Reset the default audio device on startup if Steam Streaming Speakers are selected

Fixes lack of audio device restoration if Sunshine crashes while streaming
This commit is contained in:
Cameron Gutman 2023-05-27 12:07:51 -05:00
parent bca61bfc0d
commit f734d6684f

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@ -862,6 +862,66 @@ namespace platf::audio {
return std::nullopt;
* @brief Resets the default audio device from Steam Streaming Speakers.
reset_default_device() {
auto steam_device_id = find_device_id_by_name("Steam Streaming Speakers"s);
if (!steam_device_id) {
// Get the current default audio device (if present)
auto current_default_dev = default_device(device_enum);
if (!current_default_dev) {
audio::wstring_t current_default_id;
// If Steam Streaming Speakers are already not default, we're done.
if (*steam_device_id != current_default_id.get()) {
// Disable the Steam Streaming Speakers temporarily to allow the OS to pick a new default.
auto hr = policy->SetEndpointVisibility(steam_device_id->c_str(), FALSE);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Failed to disable Steam audio device: "sv << util::hex(hr).to_string_view();
// Get the newly selected default audio device
auto new_default_dev = default_device(device_enum);
// Enable the Steam Streaming Speakers again
hr = policy->SetEndpointVisibility(steam_device_id->c_str(), TRUE);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Failed to enable Steam audio device: "sv << util::hex(hr).to_string_view();
// If there's now no audio device, the Steam Streaming Speakers were the only device available.
// There's no other device to set as the default, so just return.
if (!new_default_dev) {
audio::wstring_t new_default_id;
// Set the new default audio device
for (int x = 0; x < (int) ERole_enum_count; ++x) {
policy->SetDefaultEndpoint(new_default_id.get(), (ERole) x);
BOOST_LOG(info) << "Successfully reset default audio device"sv;
* @brief Installs the Steam Streaming Speakers driver, if present.
* @return `true` if installation was successful.
@ -962,13 +1022,6 @@ namespace platf::audio {
return -1;
// Install Steam Streaming Speakers if needed. We do this during init() to ensure
// the sink information returned includes the new Steam Streaming Speakers device.
if (config::audio.install_steam_drivers && !find_device_id_by_name("Steam Streaming Speakers"s)) {
// This is best effort. Don't fail if it doesn't work.
return 0;
@ -996,6 +1049,13 @@ namespace platf {
return nullptr;
// Install Steam Streaming Speakers if needed. We do this during audio_control() to ensure
// the sink information returned includes the new Steam Streaming Speakers device.
if (config::audio.install_steam_drivers && !control->find_device_id_by_name("Steam Streaming Speakers"s)) {
// This is best effort. Don't fail if it doesn't work.
return control;
@ -1004,6 +1064,17 @@ namespace platf {
if (dxgi::init()) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<platf::audio::co_init_t>();
// Initialize COM
auto co_init = std::make_unique<platf::audio::co_init_t>();
// If Steam Streaming Speakers are currently the default audio device,
// change the default to something else (if another device is available).
audio::audio_control_t audio_ctrl;
if (audio_ctrl.init() == 0) {
return co_init;
} // namespace platf