Correlate KMS output to wayland xdg-output

This commit is contained in:
Loki 2021-08-31 20:46:50 +02:00
parent 06a1119512
commit 7c51fbfd18
4 changed files with 325 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ else()
macro(genWayland FILENAME)
message("wayland-scanner private-code ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/third-party/wayland-protocols/${FILENAME}.xml ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated-src/${FILENAME}.c")
message("wayland-scanner client-header ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/third-party/wayland-protocols/${FILENAME}.xml ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/generated-src/${FILENAME}.h")

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
// Cursor rendering support through x11
#include "graphics.h"
#include "vaapi.h"
#include "wayland.h"
#include "x11grab.h"
using namespace std::literals;
@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ namespace platf {
namespace kms {
using plane_res_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModePlaneRes, drmModeFreePlaneResources>;
using encoder_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModeEncoder, drmModeFreeEncoder>;
using res_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModeRes, drmModeFreeResources>;
using plane_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModePlane, drmModeFreePlane>;
using fb_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModeFB, drmModeFreeFB>;
using fb2_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModeFB2, drmModeFreeFB2>;
@ -31,6 +34,8 @@ using crtc_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModeCrtc, drmModeFreeCrtc>;
using obj_prop_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModeObjectProperties, drmModeFreeObjectProperties>;
using prop_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModePropertyRes, drmModeFreeProperty>;
using conn_type_count_t = std::map<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t>;
static int env_width;
static int env_height;
@ -47,6 +52,58 @@ std::string_view plane_type(std::uint64_t val) {
return "UNKNOWN"sv;
struct connector_t {
// For example: HDMI-A or HDMI
std::uint32_t type;
// Equals zero if not applicable
std::uint32_t crtc_id;
// For example HDMI-A-{index} or HDMI-{index}
std::uint32_t index;
bool connected;
struct monitor_t {
std::uint32_t type;
std::uint32_t index;
platf::touch_port_t viewport;
struct card_descriptor_t {
std::string path;
std::map<std::uint32_t, monitor_t> crtc_to_monitor;
static std::vector<card_descriptor_t> card_descriptors;
static std::uint32_t from_view(const std::string_view &string) {
#define _CONVERT(x, y) \
if(string == x) return DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_##y
_CONVERT("S-Video"sv, SVIDEO);
_CONVERT("DisplayPort"sv, DisplayPort);
_CONVERT("DP"sv, DisplayPort);
_CONVERT("eDP"sv, eDP);
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Unknown Monitor connector type ["sv << string << "]: Please report this to the Github issue tracker"sv;
return DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_Unknown;
class plane_it_t : public util::it_wrap_t<plane_t::element_type, plane_it_t> {
plane_it_t(int fd, std::uint32_t *plane_p, std::uint32_t *end)
@ -96,6 +153,8 @@ public:
class card_t {
using connector_interal_t = util::safe_ptr<drmModeConnector, drmModeFreeConnector>;
int init(const char *path) {
fd.el = open(path, O_RDWR);
@ -134,6 +193,67 @@ public:
return drmModeGetCrtc(fd.el, id);
encoder_t encoder(std::uint32_t id) {
return drmModeGetEncoder(fd.el, id);
res_t res() {
return drmModeGetResources(fd.el);
bool is_cursor(std::uint32_t plane_id) {
auto props = plane_props(plane_id);
for(auto &[prop, val] : props) {
if(prop->name == "type"sv) {
return true;
else {
return false;
return false;
connector_interal_t connector(std::uint32_t id) {
return drmModeGetConnector(fd.el, id);
std::vector<connector_t> monitors(conn_type_count_t &conn_type_count) {
auto resources = res();
if(!resources) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't get connector resources"sv;
return {};
std::vector<connector_t> monitors;
std::for_each_n(resources->connectors, resources->count_connectors, [this, &conn_type_count, &monitors](std::uint32_t id) {
auto conn = connector(id);
std::uint32_t crtc_id = 0;
if(conn->encoder_id) {
auto enc = encoder(conn->encoder_id);
if(enc) {
crtc_id = enc->crtc_id;
auto index = ++conn_type_count[conn->connector_type];
monitors.emplace_back(connector_t {
conn->connection == DRM_MODE_CONNECTED,
return monitors;
file_t handleFD(std::uint32_t handle) {
file_t fb_fd;
@ -145,7 +265,6 @@ public:
return fb_fd;
std::vector<std::pair<prop_t, std::uint64_t>> props(std::uint32_t id, std::uint32_t type) {
obj_prop_t obj_prop = drmModeObjectGetProperties(fd.el, id, type);
@ -192,6 +311,20 @@ public:
plane_res_t plane_res;
std::map<std::uint32_t, monitor_t> map_crtc_to_monitor(const std::vector<connector_t> &connectors) {
std::map<std::uint32_t, monitor_t> result;
for(auto &connector : connectors) {
monitor_t {
return result;
struct kms_img_t : public img_t {
~kms_img_t() override {
delete[] data;
@ -261,22 +394,7 @@ public:
auto end = std::end(card);
for(auto plane = std::begin(card); plane != end; ++plane) {
bool cursor = false;
auto props = card.plane_props(plane->plane_id);
for(auto &[prop, val] : props) {
if(prop->name == "type"sv) {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << prop->name << "::"sv << kms::plane_type(val);
// Don't count as a monitor when it is a cursor
cursor = true;
if(cursor) {
if(card.is_cursor(plane->plane_id)) {
@ -305,20 +423,47 @@ public:
BOOST_LOG(info) << "Found monitor for DRM screencasting"sv;
// We need to find the correct /dev/dri/card{nr} to correlate the crtc_id with the monitor descriptor
auto pos = std::find_if(std::begin(card_descriptors), std::end(card_descriptors), [&](card_descriptor_t &cd) {
return cd.path == filestring;
if(pos == std::end(card_descriptors)) {
// This code path shouldn't happend, but it's there just in case.
// card_descriptors is part of the guesswork after all.
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't find ["sv << entry.path() << "]: This shouldn't have happened :/"sv;
return -1;
auto crct = card.crtc(plane->crtc_id);
kms::print(plane.get(), fb.get(), crct.get());
img_width = fb->width;
img_height = fb->height;
width = crct->width;
height = crct->height;
img_width = fb->width;
img_height = fb->height;
img_offset_x = crct->x;
img_offset_y = crct->y;
this->env_width = ::platf::kms::env_width;
this->env_height = ::platf::kms::env_height;
offset_x = crct->x;
offset_y = crct->y;
auto monitor = pos->crtc_to_monitor.find(plane->crtc_id);
if(monitor != std::end(pos->crtc_to_monitor)) {
auto &viewport = monitor->second.viewport;
width = viewport.width;
height = viewport.height;
offset_x = viewport.offset_x;
offset_y = viewport.offset_y;
// This code path shouldn't happend, but it's there just in case.
// crtc_to_monitor is part of the guesswork after all.
else {
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "Couldn't find crtc_id, this shouldn't have happened :\\"sv;
width = crct->width;
height = crct->height;
offset_x = crct->x;
offset_y = crct->y;
this->card = std::move(card);
@ -379,6 +524,8 @@ public:
std::chrono::nanoseconds delay;
int img_width, img_height;
int img_offset_x, img_offset_y;
int pitch;
int offset;
int plane_id;
@ -489,10 +636,10 @@ public:
auto &rgb = *rgb_opt;
gl::ctx.BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, rgb->tex[0]);
gl::ctx.GetTextureSubImage(rgb->tex[0], 0, offset_x, offset_y, 0, width, height, 1, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img_out_base->height * img_out_base->row_pitch, img_out_base->data);
gl::ctx.GetTextureSubImage(rgb->tex[0], 0, img_offset_x, img_offset_y, 0, width, height, 1, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img_out_base->height * img_out_base->row_pitch, img_out_base->data);
if(cursor_opt && cursor) {
cursor_opt->blend(*img_out_base, offset_x, offset_y);
cursor_opt->blend(*img_out_base, img_offset_x, img_offset_y);
return capture_e::ok;
@ -524,7 +671,7 @@ public:
std::shared_ptr<hwdevice_t> make_hwdevice(pix_fmt_e pix_fmt) override {
if(mem_type == mem_type_e::vaapi) {
return va::make_hwdevice(width, height, dup(card.fd.el), offset_x, offset_y, true);
return va::make_hwdevice(width, height, dup(card.fd.el), img_offset_x, img_offset_y, true);
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Unsupported pixel format for egl::display_vram_t: "sv << platf::from_pix_fmt(pix_fmt);
@ -634,6 +781,7 @@ public:
std::uint64_t sequence;
} // namespace kms
std::shared_ptr<display_t> kms_display(mem_type_e hwdevice_type, const std::string &display_name, int framerate) {
@ -656,11 +804,69 @@ std::shared_ptr<display_t> kms_display(mem_type_e hwdevice_type, const std::stri
return disp;
* On Wayland, it's not possible to determine the position of the monitor on the desktop with KMS.
* Wayland does allow applications to query attached monitors on the desktop,
* however, the naming scheme is not standardized across implementations.
* As a result, correlating the KMS output to the wayland outputs is guess work at best.
* But, it's necessary for absolute mouse coordinates to work.
* This is an ugly hack :(
void correlate_to_wayland(std::vector<kms::card_descriptor_t> &cds) {
auto monitors = wl::monitors();
for(auto &monitor : monitors) {
std::string_view name = monitor->name;
BOOST_LOG(info) << name << ": "sv << monitor->description;
// Try to convert names in the format:
// {type}-{index}
// {index} is n'th occurence of {type}
auto index_begin = name.find_last_of('-');
std::uint32_t index;
if(index_begin == std::string_view::npos) {
index = 1;
else {
index = std::max<int64_t>(1, util::from_view(name.substr(index_begin + 1)));
auto type = kms::from_view(name.substr(0, index_begin));
for(auto &card_descriptor : cds) {
for(auto &[_, monitor_descriptor] : card_descriptor.crtc_to_monitor) {
if(monitor_descriptor.index == index && monitor_descriptor.type == type) {
monitor_descriptor.viewport.offset_x = monitor->viewport.offset_x;
monitor_descriptor.viewport.offset_y = monitor->viewport.offset_y;
// A sanity check, it's guesswork after all.
monitor_descriptor.viewport.width != monitor->viewport.width ||
monitor_descriptor.viewport.height != monitor->viewport.height) {
<< "Mismatch on expected Resolution compared to actual resolution: "sv
<< monitor_descriptor.viewport.width << 'x' << monitor_descriptor.viewport.height
<< " vs "sv
<< monitor->viewport.width << 'x' << monitor->viewport.height;
goto break_for_loop;
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "Reduced to name: "sv << name << ": "sv << index;
// A list of names of displays accepted as display_name
std::vector<std::string> kms_display_names() {
kms::env_width = 0;
kms::env_height = 0;
int count = 0;
if(!gbm::create_device) {
@ -668,6 +874,9 @@ std::vector<std::string> kms_display_names() {
return {};
kms::conn_type_count_t conn_type_count;
std::vector<kms::card_descriptor_t> cds;
std::vector<std::string> display_names;
fs::path card_dir { "/dev/dri"sv };
@ -684,6 +893,8 @@ std::vector<std::string> kms_display_names() {
return {};
auto crtc_to_monitor = kms::map_crtc_to_monitor(card.monitors(conn_type_count));
auto end = std::end(card);
for(auto plane = std::begin(card); plane != end; ++plane) {
auto fb = card.fb2(plane.get());
@ -698,30 +909,8 @@ std::vector<std::string> kms_display_names() {
bool cursor = false;
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "PLANE INFO ["sv << count << ']';
auto props = card.plane_props(plane->plane_id);
for(auto &[prop, val] : props) {
if(prop->name == "type"sv) {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << prop->name << "::"sv << kms::plane_type(val);
cursor = true;
else {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << prop->name << "::"sv << val;
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << "CRTC INFO"sv;
auto props = card.crtc_props(plane->crtc_id);
for(auto &[prop, val] : props) {
BOOST_LOG(verbose) << prop->name << "::"sv << val;
if(card.is_cursor(plane->plane_id)) {
// This appears to return the offset of the monitor
@ -731,17 +920,53 @@ std::vector<std::string> kms_display_names() {
return {};
auto it = crtc_to_monitor.find(plane->crtc_id);
if(it != std::end(crtc_to_monitor)) {
it->second.viewport = platf::touch_port_t {
kms::env_width = std::max(kms::env_width, (int)(crtc->x + crtc->width));
kms::env_height = std::max(kms::env_height, (int)(crtc->y + crtc->height));
kms::print(plane.get(), fb.get(), crtc.get());
if(!cursor) {
cds.emplace_back(kms::card_descriptor_t {
if(!wl::init()) {
// Deduce the full virtual desktop size
kms::env_width = 0;
kms::env_height = 0;
for(auto &card_descriptor : cds) {
for(auto &[_, monitor_descriptor] : card_descriptor.crtc_to_monitor) {
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Monitor description"sv;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Resolution: "sv << monitor_descriptor.viewport.width << 'x' << monitor_descriptor.viewport.height;
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Offset: "sv << monitor_descriptor.viewport.offset_x << 'x' << monitor_descriptor.viewport.offset_y;
kms::env_width = std::max(kms::env_width, (int)(monitor_descriptor.viewport.offset_x + monitor_descriptor.viewport.width));
kms::env_height = std::max(kms::env_height, (int)(monitor_descriptor.viewport.offset_y + monitor_descriptor.viewport.height));
BOOST_LOG(debug) << "Desktop resolution: "sv << kms::env_width << 'x' << kms::env_height;
kms::card_descriptors = std::move(cds);
return display_names;

View File

@ -219,6 +219,44 @@ void frame_t::destroy() {
obj_count = 0;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<monitor_t>> monitors(const char *display_name) {
display_t display;
if(display.init(display_name)) {
return {};
interface_t interface;
if(!interface[interface_t::XDG_OUTPUT]) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Missing Wayland wire XDG_OUTPUT"sv;
return {};
for(auto &monitor : interface.monitors) {
return std::move(interface.monitors);
static bool validate() {
display_t display;
return display.init() == 0;
int init() {
static bool validated = validate();
return !validated;
} // namespace wl
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

View File

@ -175,7 +175,9 @@ private:
display_internal_t display_internal;
void test();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<monitor_t>> monitors(const char *display_name = nullptr);
int init();
} // namespace wl