mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 07:14:20 +00:00
Stop running and remove the old tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
webpage = require('webpage'),
urls = [
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>twemoji test</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en-US"/>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"/>
### what is this ?
this is a battle test script called wru:
It is compatible with every JS engine you can think of
including ancient browsers.
If you see all tests as green, it means it worked.
<style type="text/css">
#wru {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 11pt;
border: 1px solid #333;
#wru div {
cursor: default;
padding: 0;
color: #000;
#wru div span,
#wru div strong {
display: block;
padding: 4px;
margin: 0;
#wru div ul {
margin: 0;
padding-bottom: 4px;
#wru div.pass {
background: #90EE90;
#wru div.fail {
background: #FF6347;
#wru div.error {
background: #000;
color: #FFF;
<div id="wru"></div>
<script src="twemoji.js"></script>
(C) Andrea Giammarchi, @WebReflection - Mit Style License
window.wru = wru;
}(function(Y){function j(){A=K.call(m);if(A){if(typeof A=="function"){A={name:A[S]||"anonymous",test:A}}(P=l(l(Z.node,"div"),"span"))[E]=((ag(A,S)&&A[S])||(ag(A,e)&&A[e])||Q)+i+i;a=[];u=[];T=[];ab={};b("setup");T[ah]||b("test");N||r()}else{t()}}function p(aj){try{return O.call(h,aj)}catch(ai){return h.createElement(aj)}}function l(ai,aj){return ai.appendChild(p(aj))}function g(ai){P[E]=x.call(P[E],0,-2)+i+ai}function t(){var ak=Z.node.insertBefore(p("div"),Z.node.firstChild),al,aj,ai;if(ad){ai=aj="error";al="There Are Errors: "+ad}else{if(C){ai=aj="fail";al=C+" Tests Failed"}else{ai=aj="pass";al="Passed "+s+" Tests"}}Z.status=ai;ak[E]="<strong>"+al+"</strong>";ak.className=aj}function G(){var ai=this.lastChild.style;ai.display=ai.display=="none"?"block":"none"}function c(ai){P[E]+="<ul>"+D+v.call(ai,d+D)+d+"</ul>";(P.onclick=G).call(P)}function r(){f();s+=a[ah];C+=u[ah];ad+=T[ah];g("("+v.call([a[ah],M=u[ah],T[ah]],", ")+")");P=P.parentNode;T[ah]?c(T,W="error"):(M?c(u,W="fail"):W="pass");P.className=W;M=0;W=i;j()}function b(ai){if(ag(A,ai)){try{A[ai](ab)}catch(aj){aa.call(T,i+aj)}}}function ag(aj,ai){return q.call(aj,ai)}function w(){return F()<0.5?-1:1}function f(){if(R){H(R);R=0}b("teardown")}var Z={assert:function U(aj,ai){if(arguments[ah]==1){ai=aj;aj=Q}z=I;aa.call(ai?a:u,W+aj);return ai},async:function V(aj,am,ak,al){al=++N;if(typeof aj=="function"){ak=am;am=aj;aj="asynchronous test #"+al}ak=X(function(){al=0;aa.call(u,aj);--N||(R=X(r,0))},L(ak||y)||y);return function ai(){if(!al){return}z=ae;W=aj+": ";try{am.apply(this,arguments)}catch(an){z=I;aa.call(T,W+an)}W=i;if(z){H(ak);--N||(R=X(r,0))}}},test:function n(ai,aj){Z.after=aj||function(){};m=J.apply(m,[ai]);Z.random&&af.call(m,w);N||j()}},I=true,ae=!I,y=100,i=" ",Q="unknown",ah="length",S="name",e="description",D="<li>",d="</li>",k="\\|/-",q=Z.hasOwnProperty,W=i,ac=W.charAt,x=W.slice,m=[],J=m.concat,v=m.join,aa=m.push,K=m.shift,af=m.sort,N=0,M=0,s=0,C=0,ad=0,R=0,E="innerHTML",h=Y.document,O=h.createElement,B,L,F,X,H,A,P,a,u,T,ab,z;B=Y.Math;L=B.abs;F=B.random;X=Y.setTimeout;H=Y.clearTimeout;Z.node=(h.getElementById("wru")||h.body||h.documentElement);Y.setInterval(function(){N&&g(ac.call(k,M++%4))},y);undefined;Z.log=function o(aj,ai){ai?alert(aj):(typeof console!="undefined")&&console.log(aj)};y*=y;Z.random=ae;return Z}(this)));
<script src="test.js"></script>
@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
/*! Copyright Twitter Inc. and other contributors. Licensed under MIT *//*
var base = twemoji.base;
name: 'string parsing',
test: function () {
// without variant
'default parsing works',
twemoji.parse('I \u2764 emoji!') ===
'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="' + base + '36x36/2764.png"> emoji!'
// with "as image" variant
'default \uFE0F variant parsing works',
twemoji.parse('I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!') ===
'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764\uFE0F" src="' + base + '36x36/2764.png"> emoji!'
// with "as text" variant
'default \uFE0E variant parsing works',
twemoji.parse('I \u2764\uFE0E emoji!') ===
'I \u2764\uFE0E emoji!'
name: 'string parsing + size',
test: function () {
'number is squared',
twemoji.parse('I \u2764 emoji!', {size: 72}) ===
'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="' + base + '72x72/2764.png"> emoji!'
'string is preserved',
twemoji.parse('I \u2764 emoji!', {size: 'any-size'}) ===
'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="' + base + 'any-size/2764.png"> emoji!'
name: 'string parsing + callback',
test: function () {
var result = false;
twemoji.parse('I \u2764 emoji!', function (icon, options, variant) {
result = icon === '2764' && options.size === '36x36' && !variant;
wru.assert('works OK without variant', result);
result = false;
twemoji.parse('I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!', function (icon, options, variant) {
result = icon === '2764' && options.size === '36x36' && variant === '\uFE0F';
wru.assert('works OK with variant', result);
result = true;
twemoji.parse('I \u2764\uFE0E emoji!', function (icon, options, variant) {
result = false;
wru.assert('not invoked when \uFE0E is matched', result);
name: 'string parsing + callback returning `falsy`',
test: function () {
'does not add an image',
'I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!' ===
twemoji.parse('I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!', function () {})
name: 'string parsing + callback + size',
test: function () {
'size is overwritten',
'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="72x72/2764.png"> emoji!' ===
'I \u2764 emoji!',
base: '',
size: 72
name: 'twemoji.replace(str, callback)',
test: function () {
var result = false;
var str = twemoji.replace('I \u2764\uFE0E emoji!', function (match, emoji, variant) {
result = match === '\u2764\uFE0E' &&
emoji === '\u2764\uFE0E' &&
variant === '\uFE0E';
return '<3';
wru.assert('all exepected values are passed through', result);
wru.assert('returned value is the expected', str === 'I <3 emoji!');
name: 'twemoji.test(str)',
test: function () {
twemoji.test('I \u2764 emoji!') &&
twemoji.test('I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!') &&
twemoji.test('I \u2764\uFE0E emoji!') &&
name: 'DOM parsing',
test: function () {
var img,
// without variant
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764 emoji!'));
wru.assert('default parsing works creating 3 nodes', div.childNodes.length === 3);
wru.assert('first child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === 'I ');
img = div.removeChild(div.firstChild);
wru.assert('second child is the image', img.nodeName === 'IMG');
wru.assert('img attributes are OK',
img.className === 'emoji' &&
img.getAttribute('draggable') === 'false' &&
img.src === base + '36x36/2764.png' &&
img.alt === '\u2764' &&
img.onerror === twemoji.onerror
wru.assert('last child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === ' emoji!');
// with "as image" variant
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!'));
wru.assert('default parsing created 3 nodes', div.childNodes.length === 3);
wru.assert('first child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === 'I ');
img = div.removeChild(div.firstChild);
wru.assert('second child is the image', img.nodeName === 'IMG');
wru.assert('img attributes are OK',
img.className === 'emoji' &&
img.getAttribute('draggable') === 'false' &&
img.src === base + '36x36/2764.png' &&
img.alt === '\u2764\uFE0F' &&
img.onerror === twemoji.onerror
wru.assert('last child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === ' emoji!');
// with "as text" variant
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764\uFE0E emoji!'));
wru.assert('default parsing did NOT create 3 nodes anyway', div.childNodes.length === 1);
name: 'DOM parsing + size',
test: function () {
var img,
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764 emoji!'));
twemoji.parse(div, {size: 16});
wru.assert('default parsing works creating 3 nodes', div.childNodes.length === 3);
wru.assert('first child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === 'I ');
img = div.removeChild(div.firstChild);
wru.assert('second child is the image', img.nodeName === 'IMG');
wru.assert('img attributes are OK',
img.className === 'emoji' &&
img.getAttribute('draggable') === 'false' &&
img.src === base + '16x16/2764.png' &&
img.alt === '\u2764' &&
img.onerror === twemoji.onerror
wru.assert('last child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === ' emoji!');
name: 'DOM parsing + callback',
test: function () {
var result = false,
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764 emoji!'));
twemoji.parse(div, function (icon, options, variant) {
result = icon === '2764' && options.size === '36x36' && !variant;
wru.assert('works OK without variant', result);
result = false;
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!'));
twemoji.parse(div, function (icon, options, variant) {
result = icon === '2764' && options.size === '36x36' && variant === '\uFE0F';
wru.assert('works OK with variant', result);
result = true;
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764\uFE0E emoji!'));
twemoji.parse(div, function (icon, options, variant) {
result = false;
wru.assert('not invoked when \uFE0E is matched', result);
name: 'DOM parsing + callback returning `falsy`',
test: function () {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764 emoji!'));
twemoji.parse(div, function () {});
wru.assert(div.innerHTML === 'I \u2764 emoji!');
name: 'DOM parsing + callback + size',
test: function () {
var result = false,
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764 emoji!'));
twemoji.parse(div, {
size: 16,
callback: function (icon, options, variant) {
result = icon === '2764' && options.size === '16x16' && !variant;
wru.assert('works OK without variant', result);
result = false;
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764\uFE0F emoji!'));
twemoji.parse(div, {
size: 72,
callback: function (icon, options, variant) {
result = icon === '2764' && options.size === '72x72' && !!variant;
wru.assert('works OK with variant', result);
name: 'nested nodes',
test: function () {
var str = '<img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/36x36/2764.png">',
div = document.createElement('div'),
div.innerHTML = '<p>I \u2764 emoji<strong>!</strong></p><p>I \u2764 them too</p>';
p = div.getElementsByTagName('p');
wru.assert('preserved structure', p.length === 2);
img = div.getElementsByTagName('img');
wru.assert('correct amount of images found', img.length === 2);
wru.assert('images are in the right place',
img[0].parentNode === p[0] &&
img[1].parentNode === p[1]
name: 'only nodes are affected',
test: function () {
var div = document.createElement('div');
var innerHTML = '<script>/*\u2764*/</script><style>/*\u2764*/</style><hr class="\u2764">';
div.innerHTML = innerHTML;
name: 'DOM parsing multiple per node',
test: function () {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = 'I \u2764\ufe0f emoji, you should \u2764 emoji too!';
wru.assert('default parsing works creating 5 nodes', div.childNodes.length === 5);
wru.assert('first child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === 'I ');
wru.assert('second child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).alt === '\u2764\ufe0f');
wru.assert('third child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === ' emoji, you should ');
wru.assert('fourth child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).alt === '\u2764');
wru.assert('fifth child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === ' emoji too!');
name: 'DOM parsing does not create XSS',
test: function () {
var div = document.createElement('div'), text, html;
div.innerHTML = 'I \u2764\ufe0f emoji, you shuold <3 them too!';
text = div.childNodes[0].nodeValue.slice('I \u2764\ufe0f'.length);
html = div.innerHTML.replace('\u2764\ufe0f', '');
wru.assert('third child is the expected one', div.childNodes[2].nodeValue === text);
wru.assert('html unaltered', div.innerHTML.replace(/<img[^>]+?>/i, '') === html);
name: 'string parsing + className',
test: function () {
var className = 'img-' + Math.random();
var img = 'I <img class="' + className + '" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="36x36/2764.png"> emoji!';
'className is overwritten',
img ===
'I \u2764 emoji!',
className: className,
base: ''
name: 'DOM parsing + className',
test: function () {
var className = 'img-' + Math.random();
var img,
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764 emoji!'));
twemoji.parse(div, {className: className});
'className is overwritten',
div.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].className === className
name: 'string parsing + attributes callback',
test: function () {
'custom attributes are inserted',
'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="' + base + '36x36/2764.png" title="Emoji: \u2764" data-test="We all <3 emoji"> emoji!' ===
'I \u2764 emoji!',
attributes: function(icon) {
return {
title: 'Emoji: ' + icon,
'data-test': 'We all <3 emoji'
name: 'string parsing + attributes callback content properly encoded',
test: function () {
'custom attributes are inserted',
'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="' + base + '36x36/2764.png" title="&amp;lt;script&amp;gt;alert("yo")&amp;lt;/script&amp;gt;"> emoji!' ===
'I \u2764 emoji!',
attributes: function(icon) {
return {
title: '&lt;script&gt;alert("yo")&lt;/script&gt;'
name: 'string parsing + attributes callback "on" attributes are omitted',
test: function () {
'custom attributes are inserted',
'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="❤" src="' + base + '36x36/2764.png" title="test"> emoji!' ===
'I \u2764 emoji!',
attributes: function(icon) {
return {
title: 'test',
onsomething: 'whoops!',
onclick: 'nope',
onmousedown: 'nada'
name: 'DOM parsing + attributes callback',
test: function () {
var img,
// without variant
div = document.createElement('div');
div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('I \u2764 emoji!'));
div, {
attributes: function(icon) {
return {
title: 'Emoji: ' + icon,
'data-test': 'We all <3 emoji',
onclick: 'nope',
onmousedown: 'nada'
wru.assert('default parsing works creating 3 nodes', div.childNodes.length === 3);
wru.assert('first child is the expected one', div.removeChild(div.firstChild).nodeValue === 'I ');
img = div.removeChild(div.firstChild);
wru.assert('second child is the image', img.nodeName === 'IMG');
wru.assert('img attributes are OK',
img.className === 'emoji' &&
img.getAttribute('draggable') === 'false' &&
img.src === base + '36x36/2764.png' &&
img.alt === '\u2764' &&
img.onerror === twemoji.onerror &&
img.getAttribute('title') === 'Emoji: \u2764' &&
img.getAttribute('data-test') === 'We all <3 emoji'
wru.assert('img on attributes are omitted',
img.onclick === null &&
img.onmousedown === null
name: 'folder option',
test: function () {
var img = 'I <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u2764" src="svg/2764.svg"> emoji!';
'folder is accepted',
img ===
'I \u2764 emoji!',
folder: 'svg',
ext: '.svg',
base: ''
'folder overwrites size',
img ===
'I \u2764 emoji!',
size: 72,
folder: 'svg',
ext: '.svg',
base: ''
name: 'non standard OSX variant',
test: function () {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '5\ufe0f\u20e3';
wru.assert('recognized as graphical',
div.firstChild.className === 'emoji' &&
div.firstChild.getAttribute('draggable') === 'false' &&
div.firstChild.getAttribute('alt') === "5️⃣" &&
div.firstChild.src === 'http://twemoji.maxcdn.com/36x36/35-20e3.png'
wru.assert('the length is preserved',
div.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].alt.length === 3);
name: 'same but standard OSX without variant',
test: function () {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '5\u20e3';
wru.assert('recognized as graphical',
div.firstChild.className === 'emoji' &&
div.firstChild.getAttribute('draggable') === 'false' &&
div.firstChild.getAttribute('alt') === "5⃣" &&
div.firstChild.src === 'http://twemoji.maxcdn.com/36x36/35-20e3.png'
wru.assert('the length is preserved',
div.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].alt.length === 2);
name: 'multiple parsing using a callback',
test: function () {
'FE0E is still ignored',
twemoji.parse('\u25c0 \u25c0\ufe0e \u25c0\ufe0f', {
callback: function(icon){ return 'icon'; }
}) ===
'<img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u25c0" src="icon"> \u25c0\ufe0e <img class="emoji" draggable="false" alt="\u25c0\ufe0f" src="icon">'
name: 'non standard variant within others',
test: function () {
var a = [
wru.assert('normal forced-as-text forced-as-apple-graphic forced-as-graphic' ===
twemoji.replace('\u25c0 \u25c0\ufe0e 5\ufe0f\u20e3 \u25c0\ufe0f', function(match, icon, variant){
if (variant === '\uFE0E') return a[1];
if (variant === '\uFE0F') return a[3];
if (!variant) return a[
icon.length === 3 && icon.charAt(1) === '\uFE0F' ? 2 : 0
name: 'invalid variants and chars',
test: function () {
var div = document.createElement('div');
var img;
div.innerHTML = twemoji.parse('"\u2b1c\uFE0F"');
img = div.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
wru.assert('correct img.alt 1', img.alt === "\u2b1c\uFE0F");
wru.assert('correct img.src 1', img.src.slice(-8) === '2b1c.png');
// other variants should be ignored
div.innerHTML = twemoji.parse('"\u2b1c\uFE00"');
img = div.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
wru.assert('correct img.alt 2', img.alt === "\u2b1c");
wru.assert('correct img.src 2', img.src.slice(-8) === '2b1c.png');
// the variant without meanings are still there
div.innerHTML === '"\uFE00"';
// when there is a trailing \uFE0E there should be no image
div.innerHTML = twemoji.parse('"\u2b1c\uFE0E"');
wru.assert('correct length', div.getElementsByTagName('img').length === 0);
wru.assert('expected html', div.innerHTML === '"\u2b1c\uFE0E"');
}, {
name: 'SVG Elements are ignored',
test: function () {
if (typeof SVGElement !== 'undefined') {
var innerHTML, div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="40" height="40">' +
'<switch>' +
'<circle cx="20" cy="20" r="18" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2" fill="#99FF66" />' +
'<foreignObject>' +
'<div>I \u2764 emoji!</div>' +
'</foreignObject>' +
'</switch>' +
// grab the normalized one
innerHTML = div.innerHTML;
wru.assert('nothing changed', innerHTML === div.innerHTML);
} else {
wru.assert('nothing to do here');
}, {
name: 'using a different onerror',
test: function () {
var Image = window.Image;
window.Image = function () {
var self = new Image;
setTimeout(function () {
window.Image = Image;
}, 10);
return self;
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '5\ufe0f\u20e3';
twemoji.parse(div, {onerror: wru.async(function () {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user