289 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "cuda.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "sunshine/main.h"
#include "sunshine/utility.h"
#include "wayland.h"
#include "x11grab.h"
#include <ffnvcodec/dynlink_loader.h>
extern "C" {
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/hwcontext_cuda.h>
#include <libavutil/imgutils.h>
#define CU_CHECK(x, y) \
if(check((x), SUNSHINE_STRINGVIEW(y ": "))) return -1
#define CU_CHECK_IGNORE(x, y) \
check((x), SUNSHINE_STRINGVIEW(y ": "))
using namespace std::literals;
namespace cuda {
void cff(CudaFunctions *cf) {
using cdf_t = util::safe_ptr<CudaFunctions, cff>;
static cdf_t cdf;
inline static int check(CUresult result, const std::string_view &sv) {
if(result != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
const char *name;
const char *description;
cdf->cuGetErrorName(result, &name);
cdf->cuGetErrorString(result, &description);
BOOST_LOG(error) << sv << name << ':' << description;
return -1;
return 0;
class ctx_t {
ctx_t(CUcontext ctx) {
CU_CHECK_IGNORE(cdf->cuCtxPushCurrent(ctx), "Couldn't push cuda context");
~ctx_t() {
CUcontext dummy;
CU_CHECK_IGNORE(cdf->cuCtxPopCurrent(&dummy), "Couldn't pop cuda context");
void free_res(CUgraphicsResource res) {
using res_internal_t = util::safe_ptr<CUgraphicsResource_st, free_res>;
template<std::size_t N>
class res_t {
res_t() : resources {}, mapped { false } {}
res_t(res_t &&other) noexcept : resources { other.resources }, array_p { other.array_p }, ctx { other.ctx }, stream { other.stream } {
other.resources = std::array<res_internal_t::pointer, N> {};
res_t &operator=(res_t &&other) {
for(auto x = 0; x < N; ++x) {
std::swap(resources[x], other.resources[x]);
std::swap(array_p[x], other.array_p[x]);
std::swap(ctx, other.ctx);
std::swap(stream, other.stream);
std::swap(mapped, other.mapped);
return *this;
res_t(CUcontext ctx, CUstream stream) : resources {}, ctx { ctx }, stream { stream }, mapped { false } {}
int bind(gl::tex_t &tex) {
ctx_t ctx { this->ctx };
CU_CHECK(cdf->cuGraphicsGLRegisterImage(&resources[0], tex[0], GL_TEXTURE_2D, CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_READ_ONLY), "Couldn't register Y image");
CU_CHECK(cdf->cuGraphicsGLRegisterImage(&resources[1], tex[1], GL_TEXTURE_2D, CU_GRAPHICS_REGISTER_FLAGS_READ_ONLY), "Couldn't register uv image");
return 0;
int map() {
ctx_t ctx { this->ctx };
CU_CHECK(cdf->cuGraphicsMapResources(resources.size(), resources.data(), stream), "Coudn't map cuda resources");
mapped = true;
CU_CHECK(cdf->cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&array_p[0], resources[0], 0, 0), "Couldn't get mapped subresource [0]");
CU_CHECK(cdf->cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(&array_p[1], resources[1], 0, 0), "Couldn't get mapped subresource [1]");
return 0;
void unmap() {
// Either all or none are mapped
if(mapped) {
ctx_t ctx { this->ctx };
CU_CHECK_IGNORE(cdf->cuGraphicsUnmapResources(resources.size(), resources.data(), stream), "Couldn't unmap cuda resources");
mapped = false;
inline CUarray &operator[](std::size_t index) {
return array_p[index];
~res_t() {
std::array<res_internal_t::pointer, N> resources;
std::array<CUarray, N> array_p;
CUcontext ctx;
CUstream stream;
bool mapped;
int init() {
auto status = cuda_load_functions(&cdf, nullptr);
if(status) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't load cuda: "sv << status;
return -1;
CU_CHECK(cdf->cuInit(0), "Couldn't initialize cuda");
return 0;
class cuda_t : public platf::hwdevice_t {
int init(int in_width, int in_height, platf::x11::xdisplay_t::pointer xdisplay) {
if(!cdf) {
BOOST_LOG(warning) << "cuda not initialized"sv;
return -1;
this->data = (void *)0x1;
display = egl::make_display(xdisplay);
if(!display) {
return -1;
auto ctx_opt = egl::make_ctx(display.get());
if(!ctx_opt) {
return -1;
ctx = std::move(*ctx_opt);
width = in_width;
height = in_height;
return 0;
int set_frame(AVFrame *frame) override {
auto cuda_ctx = (AVCUDADeviceContext *)((AVHWFramesContext *)frame->hw_frames_ctx->data)->device_ctx->hwctx;
tex = gl::tex_t::make(2);
fb = gl::frame_buf_t::make(2);
gl::ctx.BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex[0]);
gl::ctx.TexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RED, frame->width, frame->height, 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nullptr);
gl::ctx.BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex[1]);
gl::ctx.TexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RG, frame->width / 2, frame->height / 2, 0, GL_RG, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nullptr);
gl::ctx.BindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
fb.bind(std::begin(tex), std::end(tex));
res = res_t<2> { cuda_ctx->cuda_ctx, cuda_ctx->stream };
if(res.bind(tex)) {
return -1;
this->frame = frame;
if(av_hwframe_get_buffer(frame->hw_frames_ctx, frame, 0)) {
BOOST_LOG(error) << "Couldn't get hwframe for NVENC"sv;
return -1;
auto sws_opt = egl::sws_t::make(width, height, frame->width, frame->height);
if(!sws_opt) {
return -1;
sws = std::move(*sws_opt);
return sws.blank(fb, 0, 0, frame->width, frame->height);
int convert(platf::img_t &img) override {
if(sws.convert(fb)) {
return -1;
if(res.map()) {
return -1;
// Push and pop cuda context
ctx_t ctx { res.ctx };
for(auto x = 0; x < 2; ++x) {
CUDA_MEMCPY2D desc {};
auto shift = x;
desc.srcPitch = frame->width;
desc.dstPitch = frame->linesize[x];
desc.Height = frame->height >> shift;
desc.WidthInBytes = std::min(desc.srcPitch, desc.dstPitch);
desc.srcMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY;
desc.dstMemoryType = CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE;
desc.srcArray = res[x];
desc.dstDevice = (CUdeviceptr)frame->data[x];
CU_CHECK(cdf->cuMemcpy2DAsync(&desc, res.stream), "Couldn't copy from OpenGL to cuda");
return 0;
void set_colorspace(std::uint32_t colorspace, std::uint32_t color_range) override {
sws.set_colorspace(colorspace, color_range);
frame_t hwframe;
egl::display_t display;
egl::ctx_t ctx;
egl::sws_t sws;
gl::tex_t tex;
gl::frame_buf_t fb;
res_t<2> res;
int width, height;
std::shared_ptr<platf::hwdevice_t> make_hwdevice(int width, int height, platf::x11::xdisplay_t::pointer xdisplay) {
if(init()) {
return nullptr;
auto cuda = std::make_shared<cuda_t>();
if(cuda->init(width, height, xdisplay)) {
return nullptr;
return cuda;
} // namespace cuda