* features_cpu: Fix clock for djgpp
* frontend_dos_set_fork: Fix wrong id names
* dos_input: Fix missing indexing
* dos_joypad: Fix wrong id name
* Fix menu drawing
Menu is already prescaled to VGA_WIDTH x VGA_HEIGHT in vga_menu_frame. We need
to always use those dimensions
* Change dos compilation from griffin to common
* Set vga menu size to 320x200
* Add DOS compilation in gitlab-ci.yml
* Support new elf2dol path in Makefile.griffin
* Fix NULL pointer dereference when no core info is available
* Fix double include of different versions of libogc
* Move ngc and wii to Makefile.common
Resulting binary is 60K *smaller*. This is surprising but probably due to
less inlining happening
* gx_gfx: Fix hang on gfx initialization
* Remove sthread_isself on NGC/Wii
It relies on pthread_equal that is not there for either legacy pthreads
or normal pthreads on those platforms
* Wii networking
* Missing includes in split
* Network fixes
* Fix logging of non-format string as a format
* Support for gx netlogger
* Network fix
* Network fixes
* Network info
* gx: Move config files to app directory
Otherwise it clashes between wiiU and vWii version with unpredictable
* Added newlib changes
* Add action to launch PPSSPP simulator
* Remove legacy config for the stack and heap
* Add pthread
* Simplify kernel_functions and improve references to HAVE_KERNEL_PRX
* Add some flags
* Improve audio init/deinit
* Improve exit by clicking home
* Add CI for PSP1
* Update PSP.yml
* Fix old osx condition
Current code assumes that osx < 10.12 is equivalent to ppc osx. It's not
true as Leopard x86 is still < 10.12 but not ppc. As xcode compiles fat
binaries it includes osx x86 and compilation fails.
* Disable crtswitchres when no c++11 is available
Crtswitchres altually needs c++11. Since it's not that important to make
it compatible with lower c++, just disable if no c++11 is available
* Don't use firstObject on old Mac OS X.
It was introduced in 10.6, so on old ones just implement it ourselves
* Compile osx-ppc frontend
* osx-ppc: Build a fat binary
On 10.6 i386 xcode apparently refuses to build a pure ppc.
Settle for a fat binary.
* Allow parallel compilation in PS2
* Allow to compile with griffin or common compilation in PS2
* Enable dummy core to be used in other platforms
* Use threads in YML config
* Add the compilation to PS2 in GitHub Actions
This can fix a lot of performance issues, like audio crackling and frame
time spikes. This requires the GameMode package to be installed. See:
This commit adds a "Game Mode" bool option to the "Power
Management" and "Latency" settings sections, and it can be toggled
on/off without restarting RA.
The actual toggling of game mode happens in a new frontend platform
interface function. Perhaps this will become useful for other platforms
that provide some equivalent of Linux GameMode.
Since the GameMode ABI is fixed, and the API comes as a single,
header-only file with no actual deps, we simply bundle the header
(deps/feralgamemode/gamemode_client.h.) That way, all Linux builds will
have support for GameMode regardless of whether the GameMode development
package is installed or not.
Setting UNIX_CWD_ENV to 1 when compiling with the unix platform will make
the base path for the env the cwd. This is to be able to match the behavior on
* (3DS) Add bottom screen menu
-> User can save/load state on botom screen with thumbnail.
-> Call a save_state_to_file() when RAM state has data to write a disk.
-> If the bottom screen needs updating, swap the bottom framebuffers.
-> This is useful for devices with slow I/O
-> 3DS bottom save state use CMD_EVENT_SAVE_STATE_TO_RAM
-> 3DS bottom load state use CMD_EVENT_LOAD_STATE when RAM state has no data
-> 3DS bottom load state use CMD_EVENT_LOAD_STATE_FROM_RAM when RAM sate has data
* Rewrite path_get_state to retroarch_get_current_savestate_path
* Fix unterminated state_path
* (Switch/libnx) remove dead code
* (Lakka/Switch/libnx) It was a mistake to include
switch_performance_profiles.h inside lakka.h, it was creating warnings
for nearly every file. Instead, it gets optionally included for the
files that need it
We are assuming that device has its backlight device symlinked to /sys/class/backlight/backlight so this should be stated.
Additionally any hardcoding should be disallowed and the symlink should be always used.
This addresses 2 issues:
1. Input controllers report battery supplies.
That causes wrong charging status or capacities if they report percentages instead of levels.
Such supplies normally report scope attributes that report Unknown or Device type of power supply.
If reported value is System or the attribute is missing, it's considered a System supply and used.
2. Various systems have backup batteries.
That causes the wrong capacity to be reported depending on order of node creation.
This is addressed by keeping track of these and calculating an average.