mirror of https://github.com/twitter/twemoji.git synced 2024-10-04 21:59:44 +00:00

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Unicode 10.0/Emoji 5.0 additions + modifications to a subset of existing emojis Adds new emojis based on the finalized [Emoji 5.0 spec](http://unicode.org/reports/tr51/index.html). Modifications to some existing emojis included as well, see change list below for specifics. This change also moves the Twemoji version number to 2.3. ### New * Star-Struck * Face With Raised Eyebrow * Exploding Head * Crazy Face * Face With Symbols Over Mouth * Face Vomiting * Shushing Face * Face With Hand Over Mouth * Face With Monocle * Child * Adult * Older Adult * Woman With Headscarf * Bearded Person * Breast-Feeding * Mage * Woman Mage * Man Mage * Fairy * Woman Fairy * Man Fairy * Vampire * Woman Vampire * Man Vampire * Merperson * Mermaid * Merman * Elf * Woman Elf * Man Elf * Genie * Woman Genie * Man Genie * Zombie * Woman Zombie * Man Zombie * Person in Steamy Room * Woman in Steamy Room * Man in Steamy Room * Person Climbing * Woman Climbing * Man Climbing * Person in Lotus Position * Woman in Lotus Position * Man in Lotus Position * Love-You Gesture * Palms Up Together * Brain * Orange Heart * Scarf * Gloves * Coat * Socks * Billed Cap * Zebra * Giraffe * Hedgehog * Sauropod * T-Rex * Cricket * Coconut * Broccoli * Pretzel * Cut of Meat * Sandwich * Bowl With Spoon * Canned Food * Dumpling * Fortune Cookie * Takeout Box * Pie * Cup With Straw * Chopsticks * Flying Saucer * Sled * Curling Stone * Flag for England * Flag for Scotland * Flag for Wales ### Modified * Index Pointing Up * Person Facepalming * Man in Business Suit Levitating * Person Getting Massage * Hamburger * Ogre * Full Moon With Face * New Moon Face * First Quarter Moon With Face * Last Quarter Moon With Face * Japanese "vacancy" button
2017-05-23 21:10:35 +00:00
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