Mark Gillard 53f29d9365 restructuring and minor refactoring
There's no new functionality here. It's purely tooling + CI stuff:
- moved `python` => `tools`
- moved documentation images to subfolder
- moved `vs/tests` to tests/vs projects
- moved `vs` solution etc to root
- added semicolons to macros
- added cpp.hint to help VS intellisense
- migrated documentation generation to external lib
2021-04-18 22:58:41 +03:00

487 lines
14 KiB

//# This file is a part of toml++ and is subject to the the terms of the MIT license.
//# Copyright (c) Mark Gillard <>
//# See for the full license text.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "toml_date_time.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <charconv>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
// Q: "why does print_to_stream() exist? why not just use ostream::write(), ostream::put() etc?"
// A: - I'm supporting C++20's char8_t as well; wrapping streams allows switching string modes transparently.
// - I'm using <charconv> to format numerics. Faster and locale-independent.
// - I can avoid forcing users to drag in <sstream> and <iomanip>.
// Q: "there's a bit of reinterpret_casting here, is any of it UB?"
// A: - If the source string data is char and the output string is char8_t, then technically yes,
// but not in the other direction. I test in both modes on Clang, GCC and MSVC and have yet to
// see it actually causing an issue, but in the event it does present a problem it's not going to
// be a show-stopper since all it means is I need to do duplicate some code.
// - Strings in C++. Honestly.
template <typename Char1, typename Char2>
inline void print_to_stream(std::basic_string_view<Char1> str, std::basic_ostream<Char2>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char1) == 1);
static_assert(sizeof(Char2) == 1);
stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const Char2*>(, static_cast<std::streamsize>(str.length()));
template <typename Char1, typename Char2>
inline void print_to_stream(const std::basic_string<Char1>& str, std::basic_ostream<Char2>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char1) == 1);
static_assert(sizeof(Char2) == 1);
stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const Char2*>(, static_cast<std::streamsize>(str.length()));
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(char character, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(const char* str, size_t len, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const Char*>(str), static_cast<std::streamsize>(len));
#ifdef __cpp_lib_char8_t
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(char8_t character, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(const char8_t* str, size_t len, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const Char*>(str), static_cast<std::streamsize>(len));
template <typename T> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length = 0;
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<double> = 60;
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<float> = 40;
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<uint64_t> = 20; // strlen("18446744073709551615")
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<int64_t> = 20; // strlen("-9223372036854775808")
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<int32_t> = 11; // strlen("-2147483648")
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<int16_t> = 6; // strlen("-32768")
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<int8_t> = 4; // strlen("-128")
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<uint32_t> = 10; // strlen("4294967295")
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<uint16_t> = 5; // strlen("65535")
template <> inline constexpr size_t charconv_buffer_length<uint8_t> = 3; // strlen("255")
template <typename T, typename Char>
inline void print_integer_to_stream(T val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream, value_flags format = {})
sizeof(Char) == 1,
"The stream's underlying character type must be 1 byte in size."
if (!val)
print_to_stream('0', stream);
int base = 10;
if (format != value_flags::none && val >= T{})
switch (format)
case value_flags::format_as_binary: base = 2; break;
case value_flags::format_as_octal: base = 8; break;
case value_flags::format_as_hexadecimal: base = 16; break;
default: break;
char buf[(sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT)];
const auto res = std::to_chars(buf, buf + sizeof(buf), val, base);
const auto len = static_cast<size_t>(res.ptr - buf);
if (base == 16)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (buf[i] >= 'a')
buf[i] -= 32;
print_to_stream(buf, len, stream);
using unsigned_type = std::conditional_t<(sizeof(T) > sizeof(unsigned)), std::make_unsigned_t<T>, unsigned>;
using cast_type = std::conditional_t<std::is_signed_v<T>, std::make_signed_t<unsigned_type>, unsigned_type>;
if TOML_UNLIKELY(format == value_flags::format_as_binary)
bool found_one = false;
const auto v = static_cast<unsigned_type>(val);
unsigned_type mask = unsigned_type{ 1 } << (sizeof(unsigned_type) * CHAR_BIT - 1u);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(unsigned_type) * CHAR_BIT; i++)
if ((v & mask))
print_to_stream('1', stream);
found_one = true;
else if (found_one)
print_to_stream('0', stream);
mask >>= 1;
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << std::uppercase << std::setbase(base);
ss << static_cast<cast_type>(val);
const auto str = std::move(ss).str();
print_to_stream(str, stream);
#define TOML_P2S_OVERLOAD(Type) \
template <typename Char> \
inline void print_to_stream(Type val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream, value_flags format) \
{ \
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1); \
print_integer_to_stream(val, stream, format); \
template <typename T, typename Char>
inline void print_floating_point_to_stream(T val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream, bool hexfloat = false)
sizeof(Char) == 1,
"The stream's underlying character type must be 1 byte in size."
switch (impl::fpclassify(val))
case fp_class::neg_inf:
print_to_stream("-inf"sv, stream);
case fp_class::pos_inf:
print_to_stream("inf"sv, stream);
case fp_class::nan:
print_to_stream("nan"sv, stream);
case fp_class::ok:
static constexpr auto needs_decimal_point = [](auto&& s) noexcept
for (auto c : s)
if (c == '.' || c == 'E' || c == 'e')
return false;
return true;
char buf[charconv_buffer_length<T>];
const auto res = hexfloat
? std::to_chars(buf, buf + sizeof(buf), val, std::chars_format::hex)
: std::to_chars(buf, buf + sizeof(buf), val);
const auto str = std::string_view{ buf, static_cast<size_t>(res.ptr - buf) };
print_to_stream(str, stream);
if (!hexfloat && needs_decimal_point(str))
print_to_stream(".0"sv, stream);
std::ostringstream ss;
ss.precision(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10 + 1);
if (hexfloat)
ss << std::hexfloat;
ss << val;
const auto str = std::move(ss).str();
print_to_stream(str, stream);
if (!hexfloat && needs_decimal_point(str))
print_to_stream(".0"sv, stream);
#if !defined(DOXYGEN) && !TOML_HEADER_ONLY
extern template TOML_API void print_floating_point_to_stream(double, std::ostream&, bool);
#define TOML_P2S_OVERLOAD(Type) \
template <typename Char> \
inline void print_to_stream(Type val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream) \
{ \
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1); \
print_floating_point_to_stream(val, stream); \
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(bool val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
print_to_stream(val ? "true"sv : "false"sv, stream);
template <typename T, typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(T val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream, size_t zero_pad_to_digits)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
char buf[charconv_buffer_length<T>];
const auto res = std::to_chars(buf, buf + sizeof(buf), val);
const auto len = static_cast<size_t>(res.ptr - buf);
for (size_t i = len; i < zero_pad_to_digits; i++)
print_to_stream('0', stream);
print_to_stream(buf, static_cast<size_t>(res.ptr - buf), stream);
std::ostringstream ss;
using cast_type = std::conditional_t<std::is_signed_v<T>, int64_t, uint64_t>;
ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(static_cast<int>(zero_pad_to_digits)) << static_cast<cast_type>(val);
const auto str = std::move(ss).str();
print_to_stream(str, stream);
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(const toml::date& val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
print_to_stream(val.year, stream, 4_sz);
print_to_stream('-', stream);
print_to_stream(val.month, stream, 2_sz);
print_to_stream('-', stream);
print_to_stream(, stream, 2_sz);
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(const toml::time& val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
print_to_stream(val.hour, stream, 2_sz);
print_to_stream(':', stream);
print_to_stream(val.minute, stream, 2_sz);
print_to_stream(':', stream);
print_to_stream(val.second, stream, 2_sz);
if (val.nanosecond && val.nanosecond <= 999999999u)
print_to_stream('.', stream);
auto ns = val.nanosecond;
size_t digits = 9_sz;
while (ns % 10u == 0u)
ns /= 10u;
print_to_stream(ns, stream, digits);
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(toml::time_offset val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
if (!val.minutes)
print_to_stream('Z', stream);
auto mins = static_cast<int>(val.minutes);
if (mins < 0)
print_to_stream('-', stream);
mins = -mins;
print_to_stream('+', stream);
const auto hours = mins / 60;
if (hours)
print_to_stream(static_cast<unsigned int>(hours), stream, 2_sz);
mins -= hours * 60;
print_to_stream("00"sv, stream);
print_to_stream(':', stream);
print_to_stream(static_cast<unsigned int>(mins), stream, 2_sz);
template <typename Char>
inline void print_to_stream(const toml::date_time& val, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
print_to_stream(, stream);
print_to_stream('T', stream);
print_to_stream(val.time, stream);
if (val.offset)
print_to_stream(*val.offset, stream);
template <typename T, typename Char>
void print_to_stream_with_escapes(T && str, std::basic_ostream<Char>& stream)
static_assert(sizeof(Char) == 1);
for (auto c : str)
if TOML_UNLIKELY(c >= '\x00' && c <= '\x1F')
print_to_stream(low_character_escape_table[c], stream);
else if TOML_UNLIKELY(c == '\x7F')
print_to_stream("\\u007F"sv, stream);
else if TOML_UNLIKELY(c == '"')
print_to_stream("\\\""sv, stream);
else if TOML_UNLIKELY(c == '\\')
print_to_stream("\\\\"sv, stream);
print_to_stream(c, stream);
/// \brief Prints a source_position to a stream.
/// \detail \cpp
/// auto tbl = toml::parse("bar = 42"sv);
/// std::cout << "The value for 'bar' was found on "sv
/// << tbl.get("bar")->source().begin()
/// << "\n";
/// \ecpp
/// \out
/// The value for 'bar' was found on line 1, column 7
/// \eout
/// \tparam Char The output stream's underlying character type. Must be 1 byte in size.
/// \param lhs The stream.
/// \param rhs The source_position.
/// \returns The input stream.
template <typename Char>
inline std::basic_ostream<Char>& operator << (std::basic_ostream<Char>& lhs, const source_position& rhs)
sizeof(Char) == 1,
"The stream's underlying character type must be 1 byte in size."
impl::print_to_stream("line "sv, lhs);
impl::print_to_stream(rhs.line, lhs);
impl::print_to_stream(", column "sv, lhs);
impl::print_to_stream(rhs.column, lhs);
return lhs;
/// \brief Prints a source_region to a stream.
/// \detail \cpp
/// auto tbl = toml::parse("bar = 42", "config.toml");
/// std::cout << "The value for 'bar' was found on "sv
/// << tbl.get("bar")->source()
/// << "\n";
/// \ecpp
/// \out
/// The value for 'bar' was found on line 1, column 7 of 'config.toml'
/// \eout
/// \tparam Char The output stream's underlying character type. Must be 1 byte in size.
/// \param lhs The stream.
/// \param rhs The source_position.
/// \returns The input stream.
template <typename Char>
inline std::basic_ostream<Char>& operator << (std::basic_ostream<Char>& lhs, const source_region& rhs)
sizeof(Char) == 1,
"The stream's underlying character type must be 1 byte in size."
lhs << rhs.begin;
if (rhs.path)
impl::print_to_stream(" of '"sv, lhs);
impl::print_to_stream(*rhs.path, lhs);
impl::print_to_stream('\'', lhs);
return lhs;
#if !defined(DOXYGEN) && !TOML_HEADER_ONLY
extern template TOML_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const source_position&);
extern template TOML_API std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const source_region&);