Following all methods exposed through the `twemoji` namespace.
### twemoji.parse( ... )
This is the main parsing utility and it has 3 overloads per each parsing type.
There are mainly two kind of parsing, [string parsing](, and [DOM parsing](
Each of them accept a callback to generate each image source, or an options object with parsing info.
Here a walk through all parsing possibilities.
##### string parsing
Given a generic string, it will replace all emoji with an `<img>` tag.
While this can be used to inject via `innerHTML` emoji image tags, please note that this method does not sanitize the string or prevent malicious code to be executed. As example, if the text contains a `<script>` tag, this **will not** be converted into `<script>` since it's out of this method scope to prevent these kind of attacks.
However, for already sanitized strings, this method can be considered safe enough (please see DOM parsing if security is one of your major concerns).
By default, the `options.size` parameter will be the string `"36x36"` and the `variant` will be an optional `\uFE0F` char that is usually ignored by default. If your assets include or distinguish between `\u2764\uFE0F` and `\u2764` you might want to use such variable.
##### string parsing + callback returning `falsy`
If the callback returns _falsy values_ such `null`, `undefined`, `0`, `false` or an empty string, nothing will change for that specific emoji.
var i = 0;
'emoji, m\u2764\uFE0Fn am\u2764\uFE0Fur',
function(icon, options, variant) {
if (i++ === 0) {
return; // no changes made first call
return '/assets/' + icon + options.ext;
// will produce
emoji, m❤️n am<img
##### string parsing + object
In case an object is passed as second parameter, the passed `options` object will reflect its properties.
Differently from `string` parsing, if the first argument is a `HTMLElement` generated image tags will be replacing emoji that are **inside `#text` node only** without compromising surrounding nodes, listeners, and avoiding completely the usage of `innerHTML`.
If security is a major concern, this parsing can be considered the safest option but with a slightly penalized performance gap due DOM operations that are inevitably *costy* compared to basic strings.
The function to invoke in order to generate images `src`.
By default it is a function like the following one:
function imageSourceGenrator(icon, options) {
return ''.concat(
options.base, // by default Twitter Inc. CDN
options.size, // by default "36x36" string
icon, // the found emoji as code point
options.ext // by default ".png"
##### base
The default url to be used, by default it's the same as `twemoji.base` so if you modify the former, it will reflect as default for all parsed strings or nodes.
##### ext
The default image extension to be used, by default it's the same as `twemoji.ext` which is `".png"`.
If you modify the former, it will reflect as default for all parsed strings or nodes.
##### size
The default assets size to be used, by default it's the same as `twemoji.size` which is `"36x36"`.
If you modify the former, it will reflect as default for all parsed strings or nodes.
## Tips
#### Inline Styles
If you'd like to size the emoji according to the surrounding text, you can add the following CSS to your stylesheet:
img.emoji {
height: 1em;
width: 1em;
margin: 0 .05em 0 .1em;
vertical-align: -0.1em;
This will make sure emoji derive their width and height from the `font-size` of the text they're shown with. It also adds just a little bit of space before and after each emoji, and pulls them upwards a little bit for better optical alignment.
#### UTF-8 Character Set
To properly support emoji, the document character set must be set to UTF-8, this can done by including the following meta tag in the document `<head>`
#### Exclude Characters
To exclude certain characters from being replaced by twemoji.js, call twemoji.parse() with a callback, returning false for the specific unicode icon. For example:
In order to build the Unicode based standard emoji RegExp, probably the most important core feature of this library, the `twemoji-generator.js` file needs to perform few online and offline operations.
Once executed through `node twemoji-generator.js`, and after installing via `npm install` dependencies, this file will create a fresh new copy of all libraries.
This means that if you'd like to change or improve `twemoji`, you should probably do it inside the `createTwemoji` function at the bottom of `twemoji-generator.js` instead of directly in the library, unless it's not just for testing purpose.
## Future Plans: Unicode 8.0 and Diversity
The twemoji project currently adheres to the [7.0 Unicode version]( and supports 872 different emoji. In the future, we hope to work with the community to support Unicode 8.0 additions like [Diversity](
## Committers and Contributors
* Andrea Giammarchi (Twitter)
* Chris Aniszczyk (Twitter)
* Joen Asmussen (WordPress)
* Marcus Kazmierczak (WordPress)
The goal of this project is to simply provide emoji for everyone. We definitely welcome improvements and fixes, but we may not merge every pull request suggested by the community due to the simple nature of the project.
The rules for contributing are available at `` file.
Thank you to all of our [contributors](
## License
Copyright 2014 Twitter, Inc and other contributors
Code licensed under the MIT License:
Graphics licensed under CC-BY 4.0: