To make the order of elements deterministic. Using memory address based objects
as map key makes order of elements there nondeterministic. Later it can be
replaced with vector when there are no indirect munipulations with container
inside iteration loops.
Change map key to const MWWorld::LiveCellRefBase* to avoid erasing and inserting
elements on MWWorld::Ptr update.
Store CharacterController by value instead of pointer to avoid redundant memory
Currently, we use a peculiar mapping of ESM classes by their std::type_info::name. This mapping is an undefined behaviour because std::type_info::name is strictly implementation defined. It could return a non-unique value on some platforms. With this PR we use the unsigned int sRecordId of the ESM class as a more efficient lookup type that does not build on undefined behaviour. We can expect marginally faster save-game loading with these changes as well.
A Warning indicates a potential problem in the content file(s) that the user told OpenMW to load. E.g. this might cause an object to not display at all or as intended, however the rest of the game will run fine.
An Error, however, is more likely to be a bug with the engine itself - it means that basic assumptions have been violated and the engine might not run correctly anymore.
The above mostly applies to errors/warnings during game-play; startup issues are handled differently: when a file is completely invalid/corrupted to the point that the engine can not start, that might cause messages that are worded as Error due to the severity of the issue but are not necessarily the engine's fault.
Hopefully, being a little more consistent here will alleviate confusion among users as to when a log message should be reported and to whom.
This is mostly propogating the error up the stack so the game can do something about it.
Working on avoiding log spam from calling an animation that doesn't exist every frame.