_broadcast(broadcast_ctx_t &ctx) {
auto broadcast_shutdown_event = mail::man->event<bool>(mail::broadcast_shutdown);
auto video_packets = mail::man->queue<video::packet_t>(mail::video_packets);
auto audio_packets = mail::man->queue<audio::packet_t>(mail::audio_packets);
// Minimize delay stopping video/audio threads
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Waiting for main listening thread to end..."sv;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Waiting for main video thread to end..."sv;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Waiting for main audio thread to end..."sv;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Waiting for main control thread to end..."sv;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "All broadcasting threads ended"sv;
int recv_ping(decltype(broadcast)::ptr_t ref, socket_e type, udp::endpoint &peer, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) {
auto constexpr ping = "PING"sv;
auto messages = std::make_shared<message_queue_t::element_type>(30);
ref->message_queue_queue->raise(type, peer.address(), messages);
auto fg = util::fail_guard([&]() {
// remove message queue from session
ref->message_queue_queue->raise(type, peer.address(), nullptr);
auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto current_time = start_time;
while(current_time - start_time < config::stream.ping_timeout) {
auto delta_time = current_time - start_time;
auto msg_opt = messages->pop(config::stream.ping_timeout - delta_time);
if(!msg_opt) {
TUPLE_2D_REF(port, msg, *msg_opt);
if(msg == ping) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Received ping from "sv << peer.address() << ':' << port << " ["sv << util::hex_vec(msg) << ']';
// Update connection details.
auto addr_str = peer.address().to_string();
auto &connections = ref->audio_video_connections;
auto lg = connections.lock();
std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*connections)>::iterator pos = std::end(*connections);
for(auto it = std::begin(*connections); it != std::end(*connections); ++it) {
TUPLE_2D_REF(addr, port_ref, *it);
if(!port_ref && addr_str == addr) {
pos = it;
else if(port_ref == port) {
if(pos == std::end(*connections)) {
pos->second = port;
return port;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Received non-ping from "sv << peer.address() << ':' << port << " ["sv << util::hex_vec(msg) << ']';
current_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Initial Ping Timeout"sv;
return -1;
void videoThread(session_t *session) {
auto fg = util::fail_guard([&]() {
auto ref = broadcast.ref();
auto port = recv_ping(ref, socket_e::video, session->video.peer, config::stream.ping_timeout);
if(port < 0) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Start capturing Video"sv;
video::capture(session->mail, session->config.monitor, session);
void audioThread(session_t *session) {
auto fg = util::fail_guard([&]() {
auto ref = broadcast.ref();
auto port = recv_ping(ref, socket_e::audio, session->audio.peer, config::stream.ping_timeout);
if(port < 0) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Start capturing Audio"sv;
audio::capture(session->mail, session->config.audio, session);
namespace session {
state_e state(session_t &session) {
return session.state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
void stop(session_t &session) {
auto expected = state_e::RUNNING;
auto already_stopping = !session.state.compare_exchange_strong(expected, state_e::STOPPING);
if(already_stopping) {
void join(session_t &session) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Waiting for video to end..."sv;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Waiting for audio to end..."sv;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Waiting for control to end..."sv;
//Reset input on session stop to avoid stuck repeated keys
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Resetting Input..."sv;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Removing references to any connections..."sv;
auto video_addr = session.video.peer.address().to_string();
auto audio_addr = session.audio.peer.address().to_string();
auto video_port = session.video.peer.port();
auto audio_port = session.audio.peer.port();
auto &connections = session.broadcast_ref->audio_video_connections;
auto lg = connections.lock();
auto validate_size = connections->size();
for(auto it = std::begin(*connections); it != std::end(*connections);) {
TUPLE_2D_REF(addr, port, *it);
if((video_port == port && video_addr == addr) ||
(audio_port == port && audio_addr == addr)) {
it = connections->erase(it);
else {
auto new_size = connections->size();
if(validate_size != new_size + 2) {
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Couldn't remove reference to session connections: ending all broadcasts"sv;
// A reference to the event object is still stored somewhere else. So no need to keep
// a reference to it.
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Session ended"sv;
int start(session_t &session, const std::string &addr_string) {
session.input = input::alloc(session.mail);
session.broadcast_ref = broadcast.ref();
if(!session.broadcast_ref) {
return -1;
session.broadcast_ref->control_server.emplace_addr_to_session(addr_string, session);
auto addr = boost::asio::ip::make_address(addr_string);
auto &connections = session.broadcast_ref->audio_video_connections;
auto lg = connections.lock();
// allocate a location for connections
connections->emplace_back(addr_string, 0);
connections->emplace_back(addr_string, 0);
session.pingTimeout = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + config::stream.ping_timeout;
session.audioThread = std::thread { audioThread, &session };
session.videoThread = std::thread { videoThread, &session };
session.state.store(state_e::RUNNING, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return 0;
std::shared_ptr<session_t> alloc(config_t &config, crypto::aes_t &gcm_key, crypto::aes_t &iv) {
auto session = std::make_shared<session_t>();
auto mail = std::make_shared<safe::mail_raw_t>();
session->shutdown_event = mail->event<bool>(mail::shutdown);
session->config = config;
session->control.rumble_queue = mail->queue<platf::rumble_t>(mail::rumble);
session->control.iv = iv;
session->control.cipher = crypto::cipher::gcm_t {
gcm_key, false
session->video.idr_events = mail->event<bool>(mail::idr);
session->video.lowseq = 0;
constexpr auto max_block_size = crypto::cipher::round_to_pkcs7_padded(2048);
util::buffer_t<char> shards { RTPA_TOTAL_SHARDS * max_block_size };
util::buffer_t<uint8_t *> shards_p { RTPA_TOTAL_SHARDS };
for(auto x = 0; x < RTPA_TOTAL_SHARDS; ++x) {
shards_p[x] = (uint8_t *)&shards[x * max_block_size];
// Audio FEC spans multiple audio packets,
// therefore its session specific
session->audio.shards = std::move(shards);
session->audio.shards_p = std::move(shards_p);
session->audio.fec_packet.reset((audio_fec_packet_raw_t *)malloc(sizeof(audio_fec_packet_raw_t) + max_block_size));
session->audio.fec_packet->rtp.header = 0x80;
session->audio.fec_packet->rtp.packetType = 127;
session->audio.fec_packet->rtp.timestamp = 0;
session->audio.fec_packet->rtp.ssrc = 0;
session->audio.fec_packet->fecHeader.payloadType = 97;
session->audio.fec_packet->fecHeader.ssrc = 0;
session->audio.cipher = crypto::cipher::cbc_t {
gcm_key, true
session->audio.avRiKeyId = util::endian::big(*(std::uint32_t *)iv.data());
session->audio.sequenceNumber = 0;
session->audio.timestamp = 0;
session->control.peer = nullptr;
session->state.store(state_e::STOPPED, std::memory_order_relaxed);
session->mail = std::move(mail);
return session;
} // namespace session
} // namespace stream