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# Discord RPC
This is a library for interfacing your game with a locally running Discord desktop client. It's known to work on Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can use the lib directly if you like, or use it as a guide to writing your own if it doesn't suit your game as is. PRs/feedback welcome if you have an improvement everyone might want, or can describe how this doesn't meet your needs.
Included here are some quick demos that implement the very minimal subset to show current status, and
have callbacks for where a more complete game would do more things (joining, spectating, etc).
## Documentation
The most up to date documentation for Rich Presence can always be found on our [developer site](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/rich-presence/how-to)! If you're interested in rolling your own native implementation of Rich Presence via IPC sockets instead of using our SDK—hey, you've got free time, right?—check out the ["Hard Mode" documentation](https://github.com/discordapp/discord-rpc/blob/master/documentation/hard-mode.md).
## Basic Usage
Zeroith, you should be set up to build things because you are a game developer, right?
First, head on over to the [Discord developers site](https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me) and make yourself an app. Keep track of `Client ID` -- you'll need it here to pass to the init function.
### From package
Download a release package for your platform(s) -- they have subdirs with various prebuilt options, select the one you need add `/include` to your compile includes, `/lib` to your linker paths, and link with `discord-rpc`. For the dynamically linked builds, you'll need to ship the associated file along with your game.
### From repo
First-eth, you'll want `CMake`. There's a few different ways to install it on your system, and you should refer to [their website](https://cmake.org/install/). Many package managers provide ways of installing CMake as well.
To make sure it's installed correctly, type `cmake --version` into your flavor of terminal/cmd. If you get a response with a version number, you're good to go!
There's a [CMake](https://cmake.org/download/) file that should be able to generate the lib for you; Sometimes I use it like this:
cd <path to discord-rpc>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path to install discord-rpc to>
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
There is a wrapper build script `build.py` that runs `cmake` with a few different options.
Usually, I run `build.py` to get things started, then use the generated project files as I work on things. It does depend on `click` library, so do a quick `pip install click` to make sure you have it if you want to run `build.py`.
There are some CMake options you might care about:
| flag | default | does |
| `ENABLE_IO_THREAD` | `ON` | When enabled, we start up a thread to do io processing, if disabled you should call `Discord_UpdateConnection` yourself.
| `USE_STATIC_CRT` | `OFF` | (Windows) Enable to statically link the CRT, avoiding requiring users install the redistributable package. (The prebuilt binaries enable this option)
| [`BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.7/variable/BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.html) | `OFF` | Build library as a DLL
| `WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS` | `OFF` | When enabled, compiles with `-Werror` (on *nix platforms). |
## Continuous Builds
Why do we have three of these? Three times the fun!
| CI | badge |
| TravisCI | [](https://travis-ci.org/discordapp/discord-rpc)
| AppVeyor | [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/crmarsh/discord-rpc)
| Buildkite (internal) | [](https://buildkite.com/discord/discord-rpc)
## Sample: send-presence
This is a text adventure "game" that inits/deinits the connection to Discord, and sends a presence update on each command.
## Sample: button-clicker
This is a sample [Unity](https://unity3d.com/) project that wraps a DLL version of the library, and sends presence updates when you click on a button. Run `python build.py unity` in the root directory to build the correct library files and place them in their respective folders.
## Sample: unrealstatus
This is a sample [Unreal](https://www.unrealengine.com) project that wraps the DLL version of the library with an Unreal plugin, exposes a blueprint class for interacting with it, and uses that to make a very simple UI. Run `python build.py unreal` in the root directory to build the correct library files and place them in their respective folders.
## Wrappers and Implementations
Below is a table of unofficial, community-developed wrappers for and implementations of Rich Presence in various languages. If you would like to have yours added, please make a pull request adding your repository to the table. The repository should include:
- The code
- A brief ReadMe of how to use it
- A working example
###### Rich Presence Wrappers and Implementations
| Name | Language |
| [DerelictDiscordRPC](https://github.com/voidblaster/DerelictDiscordRPC) | [D](https://dlang.org/) |
| [discord-rpc.jar](https://github.com/Vatuu/discord-rpc "Discord-RPC.jar") | Java |
| [java-discord-rpc](https://github.com/MinnDevelopment/java-discord-rpc) | Java |
| [Discord-IPC](https://github.com/jagrosh/DiscordIPC) | Java |
| [Discord Rich Presence](https://npmjs.org/discord-rich-presence) | JavaScript |
| [drpc4k](https://github.com/Bluexin/drpc4k) | [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/) |
| [lua-discordRPC](https://github.com/pfirsich/lua-discordRPC) | LuaJIT (FFI) |
| [pypresence](https://github.com/qwertyquerty/pypresence) | [Python](https://python.org/) |
| [SwordRPC](https://github.com/Azoy/SwordRPC) | [Swift](https://swift.org) |